Complete Works of SFS

Annecy Edition:  27 Volumes (in French)

Original name in French:  "Oeuvres de St. Francois de Sales"

VOLUMES:  01  |  02  |  03  |  04  |  05  |  06  |  07  |  08  |  09  |  10  |  11  |  12  |  13  |  14  |  15  |  16  |  17  |  18  |  19  | 20  |  21  |  22  |  23  |  24  |  25  |  26  |  27  =  A   B   C   D  

(Click on the Volume Numbers to open the PDF)

22 Study Documents 

>> Click here to go to 22 documents (in French)

The books known under the name of "Edition d'Annecy" (Annecy Edition - Witten as OEA) are the most complete edition of the Works of SFS published by the Visitation Sisters of Annecy with the help of Dom B. MACKEY. OSB, based on autograph and original documents. It comprises 26 volumes published between 1892 and 1932. A 27th volume containing Tables and Indexes was published in 1964. Year of Publication mentioned at the end of each title shown below. 

1. Volume I: Les Controverses Publié en 1892

(The Catholic Controversy)


2. Volume II: Défense de l’Étendard de la Croix Publié en 1892

(On the Defense of the Cross)


3. Volume III: L’Introduction à la Vie Dévote Publié en 1893

(The Introduction to the Devout Life)


4. Volumes IV & V (2 volumes): Le Traité de l’Amour de Dieu Publiés en 1894

(Treatise on the Love of God)


5. Volume VI: Les Entretiens Spirituels Publié en 1895

(The Spiritual Conférences of St. Francis de Sales)


6. Volumes VII to X (4 volumes): Les Sermons Publiés entre 1896 et 1900

(The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales)


7.   Volumes XI to XXI (11 volumes): Les Lettres Publiés entre 1900 et 1923

(The Letters of St. Francis de Sales)


8. Volume XXII: Opuscules (I et II) Publié en 1925

(Miscellaneous Parts I&II)


9.   Volume XXIII: Opuscules (Partie III) Publié en 1928.

(Miscellaneous Part III)


10. Volume XXIV Opuscules III (suite) Publié en 1929.

(Miscellaneous Part III Continued)


11. Volume XXV: Visitation. Publié en 1931.

(Some of the collections on the Visitation)


12. Volume XXVI: Ascetique et mystique Publié en 1932.

(On Asceticism and Mysticism)


13. A Volume XXVII: Publié en 1964

(With Tables and Indexes - 27, 27A, 27B, 27C, 27D )

Excerpt from the Presentation of the Complete Works

"In 1892,  Dom Benedict  Mackey  O.S.B., canon of the Newport Cathedral Church, in a vast introduction presented to the public the edition of the complete works of­St. Francis of Sales, which annecy's Visitation had just charged. In 1963, it was another son of Saint Benedict, a Cistercian this time, Dom Marie-Alphonse Denis, who put the end of this grandiose undertaking by publishing the Tables that will make easy use of it. Happy coincidence, but not coincidental, because it took self-sacrifice, selfless sense of work, patient scholarship, which were always one of the characteristics of the monastic tradition, to carry out such work.

The 26th Volume of Annecy's edition was published in 1932. We will have waited more than thirty years for all those around the world who admire the Salesian spirit and live to varying degrees, to finally have an instrument of work, a real common thread through the enormous labyrinth of the complete works of the saint! »

Father Jean Gayet (1921-2008), oblate of St. Francis de Sales, is a specialist in Salesian thought.  A member of several Savoy scholarly societies and of the Association of Salesian Research and Studies, he has also photographed and put on several CDs, portraits, landscapes, stained glass windows, statues of saints and Salesian places. His last work was to digitize, in one CD, the 27 volumes of the complete works of St. Francis de Sales of the great edition of the Visitation of Annecy, a work appreciable and much appreciated by all.

Books  |  Quotes   |  27 Volumes   | Pictures   | Videos  |  Audio Books  | Articles   | Prayers