Saint Francis de Sales

Author: Michael Muller


Visakhapatnam Bangalore,

Distributors: Asian Trading Corporation, 150,

Brigade Road, Bangalore-560 026

St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622), a celebrated author of spiritual classics, Doctor of the Church and director of souls, inspires every one hungering after perfection. His extensive knowledge of theology, philosophy, law and literature equipped him suitably to convey his message, uniquely Salesian and thoroughly Christian. It brims over above all with hope, humanness optimism: all that the modern world is passionately after.

Dr. Müller, after long study and research succeeded in bringing out this book, one of the most systematic and comprehensive works on the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales. Based on the original texts of St. Francis de Sales and the best available sources, he expounds the Salesian doctrine, that Christian perfection consists in pure love and union with God. The perennial and universal value of St, Francis' maxim : "Let everything you do be done in love" is very well highlighted. Scholarly in nature and rich in content, the present work is to be recommended to theologians, spiritual directors, retreat preachers and all interested in Salesian Spirituality.

Table of Contents

Introduction to the life and work of St. Francis de Sales

Part I: The Theology of the Salesian Ideal

1. God’s Plan

2. Union With God

3. Original Sin

Part II: Two Characteristics of Salesian Religious Life

1. Optimism and Joy

a) Optimism and Pessimism in Religion

b) Humility and Confidence

c) Religious Significance of Joy

2. Personal Life and Social Position

a) The “Individual Ideal of perfection”

B) Personality

c) Lay and Monastic Life

d) The “Individual Ideal of Perfection” today

Part III: Love of God as the Centre of Life

1. Love and Perfection

a. Love of God

b. The Way of Perfection

c. Psychology of Love

d. Love and Justice

2. The Divine Will

a. The Divine Will

b. Surrender to God

3. Holy Indifference

4. Against Holy Indifference

a. Holy Indifference and Quietism

b. Holy Indifference and Stoicism

c. Holy Indifference and Affection

Part IV: Love and Asceticism

1. Asceticism

2. Positive Over the Negative

3. Asceticism and the Inner Life

4. Prayer and Love

5. The Law of Love

6. Love and Danger
