A Skit about Fr.Mermier

Title: "The Legacy of Fr. Peter Mermier: A Life of Mission and Love"

Prepared by  Fr. Wilson Abraham MSFS (September 2024)

Duration: 30 minutes  



Scene 1: The Call to Mission (Savoie, 1821)

(Stage Setup: A small French village with a modest parish. The church is in the background, and villagers go about their daily work, seemingly indifferent to religious practices. A few villagers are talking about how they no longer attend church. You may project this photo)

Narrator (Voice-over)"At the dawn of the 19th century, the Catholic faith in France was in crisis. The aftermath of the French Revolution left people indifferent to religion. In the small region of Savoie, a young priest, Fr. Peter Mermier, arrived determined to reawaken the faith."

(Fr. Mermier enters, walking through the village with a determined yet compassionate expression. He sees the disinterest of the villagers and stops to speak with Fr. Joseph-Marie Favre, a fellow priest.)

Fr. Mermier:  "Fr. Favre, look at the state of our people. They no longer seek the Church, and their hearts have grown cold. What can we do?"

Fr. Favre:  "The people are lost, Fr. Mermier. But we must not despair. We must bring them back through the power of the parish mission—preaching, confession, and most importantly, love."

Fr. Mermier (nodding)"Yes, we shall not simply preach to them but pray for them. Let us retreat to the mountains to fast and pray for their conversion."

(Mermier and Favre walk offstage, symbolizing their retreat to the mountains for prayer. In their absence, villagers begin to discuss their absence and the spiritual void they feel. After a short while, Mermier and Favre return.)

Villager 1:  "I have heard the priests went into the mountains to fast for us. Could it be that they truly care for our souls?"

Villager 2:  "They do. Perhaps we should attend the mission."

(The church bells ring as Mermier and Favre begin their parish mission. The villagers come to the church, and Mermier preaches with deep emotion.)

Fr. Mermier:  "Brothers and sisters, God calls you back to His heart. His love is boundless, His mercy endless. Come, let us repent and renew our faith."

(The villagers are moved by his words. Some begin to cry and approach for confession. The mission is a success.)

Narrator (Voice-over):  "This was the beginning of Fr. Mermier’s great mission work. Through prayer, fasting, and love, he brought the people of Savoie back to God. But Mermier’s vision extended far beyond one village—he dreamed of founding a congregation that would spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth."

Scene 2: Founding the MSFS (Annecy, 1838)

(Stage Setup: A simple room where Mermier sits with a few priests. They are discussing the need for a formal missionary congregation. Bishop Thiollaz is present, listening intently.)

Narrator (Voice-over):  "By 1838, Fr. Mermier had spent years revitalizing faith in Savoie through parish missions. Yet, he knew that his work required more than individual effort. He needed a congregation of priests dedicated to the mission of spreading God’s love."

Fr. Mermier:  "My brothers, the Church is in need of missionaries. The people in the countryside are spiritually abandoned, and our missions must continue. We need an organized congregation that can take up this work. I propose we form the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales, to follow the example of the saint who was filled with gentleness and zeal for souls."

Bishop Thiollaz:  "Your vision is inspired, Fr. Mermier. I give you my blessing. Let the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales go forth and spread the Gospel with love and humility."

Priest 1:  "How will we begin, Fr. Mermier?"

Fr. Mermier:  "First, we will continue our parish missions, but we will also dedicate ourselves to education. Through schools, we will teach not just the catechism but also train young people in virtue. Our congregation will be grounded in both pastoral care and education."

Narrator (Voice-over):  "And so, the MSFS was born, a congregation dedicated to missions and education. Mermier’s dream was becoming a reality, but his work was far from over. He saw the need to care for those most neglected—young girls from poor families who had no place to turn."

Scene 3: The Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod (1838)

(Stage Setup: A small gathering of women in a modest house. Claudine Echernier stands with Fr. Mermier, discussing the needs of young women.)

Narrator (Voice-over):  "During his missions, Fr. Mermier encountered many young girls from impoverished families who could neither marry nor enter convents due to lack of wealth. His heart was moved to do something for them."

Claudine Echernier:  "Fr. Mermier, these young women want to serve God, but they have no means to join religious life. What can be done for them?"

Fr. Mermier:  "We shall found a congregation where they can live a life of prayer, service, and community, without the need for a dowry. They will be the Daughters of the Cross, dedicated to teaching, nursing, and caring for the poor."

Claudine Echernier:  "That is a beautiful vision, Father. We will serve God with all we have."

(The women, now inspired, begin discussing plans for their congregation.)

Narrator (Voice-over):  "Thus, the Daughters of the Cross was formed, a congregation that would dedicate itself to the education of young girls and the care of the needy. Fr. Mermier’s vision for service extended to those who were often overlooked, and his compassion laid the foundation for this new community." 

Scene 4: The Indian Mission (1845)

(Stage Setup: A dock scene, representing the departure of missionaries. The first MSFS missionaries—Fr. Martin and Fr. Neyret—are preparing to leave for India.)

Narrator (Voice-over):  "Fr. Mermier’s vision for the MSFS was never confined to France. He believed that the Gospel must reach distant lands. In 1845, he sent the first missionaries to India—a bold and dangerous mission."

Fr. Mermier:  "Brothers, the Lord calls us to bring His love to the people of India. You are embarking on a difficult journey, but remember, you carry with you the heart of our congregation—gentleness, humility, and zeal. Go with courage, and trust in God."

Fr. Martin:  "We will, Fr. Mermier. We will bring the light of Christ to those who have never heard His name."

Fr. Neyret:  "Our work will not be easy, but with God’s grace, we will succeed."

(The missionaries wave goodbye and board the ship. The stage transitions to India, where they are welcomed by local villagers.)

(The missionaries wave goodbye and board the ship. The stage transitions to India, where they are welcomed by local villagers.)

Indian Villager 1:  "Welcome, Fathers. We have heard of your message and wish to know more."

Fr. Martin:  "We come in the name of Jesus Christ, to serve you and bring you His love."

Narrator (Voice-over):  "Despite language barriers, illness, and harsh conditions, the missionaries persevered. Their work in India became one of the greatest successes of the MSFS, fulfilling Fr. Mermier’s vision for global missions."

Scene 5: Final Years and Lasting  Legacy (1862)

(Stage Setup: Fr. Mermier, now elderly and frail, sits in a chair surrounded by MSFS missionaries. They are eager to hear his final words of wisdom.)

Narrator (Voice-over):  "By 1862, Fr. Mermier’s health was failing, but his spirit remained strong. His legacy was already secure, with the MSFS flourishing in France and India. In his final years, he continued to guide his congregation with the same zeal and love that had defined his life."

Fr. Mermier:  "My dear brothers, the work of our congregation is not yet finished. You must carry on, going wherever God calls you, bringing His love to the lost and forgotten. Remember, we are missionaries of love, following the spirit of St. Francis de Sales. Serve with humility, and trust in God’s providence."

Missionary 2:  "Father, we will continue your mission, just as you have taught us."

Narrator (Voice-over):  "Fr. Mermier passed away on September 30, 1862, but his legacy lives on through the work of the MSFS and the Daughters of the Cross. His life of faith, humility, and missionary zeal continues to inspire missionaries and faithful alike."


Curtain Call:

(The cast comes forward, bows, and exits as the narrator gives the final words.)

Narrator (final words):  "Today, we honour the legacy of Fr. Peter Mermier—a man who dedicated his life to serving others and spreading the Gospel to the farthest corners of the earth. May his example continue to guide us as we follow in his footsteps, bringing the love of God to all."

End of Drama

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