Life of SFS: Vol-1

From Birth to Consecration

Translated from the Itlian of Peter Hyacinth Calletia

Gallizia, Pier Giacinto, d. 1737

Table of Contents


  1. Of the ancestors, country, parent?, birth, and early education of St. Francis do Sales

  2. Early studies of St. Francis

  3. Ho receives the clerical tonsure, and is sent to pursue his studies at Paris

  4. His arrival and sojourn in Paris. His return

  5. Returns to Savoy. Is sent to Padua

  6. Assaults on his innocence by his fellow students

  7. His illness and recovery. Promoted to the doctorate. Goes to Rome

  8. Visits Loreto. Returns home

  9. His arrival at Home. Visits the Bishop of Geneva. Matrimonialplans. Declares his vocation to the priesthood

  10. Declares his vocation. Opposition to it. Obtains consent


  1. His ordination. His first sermons, and their fruit

  2. Founds the Congregation of the Holy Cross

  3. Calumniesagainst the Saint

  4. Origin of the mission of the Chablais. Fran cis resolves to undertake it

  5. Francis surmounts all obstacles and sets out for the Chablais

  6. His arrival and first efforts in the Chablais

  7. His first entrance into Thonon

  8. Prevents a duel. A conference. Its results

  9. Conversion of a gentleman. Francis writes on the mysteries of religion

  10. Dangers to which the Saint was exposed

  11. Francis establishes himself at Thonon

  12. Francis proposes a conference. The ministers agree, and then evade it. Conversion and death of one of them

  13. Conversion of Poncet, and of the Baron D Avulle, Calumnies of the heretics con futed by the Saint

  14. Sentiments of Francis under calumny. Receives consolation from God, and congratu lations from men

  15. Death of the Baron of Hermance. His suc cessor. The Duke of Savoy calls Francis to Turin

  16. Papal Brief, ordering Francis to confer vrith Beza. Hisjourney to Rome

  17. Francis in communication with the Duke and his council

  18. Francis takes leave of his Highness, and returns to the Chablais. Regains possession of the Church of Saint Hyppolitus

  19. The Saint receives an answer from the Duke. Writes several tracts. Conversion of the first Syndic, & c.

  20. Arrival of troops. Francisgoes to Chambery 277

  21. Francis visits Beza in Geneva

  22. Francis consults the Pope withregard to Beza

  23. Good deeds of the Saint in Geneva. Is chal lenged to a conference by the Ministers Conversion of one of them, &c.

  24. Continuation of the Mission. Francis writes in defence of the Holy Cross

  25. He goes to Moriano. His illness recovery devotes himself to servo the pestiferous. Returns to Thonon

  26. Quarant’ ore in Thonon. Arrival of the Dtike and of Cardinal di Midi

  27. Francis before the privy council

  28. The decrees carried into effect. Conversions in consequence. Labours of St. Francis of Sales continued

  29. Departure of the Duke. Francis goes to Sales. Proposed for the Coadjutorship of Geneva. Accepts it by obedience. Dangerous illness. Prepares to go to Rome

  30. (continued)

  31. His journey to Rome

  32. S. Francis is favourably received by the Pope, and examined for the Bishopric

  33. Of the friendships which he formed in Rome. He returns to Piedmont by way of Loreto

  34. Opposition of the Knights of SS. Maurice and Lazarus

  35. Foundation of the Holy House at Thonon - 387

  36. Continued labours of St. Francis War in Savoy

  37. (continued)

  38. Peace restored. He preaches the Lent at Annecy. Death of his father. A short sketch of him

  39. Expulsion of the heretical assailants from the Chablais. Francis goes to Paris

  40. St. Francis of Sales in Paris. He preaches before theking. Funeral oration on the Duke de Mercoeur

  41. (continued)

  42. His intimacy with several holy persons. Contributes to the introduction of the Discalced Carmelites into France. Is calumniated to the king

  43. (Continued)

  44. His return to Savoy. Death of Monsignor Granier

For the Books III & IV, see Volume-2


  1. Of his exterior deportment and dress

  2. Of his servants, and of the government of his household

  3. Of the reception of the Bishop s visitors

  4. Of Meals

  5. Of Almsgiving

  6. For Festival days

  7. Regulations for the interior. Of Study and Prayer

  8. Of the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice

  9. On Confession and works of Penance

  10. Of his annual retreats

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