Prayer for the Glorification of Fr. Mermier

God of Goodness and Love,

we thank you for all the graces

you have given to Fr. Peter Mary Mermier,

renovator of the Pastoral Missions,

Founder of the Missionaries, of St. Fancis de Sales,

and with Mother Caludine Echernier,

of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod.

You willed that he be a Missionary

who was totally imbued

with the spirituality of St.Francis de Sales.

His only aim in life

was to seek to know your will

and to accomplish it, with love and devotion,

in humility, serenity and confidence.

You made him a zealous, ardent and untiring apostle,

whose sole desire was to make your name known and loved

in the farthest parts of the earth.

Grant us the grace

to live in fidelity, to the apostolic demands of our baptism,

and like him, to be in our surroundings,

great-hearted apostles,

missionaries ready and willing to sacrifice our lives

to announce to the world

that your are the God of Love and Mercy.

We implore you to grant us the special grace

we ask you now…………..,

and we pray you, to glorify your faithful servant, in your Church.

We ask this of you in utter trust

through Jesus Christ, Our Lord,

and through Mary, His Mother and our Mother. Amen.