At the core of the foundational apostolates of the MSFS is the ministry of renewal of faith. The cry of Fr Mermier's heart "I want Missions" in post-French revolutionary period of indifference to and neglect of faith, preaching of parish missions became the first and basic foundational apostolate of the MSFS. What justifies MSFS to take up parochial ministries or Parishes is the desire to augment the parochial sacramental ministry with programs and plans of renewal of faith of the people in and through a local MSFS religious community.
Mermerian Parish Mission Preaching teams is the call of the 19th General Chapter 2013 which the Congregation is in the process of implementation. MSFS parish mission preaching draws its inspiration, content and methodology from the way Fr Mermier conducted parish preaching missions adapted to our times marked with signs of indifference due to the onslaught of secularism, individualism and relativism of the modern world. A number of individual confreres are engaged in retreat preaching and animations of priests, religious and lay-people as part of the apostolate of missions.
Institutes of Spirituality and Retreat Centres are outstanding in some of our Provinces as a commitment to the apostolate of Missions. These institutes are centers of excellence, professionalism, and profundity of spiritual direction and formation. The Retreat Centres are vibrant spaces for spiritual and faith renewal for priests, religious and the laity.
Frontier pioneering missions and evangelization especially missions abroad was the natural growth process of the Founder who gave the clarion call for Missions when he said: I want Missions. The frontier missions of MSFS in 8 countries of Africa and Papua New Guinea during the last 25 years is the continuation of the legacy of missionary courage and daring of Fr Mermier, our Founder.
The 4 paragraphs are taken from the Website of the Fransalians
Parish Mission Preaching (PMP) Manual-II
This manual is a book of 152 pages, containing the notes prepared by the MSFS Confreres, who are the Members of the PMP and the Retreat Preaching Teams, in view of assisting the preparations of the Talks for the PMP Sessions.
Please click here to download the manual