Prayer Service on the Founder's day

Theme: "Living the Legacy of Father Peter Mermier:

A Life of Mission, Humility, and Faith"


Here’s an outline for the one-hour prayer service on Founder's Day, integrating elements from the life of Father Peter Mermier incorporating moments of reflection, prayer, and Scripture, allowing participants to connect with Father Mermier’s legacy and be inspired to continue his mission in their own lives. (This prayer service prepared by Fr. Wilson Abraham MSFS, is designed to introduce and celebrate Father Mermier, our founder, in the presence of religious members from various congregations.)


1. Welcome and Opening Prayer

Leader:  "Dear friends and fellow religious. Today, we gather to celebrate the legacy of our beloved founder, Father Peter Mermier, on this special Founder's Day. We are blessed to have with us members of various religious congregations, each walking the path of faith and service, united in our mission to spread the love of God.

Let us begin this prayer service by inviting the Holy Spirit into our hearts, to guide us as we reflect on the life and virtues of Father Mermier."

(All make the sign of the cross.)

Leader:  "Almighty God, we thank You for the gift of Father Peter Mermier, a humble servant whose life reflected Your love and mercy. As we come together today to honour his memory, may his spirit inspire us to live out our own vocations with zeal, humility, and faith. We ask for Your guidance and grace as we reflect on his life and the mission You have entrusted to us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen."


(Opening hymn: “Come Holy Spirit” or any suitable hymn invoking the Holy Spirit.)


2. Introduction to Father Peter Mermier

"Father Peter Mermier, born in 1790 in Savoy, France, lived in a time of great upheaval, shaped by the aftermath of the French Revolution. His early life was deeply influenced by his devout mother, Catherine Mermier, whose unwavering faith instilled in him a profound love for God and the Church.

Mermier responded to the challenges of his time by dedicating himself to missionary work, focusing on revitalizing parishes through missions. His love for the Word of God, his dedication to the sacraments, and his compassion for the poor and marginalized defined his ministry. In 1838, he founded the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales, which continues to spread the Gospel today, particularly in rural and distant areas.

Mermier’s legacy is one of humility, perseverance, and missionary zeal. He was inspired by the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales, adopting a gentle and loving approach to pastoral care, always seeking to lead others to a deeper relationship with God. His work was not confined to France; in 1845, he sent the first MSFS missionaries to India, expanding his vision of spreading God’s love across the world."


3. Scripture Reading

Suggested reading: Matthew 28:16-20, The Great Commission. (You may select any other passage that reflects Fr. Mermier’s missionary zeal and dedication to service.)

Reader:  "A reading from the Gospel of Matthew:

‘Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”’

"The Gospel of the Lord."

Response:  "Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ."


4. Reflection on Father Mermier’s Virtues

Leader:  "Let us now reflect on some of the key virtues that defined Father Mermier’s life, and how we can embody them in our own vocations."

a)   Love for the Word of God:  Father Mermier believed that Scripture was the foundation of all his work. He meditated daily on the Word, letting it guide his actions and decisions. How can we deepen our own love for the Scriptures and allow them to transform our lives?

b)   Commitment to the Sacraments:  Father Mermier’s life was centered around the Eucharist and Reconciliation. He believed that these sacraments were the means through which the faithful could encounter God's love and mercy. How can we prioritize the sacraments in our ministries, ensuring that they are accessible to the people we serve?

c)   Zeal for Missions:  Father Mermier’s heart burned with a desire to bring souls to God. His vision for parish missions and foreign evangelization was rooted in his belief that every person should experience the love of Christ. What is our mission today? How can we extend our work to the neglected and marginalized?

d)   Humility and Simplicity:  Father Mermier was a man of profound humility, never seeking recognition for himself. He saw himself as a servant, striving only to do God’s will. His life was marked by simplicity, both in his lifestyle and in his approach to ministry. How can we cultivate humility in our own work, focusing not on personal success but on the mission of serving others?

e)   Perseverance in Adversity:  Throughout his life, Father Mermier faced many challenges—financial difficulties, opposition from authorities, and the struggles of the Indian mission. Yet, he never gave up, always trusting in God’s providence. What challenges do we face in our own missions, and how can we remain faithful and persevere through difficulties?

f)    Compassion for the Poor and Marginalized:  Father Mermier had a special love for the poor, the uneducated, and those neglected by society. His work with the Daughters of the Cross was focused on providing education and spiritual care to young women from impoverished backgrounds. How can we show the same compassion in our work, ensuring that the most vulnerable are always at the heart of our ministry?

g)   Obedience to God’s Will:  Mermier’s entire life was an exercise in discerning and following the will of God. He constantly sought to align his actions with what God wanted, even when it led him to unexpected paths, such as sending missionaries to India. How can we listen more attentively to God’s voice in our lives and respond with trust and obedience, no matter where He leads us?

h)    Fostering Community and Brotherhood:  Father Mermier believed strongly in the importance of community. He founded the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales to bring together like-minded priests who would support one another in their missions. His sense of brotherhood extended not only to his fellow missionaries but to all whom he encountered. How can we nurture a deeper sense of community in our congregations, fostering love and support for one another?

(Pause for silent reflection for a minute.)


5. Intercessions

Leader:  "With hearts filled with gratitude for the life and example of Father Mermier, let us bring our prayers before the Lord."

Response: "Lord, hear our prayer."

1. "For the Church, that it may continue to follow the example of Father Peter Mermier in spreading the Gospel with love, humility, and zeal. We pray to the Lord…" 

Response: "Lord, hear our prayer."

2. "For the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales, that they may continue to carry forward the legacy of their founder, reaching the farthest corners of the world with the message of Christ. We pray to the Lord…" 

Response: "Lord, hear our prayer."

3. "For all religious communities, that they may work together in unity, spreading the light of Christ through service, education, and pastoral care. We pray to the Lord…" 

Response: "Lord, hear our prayer."

4. "For the poor, the marginalized, and those in need, that they may encounter the love and compassion of Christ through the work of missionaries and religious. We pray to the Lord…" 

Response: "Lord, hear our prayer."

5. "For each of us gathered here, that we may be inspired by Father Mermier’s example to live out our own vocations with humility, love, and perseverance. We pray to the Lord…" 

Response: "Lord, hear our prayer."


6. Hymn

(Suggested hymn: "Here I Am, Lord" or another hymn related to missionary work.)


7. Moment of Silence and Personal Reflection

(Invite the participants to spend a few minutes in silent prayer, reflecting on how they can incorporate Father Mermier’s virtues into their own lives. and at this time, may say the prayer for the Glorification of Fr. Mermier)


8. Concluding Prayer and Blessing

Leader:  "Almighty God, we thank You for the life of Father Peter Mermier, whose faith, humility, and missionary spirit continue to inspire us today. As we go forth from this place, may we carry with us the lessons we have learned from his life, striving always to serve You and to spread Your love to all we meet. Bless us and guide us in our work, that we may remain faithful to our calling and glorify You in all that we do. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen."

(Final blessing and dismissal.)

9. Closing Hymn:

A hymn in honour of our founder like Mermier's day Song or any suitable hymn for sending forth. 

You can find many hymns in honour of our founder are on this page:  

Prayer for the Glorification of Fr. Mermier

God of Goodness and Love,

we thank you for all the graces

you have given to Fr. Peter Mary Mermier,

renovator of the Pastoral Missions,

Founder of the Missionaries, of St. Fancis de Sales,

and with Mother Caludine Echernier,

of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod.

You willed that he be a Missionary

who was totally imbued

with the spirituality of St.Francis de Sales.

His only aim in life

was to seek to know your will

and to accomplish it, with love and devotion,

in humility, serenity and confidence.

You made him a zealous, ardent and untiring apostle,

whose sole desire was to make your name known and loved

in the farthest parts of the earth.

Grant us the grace

to live in fidelity, to the apostolic demands of our baptism,

and like him, to be in our surroundings,

great-hearted apostles,

missionaries ready and willing to sacrifice our lives

to announce to the world

that your are the God of Love and Mercy.

We implore you to grant us the special grace

we ask you now…………..,

and we pray you, to glorify your faithful servant, in your Church.

We ask this of you in utter trust

through Jesus Christ, Our Lord,

and through Mary, His Mother and our Mother. Amen.