Novena in Honour of Our Founder 


Click on each of the headings below to see the contents


On behalf of Very Rev. Fr. Abraham Vettuvelil MSFS, Superior General, the General Curia and Fr. Wilson Abraham the Co-Director of DSM, I very sincerely thank and appreciate Fr. Jijo Manjackal, for sharing insightful reflections to celebrate the Novena 2024 in honour of our Founder, Fr Peter Mermier, the Servant of God. Fr. Jijo has served the South-West-India province in various capacities. He sends everyday very inspiring ‘Reflection Capsule for the Day’ and recently he has been the Vice-Principal of St Francis de Sales College and Principal of SFS Evening College, Bangalore. At present he is preparing himself as he is designated to pursue Licentiate in Sacred Scripture from Biblicum, Rome. We wish him the very best.  

May God continue to bless us through the intercession of our Founder.

Fr. Naveen Nirmal MSFS 

The Director of DSM, Hyderabad

12 Songs with Lyrics and 12 Audios, based on the theme of each day are prepared by Fr. Wilson Abraham MSFS 





We live in a highly sophisticated, complicated, and materialistic world.

Religious Life seems to be losing its sheen...

Priestly Life seems to be diluting towards irrelevance...

Consecrated Life seems to be heading towards insignificance...

Pessimism has vultured in.

Duplicity is highly on the increase.

Lukewarmness has become a norm.

Disloyalty has gained greater heights.


Where do we as a Missionary of St Francis de Sales stand?


What is my relevance today as an MSFS?

Is my life today as an MSFS merely reduced to just a worldly profession?

Is my life today as an MSFS just a means for me to achieve my personal goals?

Is my life today as an MSFS helping me to grow in my personal and universal sanctification?


The answers are purely left to us! 

They will remain unquestioned, unchallenged and unrefuted.


But deep down in the castle of our conscience...

Do I sense that somehow there can be more to life, as an MSFS?

Do I realize that there is some vacuum in me, to be an authentic MSFS?

Do I consider that I can contribute much more to the society and the Church as an MSFS?

Do I feel torn between a "sense of wanting to do" and a "sense of unable to do" as an MSFS?


We are all need of THE "RE EFFECT!”



What is RE? 

The word "RE"... etymologically comes from the word-forming element, meaning "back to the original place. It means "again", "anew", "once more," along with a sense of "undoing".



We need a REvival in our Priestly Life.

We need a REstoration of our charism and spirituality.

We need a REfreshment in our commitment as a Consecrated.

We need a REnewal in our vows of belonging to God completely.


Yes, we need THE "RE EFFECT - Revive! Restore! Refresh! Renew!



We are ten days away from the Celebration of our Founder's Day.


Our Founder Fr Peter Mary Mermier... somehow languishes in the shadow, most of the days except this time of the year.

Through the year, a few of us pray the prayer for his glorification.

Through the year, a few of us glance at his statue or picture.

Through the year, a few of us quote his sayings or stories.

Through the year, a few of us think about him.

Through the year, a few of us invoke his help.



To many of us perhaps… He is a forgotten founder.

To many of us perhaps… He has a poor personality.

To many of us perhaps… He is an unpopular persona. To many of us perhaps… He is an uninspiring leader.


Maybe these thoughts are totally wrong. 

Maybe these feelings are totally meaningless.

If so, thanks be to God!


But if, in the corridors of our hearts, we feel, that yes, he indeed is a forgotten founder or a poor personality or an Unpopular persona or an uninspiring leader, then...

We need the "RE EFFECT"...

We need to REvive, we need to REstore, we need to REfresh, we need to REnew!



Fr Mermier maybe still some more time away from official canonization. We leave that to the plan and will of God.


But the question is...

Is he a Saint for me, in my heart?

Do I really treasure my Congregation, the MSFS as a family to which I belong?


Am I proud to belong to the glorious family which follows the spirituality of the giant saint - St Francis de Sales?



Let us embark on a journey to grow in our fondness and liking for our Founder and our Congregation.

Not many of us know about him. 

Not many of us are aware of his zeal. 

Not many of us read him.


Let us pray these ten days in preparation of our Founders Day, for a greater "RE EFFECT" in our Beloved Congregation.


Yes, we can! With the Grace of God… and with our own deeper interest!


Lets enthuse our life as an MSFS with THE "RE EFFECT" - Revive! Restore! Refresh! Renew!



Mary, Mother of Compassion and of the MSFS  pray for us! 

St Francis de Sales, pray for us

Fr Peter Marie Mermier, intercede for us! 


God Bless! Live Jesus! 

Introductory Song, with audio

Listen to the AUDIO click here

Verse 1: In a world so complex, where faith seems to fade,
We seek your guidance, in the path you laid.
Father Mermier, your spirit so bright,
Lead us to truth, through the darkest night.


Revive us, restore us, refresh us anew,
Renew our hearts, in all that we do.
With your love and your grace, we stand tall,
Father Mermier, we heed your call.

Verse 2: In times of doubt, when hope seems lost,
Your life reminds us, of the ultimate cost.
To live with purpose, to serve with love,
Guided by faith, from heaven above.


Revive us, restore us, refresh us anew,
Renew our hearts, in all that we do.
With your love and your grace, we stand tall,
Father Mermier, we heed your call.

Verse 3: As we prepare, for Founder’s Day,
We honor your legacy, in every way.
Though often forgotten, your spirit remains,
In our hearts, your love sustains.


Revive us, restore us, refresh us anew,
Renew our hearts, in all that we do.
With your love and your grace, we stand tall,
Father Mermier, we heed your call.


The Re-Effect - Preparation for the Founders' Day - DAY ONE The Birth of the Child  


Fr Mermier had been born and brought up in a tough life-situation. Born at Vouray in Savoy, on 28th August 1790, he grew up in a terror-filled situation. 


The dread of the French Revolution had filled the air of the tiny French hamlet of Savoy. 

Li'l Mermier saw the closing of the Church and the school of Chaumont...  

The belfry pulled down, the bells destroyed, and the presbytery deserted.  

He heard the nation's devastation, of priests arrested, imprisoned, and sent to penal servitude.


But the saying is true..."God writes straight with crooked lines". 

Situations of panic and fright became an opportunity for God to instill a fervent love in the heart of Little Mermier!  


His pious parents Francois Mermier and Antionette Bastia risked their lives and property by welcoming the priests.

Li'l Mermier also had the rare privilege of assisting at the Mass celebrated secretly in the house.  


The lively faith and the love of God of his mother, made a lasting impression on Mermier.


Mermier would say later, '"I owe my vocation to the holiness of my mother.”


The infancy and childhood of our Dear Founder reminds us of a few things:

Have I preserved my childhood innocence and grown in love and dependence on the Lord, as a child? Maybe we have lost some aspects of it.

Can we still seek to REVIVE?


Do I believe that even the terrorising situations and the faith-rocking moments in life can be a means for God to mould and shape me?

Maybe, we need a RESTORATION?


Am I able to learn from the faith and piety of other people and draw inspiration from them? Maybe, my faith needs to be REFRESHED?


Can I transform hard and painful realities of life into opportunities for God to effect His grace deeper in me?

Maybe, I need to be RENEWED?


Let us enhance the “RE EFFECT in our lives! 

REVIVE the love for the Lord! 

RESTORE the spirit of the Missions! 

REFRESH the knowledge of the Founder! 

RENEW the zeal for souls!




Lord God, as we begin this Novena, we reflect on the early life of Fr. Peter Marie Mermier, who found Your grace amidst hardship. Help us to revive our innocence, restore our spirit through trials, refresh our faith through inspiration, and renew our zeal for Your mission.


Guide us to see Your hand in every challenge and to grow in love and commitment as Fr. Mermier did. Through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Compassion, may we deepen our devotion and carry forward the spirit of our Founder. We ask this through Christ our Lord Amen. 



Mary, Mother of Compassion and of the MSFS, pray for us! 

St Francis de Sales, pray for us!

Fr Peter Marie Mermier, intercede for us! 


God Bless! Live Jesus! 

Day-1: Song with Audio (Birth of the Child)

Listen to the AUDIO click here

Verse 1: In the heart of Savoy, a child was born,
Amidst the terror, amidst the storm.
Little Mermier, with faith so bright,
Held on tight, through darkest night.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 2: Churches closed, and bells were gone,
Priests in hiding, faith carried on.
In secret Mass, he found his call,
Through his mother’s love, he gave his all.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 3: Innocence lost, yet hope remains,
Through God’s love, we break our chains.
Inspired by faith, from those before,
We seek to serve, we seek to soar.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.


Li'l Mermier had his primary education by his beloved Mother. 

We can well imagine that it would have been a beautiful blend of formal education and practical   teachings of live and love!


A firm and rock-solid foundation was slowly but surely being laid, for the Future Founder!  


In 1800 peace returned to Savoy.  Since then, he pursued his high schooling from Melan. 

He showed early signs of his greatness, by being an excellent student & a model of virtues.  


A true student seeks to excel both in the book and in the wisdom of the heart!  


In 1807, the boy Mermier, was received at the Major Seminary of Chambery. 

Popularly, it's said, that the Seven Traits of a Highly Effective Seminarian are Holiness, Cheerfulness, Hard Work, Sacrifice, spirit of a Warrior, Humility and Discipline!


As a seminarian, Peter Mermier displayed a great share of all these Effective Traits...

He was a top-ranked student, fervent at prayer, a hard-worker and had a thoughtful regard for his fellow students.  


The life of our Dear Founder as a young man and as a seminarian reminds us of a few things:  


Have I cultivated and nurtured the skills, talents and gifts that have been showered by God. None of us can deny that we are not blessed. Talents need not always be some showy, flashy or popular but anything which helps make life beautiful is one!

Can we REVIVE our dormant abilities?  


Do I merely remain as an encyclopaedia of bookish knowledge and theoretical jargons but fail to translate them to actual life situations and practicalities? Maybe we need to RESTORE this area of our life?


Have I lost the initial zeal and enthusiasm of a seminarian and have settled into the "lethargic" zone, slowly snuffing out the fire of the Gospel?

Can I REFRESH my zeal and love of my vocation?


Do I place the virtues of the Gospel with high esteem in my life and do I make daily and consistent efforts to cultivate and grow in them? 

Can I RENEW myself to lead not just a good life, but also a virtuous life?  



Let us augment the "RE" EFFECT in our lives! 

REVIVE the zeal for the Kingdom! 

RESTORE the authenticity of our Life! 

REFRESH the power of Love of God! 

RENEW the clarion call to be a Saint! 




Lord God, as we reflect on the youth and seminary years of Fr. Peter Marie Mermier, we see how his foundation was built on both learning and virtue. Help us to revive our hidden talents, restore the application of our knowledge in real life, refresh our zeal for our vocation, and renew our commitment to living a virtuous life.


Inspire us to follow Fr. Mermier's example of dedication and holiness. May we, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Compassion, strive to augment the “RE” EFFECT in our lives and grow in our love for You. We ask this through Christ our Lord Amen. 



Mary, Mother of Compassion and of the MSFS, pray for us! 

St Francis de Sales, pray for us!

Fr Peter Marie Mermier, intercede for us! 


God Bless! Live Jesus!  

Day-2 Song with Audio (AS A YOUTH AND SEMINARIAN)

Listen to the Audio click here 

Verse 1: In his mother’s arms, young Mermier learned,
Life’s lessons of love, where faith brightly burned.
A foundation so strong, for all to see,
In the heart of Savoy, his destiny.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 2: Peace returned, and he sought to grow,
In Melan’s halls, his virtues did show.
A student of wisdom, both heart and mind,
In Chambery’s seminary, his path defined.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 3: Have we nurtured the gifts that God bestowed?
In talents hidden, His love is showed.
Can we revive our dormant skills,
Restore our lives, with His will?


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.


After two decades, three years and six months of life...a Priest according to the order of Melchizedek, with a heart in accord with Christ and the purity of Blessed Mother Mary, was ordained - Fr Peter Mary Mermier, in the year 1813 in March.


A Priest is to be faithful to God's calling and to keep responding to His vocation every day of his life.  


The young Priest was appointed assistant parish priest at Magland, a countryside parish in April.  A perfect community life, pleasant harmony & an enthusiastic fervour characterised this young priest.                 

He was also a tireless worker.

He was an ever-learner. At night, he would devote long hours to study theology and scripture. He was so extraordinary in this pursuit that his parish priest ended up telling in a lighter vein, "I will not let you use up all my candles!"


In 1816, Fr. Mermier was transferred to the residential school of Melan. He loved children, taught them, and helped poor children financially. He displayed the strong Salesian Character of Firm Gentleness in dealing with the school children. 


The life of our Dear Founder as a Priest reminds us of a few things:  


Do I listen to God's voice in discerning His voice in the various situations and events of my life and be proud to be a Priest of God? The one who has called us, will always be faithful to us... and I need to respond to Him with the same faithfulness.

Can we REVIVE our priestly life and cast off any elements of lethargy and casualness that has in anyway crept into our consecrated way of life?


Am I able to be in good relation with my community members, my superiors and even the coworkers and helpers of my mission and do away with barriers of language, caste, race, colour and culture? We need to fast realise that some of these stumbling blocks has in the past and even in the present has shattered and broken many communities and congregations.  Can we RESTORE the true spirit of a community life?


What is my attitude to learning, gaining knowledge, and picking up skills which will benefit me in my mission and ministry?  A priest ought to be a person competent in many fields especially in the Bible, Spirituality, Church Teachings, Canon Law and even affairs of the society. The world advances rapidly. As a priest, we can't afford to be slow like a tortoise or ignorant like an owl or lazy like a hippo in this area of updating ourselves...! 

Can we REFRESH ourselves in this area?


Do I display an fervent interest in my mission and the works entrusted to me? A contagious enthusiasm and an excited passion for God and His Mission ought to be exhibited in my life as a priest. 

Can we RENEW this fervour and ardour?


Let us boost the "RE" EFFECT in our lives!

REVIVE our enthusiasm as a Priest! 

RESTORE the interest in our missions!

REFRESH the zeal for knowledge! 

RENEW the life in our communities!





Heavenly Father, as we reflect on the priestly life of Fr. Peter Marie Mermier, we are inspired by his faithfulness, dedication, and love for learning. Help us to revive our priestly zeal, restore the true spirit of community, refresh our commitment to continuous learning, and renew our passion for the mission You have entrusted to us.


Through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Compassion, may we live our priestly vocation with fervour and faithfulness, always striving to serve You and Your people with a heart full of love. We ask this through Christ our Lord Amen. 



Mary, Mother of Compassion and of the MSFS, pray for us! 

St Francis de Sales, pray for us!

Fr Peter Marie Mermier, intercede for us! 


God Bless! Live Jesus!  

Day-3: Song with Audio (AS A PRIEST)

Listen to the Audio click here 

Verse 1: Two decades and more, a journey so grand,
Ordained as a priest, by God’s own hand.
With a heart pure and true, like Mary so bright,
Fr. Mermier shone, in the Lord’s holy light.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 2: In Magland he served, with fervor and cheer,
A tireless worker, to all he was dear.
By night he would study, theology deep,
With candles burning, his promises to keep.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 3: Do we hear God’s voice, in our daily strife?
Are we faithful priests, in our consecrated life?
Can we revive our zeal, and cast off the old,
Restore our community, with hearts bold?


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.


The year 1821. The Parish of Le Chatelard, in the Archdiocese of Chambery. 

Two fervent and austere priests spent a week in praying, preaching inviting people for a Mission Service.

But the parishioners remained indifferent. There was an air of unwelcome apathy. 


It was a choice for the two priests to make a choice of continuing preaching or "shake off the dust"! 


"When the world says, "Give up," hope whispers, 'Try it one more time.' "


They set out, in imitation of their Master, to the foot of the mountains to pray for the conversion of people.

"They have gone to pray & fast for your conversion" was the reply the curious parishioners received on inquiry of their whereabouts.


Grace had worked... ntercession had proved powerful!  

The two saints were called back, and the mission in the Parish resumed with much deep fervour and enthusiasm!

The two missionaries were Fr Peter Mary Mermier and his Missions Companion, Fr Joseph Favre.


Fr Mermier, the missionary would have many incidents in his life to experience the power and presence of the Spirit in the missions. 


Problems love to haunt missionaries...but Providence lures them to depend on Him for relief!


When the early companions began to leave him, with much agony and yet an unshakeable hope and resolve, Fr Mermier declared, ".... I will remain all alone. But my resolution is unshakeable as also my desires. I want missions. 


Nothing can shake a Missionary who is firmly grounded on Jesus, the Rock and has eyes gazed on the Jesus, the Crucified!  


The life of our Dear Founder as a Missionary reminds us of a few things:  


Do I have a burning fire and a ardent zeal for the Missions? Fr Mermier would say, "If we wish to enkindle the divine fire of love in the hearts of people, it is necessary that before all else, our heart should burn with these divine ardours!"  

Can we REVIVE the blaze of pure zeal and the flames of mission commitment?


Am I able to discover the value of true prayer? The modern world often discards fasting, doing penance, making sacrifices & undergoing mortification as baseless. But the Church, with her long tradition of saints and our own Founding fathers have shown its timeless efficacy and relevance. Can we RESTORE the spirit of mortification, self-control, and sacrifices for the good of our missions?


Have I realized the power of Intercessory Prayer? To be much for God, we must be much with God. Jeremiah was a sobbing saint. Jesus wept! So did Paul. So did many saints. So did our Founder. Tearful intercessors behind the scenes are often the strength of many successes in the ministry of God!

Can we REFRESH ourselves in this aspect of prayer?


Do I unreservedly & wholeheartedly be faithful to my call as a Holy Priest &a Saintly Missionary?

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail.

Shall we RENEW our first love to God & constantly pledge lifelong faithfulness to Him?


Let us increase the "RE" EFFECT in our lives!

REVIVE our fascination for prayer life! 

RESTORE our longing for the missions!

REFRESH our energy for sacrifices! 

RENEW our devotedness to our calling!





Lord God, inspired by the missionary zeal of Fr. Peter Marie Mermier, we come before You with hearts full of hope and commitment. Revive in us a burning passion for Your missions, restore our spirit of prayer, fasting, and sacrifice, and refresh our devotion to intercessory prayer. Renew our resolve to be faithful to our calling, no matter the challenges we face.


May we always be grounded in You, Jesus, our Rock, and never waver in our mission to spread Your love and light to the world. Through Christ our Lord Amen. 



Mary, Mother of Compassion and of the MSFS, pray for us! 

St Francis de Sales, pray for us!

Fr Peter Marie Mermier, intercede for us! 


God Bless! Live Jesus!  

Day-4: Song with Audio (AS A MISSIONARY)

Listen to the Audio click here 

Verse 1: In the year of 1821, in Le Chatelard’s land,
Two priests prayed and preached, with hope in their hand.
Though hearts were cold, and welcomes thin,
They chose to pray, for grace to begin.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 2: To the mountains they went, with fasting and prayer,
For the souls of the parish, with tender care.
Grace worked wonders, intercession strong,
The mission resumed, with fervor and song.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 3: Do we burn with zeal, for missions so grand?
Can we revive the fire, with God’s guiding hand?
Restore the spirit, of sacrifice and prayer,
Refresh our hearts, with love and care.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.


"No hope of approval. The Rule will not even be examined".


Cardinal Ostini, in-charge of dealing with canonical approval of the Congregations, told this bluntly to Fr Peter Mermier, who had embarked the gates of Rome in October 1842.  


This statement came as a lightning bolt to Fr Mermier who went with great hopes for the approval of the Congregation! 

Was this the end of the road? Why was Providence denying and delaying?  


Without losing heart, Fr Mermier spoke of all the parish missions and all the good that was being done in the Diocese of Savoy.  


Heaven was impressed!  

Not by mere words, but much more by the humility and simplicity of this fervent Founder. 

The patronage for the Congregation sought under St Francis de Sales further enhanced the captivation.


The Cardinal quickly discovered in Fr Mermier, a True Apostle, inspired by unfailing faith and a glowing zeal.


A month later, came the good news that the Cardinal had approved having the Rules and Constitutions to be examined.


In another half year, the Constitutions of the Congregation of the Missionaries of St Francis de Sales. which had came into canonical existence on the 24th October, 1838, was given approval.


It was providential that St Francis de Sales was chosen as the Patron of the Congregation.  


Bishop Rey had given a clear explanation of the vocation as MSFS, "Yours is a triple task: to study St Francis de Sales, to imitate His virtues, to make his method of helping people your own - extreme gentleness with poor sinners.... Together with gentleness, have a strong zeal against vice!"



The life of our Dear Founder in his efforts to 'Found' the Congregation reminds us of a few things:  


Do I face the storms of life with a deep trust in the Providence of God? Fr Mermier would enshrine the qualities of true missionary - a vocation that is faithful, a complete disinterestedness in everything, a total abandonment to the designs of divine Providence and a total and absolute renunciation of one’s self-will, only to seek and will what Jesus Christ wishes from us by way of obedience.

Can we REVIVE our faith and trust in Divine Providence?


Do I easily call it "quits" when I face rejection or denial, especially by my superiors or confreres? The malady of Individualism has fractured many communities and broken many missions. One needs to rise above one's personal agenda and comfort zones to place highest priority on what God wants. Through delays and denials, God tests the tenacity of our faith.  Let our Founder's words ring in us, "We do much in doing little, when and where God wants!"

Can we RESTORE our love for the virtue of obedience?  


What is my knowledge and love for the Constitutions? God speaks to us through our Constitutions. They are our daily challenge. Following them with creative fidelity, graceful exactness, unconditional generosity, spiritual joy and humble obedience will keep us on the path of holiness and communion. 

Can we REFRESH our daily reading and practicing of the Constitutions?


What is my devotion and fondness for St Francis De Sales and his spirituality? We have an exceptional model and patron in St Francis de Sales. He is, a precious treasure, perhaps yet undiscovered my most of us. His spirituality can be an answer to many of the modern-day spiritual crisis. His approach and style can be the solution to many post-modern social catastrophes. Shall we RENEW our reading, knowing, and practicing of St Francis de Sales and his Spirituality?



Let us amplify the "RE" EFFECT in our lives!

REVIVE our dependence on Divine Providence! 

RESTORE our fidelity to obedience!

REFRESH our nourishment from the Constitutions! 

RENEW our love for St Francis de Sales!





Heavenly Father, as we reflect on the perseverance and faith of Fr. Peter Marie Mermier in the face of rejection and delay, we ask for the grace to trust in Your Divine Providence. Revive our faith and trust in Your plans, restore our love for the virtue of obedience, refresh our commitment to live by our Constitutions, and renew our devotion to St. Francis de Sales and his spirituality.


May we, like our Founder, remain steadfast in our mission, relying on Your guidance and strength. We make this prayer, through Christ our Lord Amen! 



Mary, Mother of Compassion and of the MSFS, pray for us! 

St Francis de Sales, pray for us!

Fr Peter Marie Mermier, intercede for us! 


God Bless! Live Jesus! 

Day-5: Song with Audio (AS A FOUNDER)

Listen to the Audio click here 

Verse 1: To Rome he went in the year 1842,
With hopes so high, on approval bent.
Though words were harsh, the road seemed closed,
Fr. Mermier’s faith, in God, he chose.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 2: He spoke of missions, of hearts he’d won,
With humility and faith, his work begun.
The Cardinal saw, a zeal so bright,
Approved the rules, in Heaven’s sight.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 3: Do we trust in God, when storms arise?
Can we revive our faith, and lift our eyes?
Restore our love, for obedience true,
Refresh our hearts, in all we do.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.


The newly founded Congregation of the MSFS did immense services to the diocese of Savoy and particularly to that of Annecy. 

During the lifetime of Fr. Mermier, the MSFS with the support of diocesan priests preached 573 missions in 226 besides numerous retreats and similar exercises.   

Fr. Mermier considered the vocation as a Missionary of St Francis de Sales something beautiful, challenging, demanding total surrender to the divine providence and an absolute renunciation of self-will.

In 1845, the Holy See entrusted the Visakhapatnam Mission which then comprised of nearly one third of India to the MSFS. The first batch of missionaries reached Pondicherry on 8th September 1845 and ever since, the MSFS have generously and powerfully contributed to the development of the church in India.

By 1856, Fr Mermier sensed another need in the Diocese of Annecy which made him to cater to another form of apostolate - the Education Ministry. The prospects of training professors for schools in the missions in India and the hope of promoting vocations encouraged the founder to accept taking up schools. Fr. Mermier insisted on constantly reviewing educational problems, having a constant and affectionate presence among children, and opening the hearts and minds of children to the presence of God. 

The life of our Dear Founder as in his efforts to Stabilize the Congregation reminds us of a few things:  

What is my zeal and passion in carrying out my functions as a Priest? A Priest has some exclusive privileges which no one else in the whole world is blessed with...handling the Body and Blood the Lord of the Universe, conferring life-saving sacraments, proclaiming with authority the lifetransforming Word etc. 

Can we REVIVE our enthusiasm in these areas of our priestly ministries?

How pleased and proud am I, as a member of this great Congregation of the MSFS? We have a wonderful history of the MSFS especially in India… though much of it is unrecorded or unnoticed. We have many pioneers in various fields of mission works, evangelization efforts and path-breaking endeavours. We also have gems of creativity and talents which sometimes go hidden, sometimes remain unexplored, sometimes remain unchallenged, sometimes remain dormant and sometimes not given an opportunity to be exhibited.

Can we RESTORE our love for the Congregation and exhibit our God-given talents and gifts for the glory of God?

What is my attitude and approach in the areas of teaching and preaching? Our Patrons words appear often on our various school magazines - “The Education of the Heart is the heart of education". We need to truly focus our ministry of preaching and teaching on not just building secular successes but much more on moulding and shaping characters and personalities who remain zealous for the upliftment of society, the nation and of life itself!

Can we REFRESH our spirit towards this noble and gracious task?

Is my life as a Priest and a Missionary characterized by the little Salesian Virtues? Humility, Simplicity, Gentleness, Optimism and Cheerfulness ought to be lavishly experienced by those who come in touch with us. Sometimes, some priests are complained of being too rude, arrogant, boastful and unapproachable. Sometimes, some priests are complained of being over-friendly, over-social and "crossing the limits" of decorum and decency of a priest. We need to draw the line, by being in Salesian moderation and limitation.

Shall we RENEW our efforts towards this aspect?


Let us magnify the "RE" EFFECT in our lives!

REVIVE our commitment to our Priesthood!  RESTORE our self-worth of being an MSFS!

REFRESH our zeal as a Slave of the Word!  RENEW our longing for Holiness!




Heavenly Father, as we reflect on the life and efforts of Fr. Peter Marie Mermier in stabilizing the MSFS Congregation, we ask for the grace to embrace our priestly vocation with renewed zeal. Revive our enthusiasm for the sacred duties entrusted to us, restore our love and pride in being members of this great Congregation, refresh our spirit in teaching and preaching, and renew our commitment to living out the Salesian virtues of humility, simplicity, and gentleness.


May we, like our Founder, surrender fully to Your Divine Providence, dedicating ourselves to the mission of shaping hearts and minds for Your greater glory. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord Amen.



Mary, Mother of Compassion and of the MSFS, pray for us! 

St Francis de Sales, pray for us!

Fr Peter Marie Mermier, intercede for us! 


God Bless! Live Jesus!


Listen to the Audio click here 

Verse 1: In Savoy and Annecy, the missions did grow,
With fervent hearts, their faith did show.
573 missions, with zeal so bright,
Fr. Mermier led, in God’s holy light.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 2: To Visakhapatnam, the call was clear,
MSFS missionaries, with hearts sincere.
From Pondicherry’s shores, they spread God’s word,
In India’s land, their voices heard.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 3: Do we cherish our call, as priests of God?
Handling His Body, His path we trod.
Can we revive our zeal, in sacred rites,
Restore our love, for holy lights?


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.


“To be where God wants us, to do the work which God demands from each one, to suffer the pains which He sends us, to obey the one He is pleased to place over us, is indeed genuine wisdom.  

Such was the way of our Lord Jesus Christ.  

This is our vocation.”

These words of Fr Mermier was very much lived by him. 

Between 1828 and 1857 Fr. Mermier himself conducted ninety missions.  

Despite his old age Fr. Mermier took over the Parish of Pougny as priest-in-charge on 26 June 1857.

Fr Mermier considered that as priests, the more we are raised in honour before God and before humans, the more the duties which this sublime dignity imposes on us are serious and important. 

He deemed sermon as the chief means of proclaiming the word of God

He adopted carefully prepared simple preaching. 

With much faith and conviction, like St Francis de Sales, he adopted a fatherly tone of voice marked with a kindly understanding of sinners.  

His answer to the Church's wretchedness was to proclaim in simple and popular language the Gospel of God's love.  

In the community, He guided the missionaries to live a life of pleasing and kindly charity in their apostolic ministry and daily relationship. 

The fruit and success of ministry depended almost entirely on prayer and good example.  

Fr Mermier accorded devotion to Our Lady of Seven Sorrows to be an eminent Salesian devotion. He consistently used the title "Our Lady of Compassion" and used to set apart a full day during parish missions in Her honour.

The life of our Dear Founder as in his Old Age reminds us of a few things:  

What is my attitude to pioneer and take up newer challenges of mission life? In Fr Mermier's words, "We can be better nowhere else than in the arms of His Divine Will". The modern world dares our mission life with hard challenges. We need to brave this challenge with an even greater determination, daunting courage united with the Will of God. 

Can we REVIVE and preserve our zeal for new missions?

How is my enthusiasm in preparing to preach the Word of God? Every priest is called to be a Slave of the Gospel. Many times, many of us, tend to depend solely on ready-made and readily available stuff, without any serious personal reflection. We are inclined to trust in our words and methods and style more, rather than realising the fact, that a Sermon gets really effective and transformative, only when the Spirit of God, the true Author of the Word, inspires and moves and touches hearts.

Can we RESTORE our attitude to prepare well for the preaching of the Word of God.  

How is my life in the Community? A community can either become the greatest blessing or the worst curse! The true strength of a peaceful community living consists in genuine prayer life, sharing of one's concerns, true openness and a lavish dose of encouragement and mutual support. Our communities need to become families which radiate the Love of Christ, like the Early Church communities.

Can we REFRESH our love and care in our communities?

What is my level of devotion to Blessed Mother Mary, especially to Her seven sorrows? As an MSFS, all of us have made our vows, entrusting ourselves to the care of our Compassionate Mamma. She is to be the Woman every priest loves! She is to be the Refuge every Priest takes shelter! She is to be the Purity every Priest needs to imitate... Can we RENEW our efforts to grow in the love of our Beloved Mamma and progressively become more compassionate like Her?


Let us expand the "RE" EFFECT in our lives!

REVIVE our fervour for pioneering efforts !  

RESTORE our joy to preach the Word of Life!

REFRESH our communitarian sparkle!  

RENEW our tenderness to our Mamma!




Heavenly Father, as we reflect on the perseverance and devotion of Fr. Peter Marie Mermier in his old age, we ask for the grace to emulate his steadfast commitment to Your will. Revive our zeal for pioneering new missions, restore our dedication to preparing and preaching Your Word with sincerity and depth, refresh our love and care within our communities, and renew our devotion to Our Blessed Mother, especially in her Seven Sorrows.


May we, like our Founder, embrace the challenges of our vocation with courage and faith, always trusting in Your Divine Will. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.



Mary, Mother of Compassion and of the MSFS, pray for us! 

St Francis de Sales, pray for us!

Fr Peter Marie Mermier, intercede for us! 


God Bless! Live Jesus!

Day-7: Song with Audio (IN HIS OLD AGE)

Listen to the Audio click here 

Verse 1: In his old age, with wisdom so grand,
Fr. Mermier stood, with God’s guiding hand.
Ninety missions, with fervor and grace,
In Pougny he served, in his rightful place.

Chorus: Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 2: With sermons simple, yet filled with might,
He preached God’s love, in the darkest night.
A fatherly tone, with kindness and care,
He touched many hearts, everywhere.

Chorus: Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 3: Do we take up new challenges with zest?
Can we revive our mission, give our best?
Restore our joy, in preaching the Word,
Refresh our spirits, in love assured.

Chorus: Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.


By 1858, Fr Peter Mermier gradually entered the "High Noon" of his life.  

His last years were a time of purification and edification. He fell seriously sick in Pougny & was taken to La Feuillette. His eyesight & thinking capacity weakened. 

In his words, "Sicknesses has the benefit of detaching us from created things. Kissing crosses brings healing; they become soft, and one learns to love them”. Those who looked at him were moved to pity or lost in admiration. 

For no matter how great the sickness, the patient's courage and resignation were greater still.  

As he was a little better, he took up a pilgrimage to Our Lady of La Salette in July 1859. What he expected from this pilgrimage was not an improvement in his condition, but a more complete conformity with God's will. Mermier admired Mother Mary much - "Mary taught me to be a different man - humbler, gentler, more mortified, more retiring, more religious! The Blessed Virgin practically forced me & continues to force me, to be entirely hers!"

Fr Mermier suffered a fierce attack on June 6, 1860, and became fully blind. Blindness deprived him of the comfort of going to the altar. It was a big trial for someone who had said, "I have never suffered distractions during Mass and used to enjoy great consolations".

He, however, did go to Communion each day.

Fr. Mermier had a fall on 10th August 1862. He suffered a double fracture of his leg. His condition grew worse. He received the sacrament of the sick on 29th September and fell asleep in the Lord in the morning on 30th September 1862.

The life of our Dear Founder in his last phase of life reminds us of a few things:  

What is my outlook towards illnesses and sicknesses? Fr Mermier reminds us that "Illnesses are a blessing from God to all who endure them in a spirit of sacrifice and love". A priest needs to become aware of the sacrificial and vicarious value of pains and sufferings in life...  

Can we REVIVE our understanding of afflictions and agony in life, as being part of God's permissive will?

Am I growing daily in my love for our Blessed Mamma? In our modern world, devotion to Mother Mary alternates between an excess and extreme form of piety and superstition and an outright protestant style of according any devotion and affection for Her. Mamma Mary is our model disciple, a zealous missionary, and a faithful observer of a consecrated life!...  

Can we RESTORE our deeper affection and commitment to Her, who will teach us to be a better MSFS?


What is my zeal and enthusiasm for the Holy Eucharist? Every priest ought to be a Priest of the Eucharist. The Eucharist should take absolute primacy for any Priest in any situation and any age and in any part of the world! Faithfulness to the celebration of the Holy Mass and spending time with the Eucharist is the surest and the safest insurance of every Priest!...

Can we REFRESH our loving and fondness for the Eucharist, the Source and Summit of Christian life?

Am I at ease with the reality of Death? Every day of one's life is one step ahead to one's death. Some of us to accept this harsh reality in a true spirit, and while away our time in silly trifles and ridiculous pastimes. A true understanding of the reality of death, will make us realise the shortness of this life, and the need to live it beautifully well for God and our fellow beings...  

Shall we RENEW our efforts in this area of our life?

Let us spread out the "RE" EFFECT in our lives!

REVIVE our acceptance of sufferings in life!

RESTORE the love of Mamma Mary!

REFRESH the glory of the Eucharist!  RENEW the purpose of life!




Loving Father, as we contemplate the final years of Fr. Peter Mermier’s life, we ask for the grace to embrace our own trials and sufferings with the same courage and resignation he displayed. Help us to revive our understanding of afflictions as part of Your permissive will, and to find healing and peace in surrendering to Your divine plan.


Restore within us a deeper affection and commitment to our Blessed Mother Mary, who leads us closer to You with her gentle guidance. Refresh our zeal for the Holy Eucharist, recognizing it as the Source and Summit of our lives, and renew our awareness of life’s purpose, preparing us for the eternal joy that awaits us in Your presence. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen.



Mary, Mother of Compassion and of the MSFS, pray for us! 

St Francis de Sales, pray for us!

Fr Peter Marie Mermier, intercede for us! 


God Bless! Live Jesus! 

Day-8: Song with Audio (AT HIS DEATH)

Listen to the Audio click here 

Verse 1: In his twilight years, with faith so strong,
Fr. Mermier faced trials, yet carried on.
With sickness and pain, his spirit soared,
In God’s will, his heart adored.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 2: To La Salette, he made his way,
Seeking God’s will, each and every day.
Mary’s love, his guiding star,
In her embrace, he traveled far.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 3: Do we see God’s hand in our pain?
Can we revive our trust, in His reign?
Restore our love, for Mary so dear,
Refresh our hearts, with faith sincere.


Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.


In 1903, the MSFS Mother House at Annecy, along with the tombs of our Holy Founder, Fr Peter Mermier and the other early missionaries, was taken over and became the property of the state.  

About six decades later, the state authorities, while digging at   the site of the old mother house, found the tombs of Fr. Mermier and other early MSFS confreres. 

It is said that when the grave of Fr. Mermier was opened in the presence of the ecclesiastical and civil authorities, his body was incorrupt, with even the vestments intact.

Soon the mortal remains of the Venerable Founder and the other holy men were transferred to the new house on 24th October, 1960. The process of glorification of Fr. Peter Mermier has already begun and as the first step towards it he has been declared as a "Servant of God".

The life of our Dear Founder as a Servant of God reminds us of a few things:  

What is my attitude to the heritage and contribution of the MSFS and her early missionaries? Every congregation, every community, and every individual ought to take a holy pride in the works and contributions that one makes to the society. It's not about parading our's not about blowing the trumpet of our good works! This pride is an acknowledgement of the Power and Grace of God in our lives. The MSFS have contributed much. A lot of it remains undocumented, a lot of it perhaps has been lost & a lot of it stays silent. But as members of this family, we ought to be thankful for all what the Lord accomplishes through us - little or big! This positive approach will help us to work with much more passion for the Kingdom of God....

Can we REVIVE our self-worth as a Congregation and as an individual MSFS?

How greatly do I hold in prestige our Beloved Founder? The life of Fr Mermier often remains in the shadow. Ignorance could be a factor. Lack of sensationalism could be another. Lack of support of historical documents and literature on his works and writings could be another. But beyond all this, with the little we know, as an MSFS, we ought to love and cherish our Founder, for all that He has initiated and supported in his efforts for a Mission Congregation. It is through him, that we have been blessed with an Amazing Patron in St Francis de Sales. It is through Him that God has called each one of us "to be His Own" and "to work for His Kingdom".

Can we RESTORE our devotion and honour in a deeper way to our Holy Founder?

What is my own zeal to grow in holiness and to be a saint? The vocation of every Christian is to be HOLY. As a personal who has taken up Consecration to God freely and in a voluntary manner, we have an even greater obligation to strive for Holiness. "we consecrate our whole life joyfully to the service of God and His Kingdom, and become a living witness to the world that GOD ALONE SUFFICES" (Const. #49). Our Modern Saint and much-loved Pope , St John Paul II would strengthen us, "Be not afraid to be the Saints of the New Millennia!"  

Can we REFRESH our longings and aspirations to be better human being and pursue in holiness and perfection?

Am I a "praying agent" of the Congregation? The patron of Priests, St John Vianney says, "Prayer is the inner bath of love into which the soul plunges itself." Fr Mermier himself would say, "The ministry of a priest without prayer, is a barren ministry, without any effect, even harmful; it is a ministry of death! Instead of enlightening, it blinds; instead of healing, it kills! But the ministry of the one who prays, is a ministry of life!". We ought to pray...pray for the world, pray for the people in our missions, pray for our own confreres....  

Shall we RENEW our efforts to be a Prayer Warrior?


Let us extend the "RE" EFFECT in our lives!

REVIVE our love for the MSFS!  

RESTORE the honour due to our Founder!

REFRESH our run towards holiness!  

RENEW our ministry of prayer!





Loving Father, as we honour Fr. Peter Mermier, now a "Servant of God," grant us the grace to appreciate and celebrate the heritage and contributions of our Congregation. Revive our love and respect for our Founder, restoring our devotion to him and inspiring us to cherish his legacy.


Refresh our desire for holiness and deepen our commitment to prayer. Renew our dedication to being vigilant prayer warriors, recognizing the vital role of prayer in our mission. Through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Compassion, and St. Francis de Sales, guide us to live with compassion and zeal. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen.



Mary, Mother of Compassion and of the MSFS, pray for us! 

St Francis de Sales, pray for us!

Fr Peter Marie Mermier, intercede for us! 


God Bless! Live Jesus!  

Day-9: Song with Audio (AS A SERVANT OF GOD)

Listen to the Audio click here 

Verse 1: In Annecy’s heart, the tombs were found,
Fr. Mermier’s body, with grace, was crowned.
Incorrupt and pure, his vestments bright,
A Servant of God, in Heaven’s light.

Chorus: Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 2: Transferred with honor, to a new home,
His legacy lives, wherever we roam.
Declared a Servant, by God’s own hand,
His spirit guides, in every land.

Chorus: Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 3: Do we cherish our Founder, with hearts so true?
Can we revive our zeal, in all we do?
Restore our honor, for his holy name,
Refresh our spirits, in love’s pure flame.

Chorus: Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.


Our ministry demands that we offer ourselves to the people, to the society, like other St Francis de Sales, totally disinterested, burning with zeal for the salvation of people, full of compassion at the sight of the evils which make the people desolate, without amusing ourselves to lose our time in useless oratory, with a legitimate mission, an irreproachable doctrine, and above all, a good life!


 - The words of our Beloved Founder, Servant of God, Fr Peter Mary Mermier.



We have come to the conclusion of our short journey through the life of Fr Mermier, our Founder.


We are on the eve of the Founder's Day - a day cherished by all of us, a day set apart to celebrate our life as an MSFS and to thank the Lord for his marvels and graces.


We have much to thank God.

We have much to encourage each other.



The Founder's Day acts as that day in which we take some extra time to ponder a little more on our vocation, to reflect a little deeper on the worth of my life and to consider a little more on the original spirit of our Congregation.



We have a Holy Vocation...

As a human being, to supply to the growth of the society.

As a citizen of the nation, to build up and serve the country.

As a Christian, to follow the teachings and path of Jesus, our Master.

As a Catholic, to uphold and promote and love our Holy Mother Church.

As a Consecrated Person, to witness to God's love by a fervent living of the vows.

As a Missionary of St Francis de Sales, to radiate God's goodness in a Fransalian style.



The challenges are plenty. The odds are often against. The reward is often never obtained.



Let's not go lax. Let's not be dispirited.

Let's not become lazy. Let's not become pessimistic.


It is being Faithful.

It is being true to one's call.

It is making our life a beautiful one for God and His people!

It is being convinced of belonging to God and to Him alone!

It is taking up the Cross even if one has to cry, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?!” (Mk 15:34)



Let us cultivate a deeper love for the priesthood.

Let us nurture a genuine affection for our Crucified Lord

Let us grow in our love for Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist.

Let us build our intimacy with Mamma Mary, our Beloved Strength.

Let us know and like and live more the Spirit of St Francis de Sales.

Let us cherish the life and works of Fr Mermier, our Founder.

Let us appreciate each other more in the Congregation.

Let us build our self-worth and esteem as an MSFS!




Let's make the "RE" EFFECT a REALITY in our lives!



Mary - Mother of Compassion and Mother of the MSFS… Pray for us!

St Francis de Sales, our beloved Patron… Pray for us!

Fr Peter Mary Mermier, our Courageous Founder… Pray for us!


Wish you a very Blessed and Happy Founder's Day!


God Bless! Live Jesus!

CONCLUSION (Song with Audio)

Listen to the Audio click here 

Verse 1: As we gather here, with hearts so bright,
To celebrate our Founder, in God’s light.
With zeal and compassion, we stand tall,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we give our all.

Chorus: Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 2: Our ministry calls, to serve and to heal,
With a mission so pure, and hearts that feel.
In the spirit of Sales, we strive each day,
To spread God’s love, in every way.

Chorus: Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 3: As humans, we grow, in society’s light,
As citizens, we build, with all our might.
As Christians, we follow, Jesus’ way,
As Catholics, we uphold, our faith each day.

Chorus: Revive our hearts, restore our way,
Refresh our faith, renew today.
With love and grace, we seek Your light,
In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.


Listen to the Audio click here 

(To greet each other on the occasion of the Death Anniversary of our beloved Founder, Father Peter Mermier, on 30th September)

Verse 1: On this special day, we gather near,
To honor our Founder, with hearts sincere.
Fr. Mermier’s legacy, shining so bright,
Guides us in faith, through day and night.

Chorus: Happy Founder’s Day, we sing with cheer,
  Revive our hearts, year after year.
  With love and grace, we seek Your light,
  In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 2: In missions and prayers, his spirit lives on,
In every good deed, his love is drawn.
With zeal and compassion, we follow his way,
Serving the Lord, each and every day.

Chorus: Happy Founder’s Day, we sing with cheer,
  Revive our hearts, year after year.
  With love and grace, we seek Your light,
  In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

Verse 3: As we greet each other, with joy and grace,
We remember his life, in every place.
With faith renewed, and hearts so pure,
We honor our Founder, forevermore.

Chorus: Happy Founder’s Day, we sing with cheer,
  Revive our hearts, year after year.
  With love and grace, we seek Your light,
  In Fr. Mermier’s name, we stand upright.

HYMN TO FR. MERMIER   (Song with Audio)

To listen to the Audio click here


In the heart of Savoy, in a time of strife,
Born in Geneva, a beacon of light,
Peter Mermier, with faith so strong,
Witnessed the courage, where he belonged.

Chorus:          Oh, Father Mermier, your spirit so bright,
Guided by faith, through the darkest night,
With love and devotion, you answered the call,
A shepherd of souls, inspiring us all.

Through revolution’s storm, churches closed tight,
His mother taught him, in the dim candlelight,
When peace returned, he sought the divine,
In Chambéry’s halls, his heart did shine (Chorus….)

Though so young, he directed souls,
But missions called, they filled his soul,
Two congregations were born from his dream,
M.S.F.S and the Sisters of the Cross. (Chorus….)