Life of SFS in Pictures

Language in visuals and pictures is irresistible. It speaks what words cannot. This Pictorial Biography of SFS is published in preparation of 175 years of the Founding of the MSFS Congregation in 1838, and it is published mainly for the use of our students in the schools run by the Missionaries of St. Francis De Sales, to familiarize themselves with his life, works and virtues. Fransalians run over one hundred schools in India, Africa and Europe and almost 100,000 children are students of these schools. Most of these schools of the Fransalians are named after Saint Francis de Sales, their patron and model from whom they draw inspiration and strength.

Imagery was a powerful tool that SFS used to communicate profound spiritual truths. Therefore, a Pictorial Biographical Sketch is a fitting addition to a host of publications on St Francis de Sales. It will whet our appetite to read more on SFS.

It is the desire and endeavour of the Fransalian Education Forum (FEF-R) which conceived the idea of printing and instrumental in the publishing this book that every student and stake holder of our educational institutions learn and come to know about the life of Saint Francis de Sales, who is known as the gentleman saint who lived in the sixteenth century. This great saint is known for his virtues such as gentleness, humility, simplicity, patience etc.

Saint Francis de Sales is a saint for our times and relevant for the modem society. For him knowledge was the eighth sacrament. He was a philosopher, writer and a spiritual gum who guided and led people to God and told us to love every human being. This booklet will help the readers to follow his simplicity and imitate the virtues which Saint Francis dc Sales preached and practiced, and he invites us to do the same.

Table of Contents

  1. Francis' birth and first years

  2. At school

  3. First Communion and Tonsure

  4. The years at Paris

  5. At the university of Padua

  6. Return to Savoy. His father's plans for him

  7. Vocation to the Priesthood

  8. Francis is appointed Provost. First sermons

  9. His mission to the Protestants of the Chablais

  10. In the fortress of Allinges

  11. Dangers and failures

  12. Francis turns to writing

  13. Further difficulties and efforts by Francis

  14. First successes

  15. Relations with the Protestant ministers

  16. Francis celebrates Midnight Mass at Thonon

  17. The Forty Hours in honour of the Blessed Sacrament

  18. Francis is appointed Coadjutor to Bishop Granier

  19. His Journey to Paris and his preaching there

  20. He becomes Bishop of Geneva

  21. The kindness and simplicity of the new Bishop

  22. His love for children. How he teaches catechism

  23. Pastoral visitation

  24. Bishop dc Sales meets Madame dc Chantal at Dijon

  25. He writes the " Introduction to the Devout Life "

  26. His growing reputation and fame

  27. The Foundation of the Visitation Convent

  28. The Rules for the new Congregation

  29. Misunderstandings and difficulties

  30. Conversion of the Marshal of Lesdiguieres

  31. Another journey to Paris. His fame as a preacher

  32. Return to Annecy. His brother made Coadjutor

  33. Francis' last journeys

  34. His death and the honours paid him by the Church

  35. Francis, model of the love of God

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