| Bk-1 | Bk-2 | Bk-3 | Bk- 4 | Bk-5 | Bk-6 | Bk-7 | Bk-8 | Bk-9 | Bk-10 | Bk-11 | Bk-12 |

BOOK 7: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14

Book-VII, Chapter 11


All the elects then, Theotimus, die in a habitual state of charity. Besides that, some of these die in the practice of holy love. Others die for the sake of this love. Some others die of the same love. Among those who die in the highest degree of love, some of them die of love. Love not only wounds the soul so that it languishes but also pierces it through, striking at the very centre of the heart. This stroke of love is so powerful that it forces the soul out of its body. It happens in this way. The soul is drawn very strongly by the divine sweetness of its Beloved. In order to respond to these sweet attractions, the soul sours up in so far as it can, towards this desirable, attracting Friend. It is unable to go together with its body. Rather than stopping with it in the midst of the miseries of this life, it abandons the body and separates itself from it. Like a beautiful little dove, it flies alone to the delightful bosom of its heavenly Spouse. It soars up to its Beloved and its Beloved attracts it and enraptures it. Just as the bridegroom leaves his father and mother to be joined to his spouse (Gn 2:24), so this chaste bride leaves her body to be united to her Beloved.

Here we have the most powerful effect which love works in a soul. Before it, a great nakedness of soul is required renunciation of all the affections which may hold the heart attached to the world or to the body. Hence, it is like fire which, little by little, separates the essence from the mass and, after purifying the whole, finally makes the quintes­sence to come out. Likewise, holy love withdraws the human heart from all its moods, tendencies and passions in so far as it can. Soon after it makes the soul go out so that through this death, so precious to the divine eyes (Ps 116:15),[1] the soul passes into everlasting glory.

The great St. Francis [of Assisi] comes to my mind on the theme of heavenly love, as the numerous great lan- guishings, ecstasies and weakness which his tender love towards God aroused in him. Moreover, God had set him before the world as a miracle of love. He willed that he died not only for love but also of love. See, Theotimus, I pray you, how he died. Seeing that he was close to his death, he had himself laid naked on the ground. After he received a habit as alms, they clothed him in it. Then he preached to his brothers inspiring them with the love and fear of God and of the Church. After this he asked for the passion of the Lord to be read to him. Then, burning with fervour, he began to say the Psalm 142: With my voice I cry to the Lord; with my voice I make supplications to the Lord (Ps 142:1).[2] After saying these last words, O Lord! Bring me out of prison, so that I may give thanks to your name. The righteous will surround me, for you will deal bountifully with me (Ps 142:7),[3] see, Theotimus, he passed away. He was 45 Years old. Who does not see, Theotimus, that this seraphic man who desired so much to be martyred and to die for love finally died of love as I have explained earlier.[4]

St. Mary Magdalen lived during thirty years in a cave in Provence which we can still see. She was enraptured seven times a day and raised up in the air by the angels. It was as if she was going to sing the seven canonical hours in their choir. Finally, one Sunday she came to the church. Her beloved bishop St. Maximin found her rapt in contempla­tion, her eyes filled with tears and arms raised up. He gave her communion. Soon after she gave up her happy soul to God. She went to be at the feet of the Saviour for ever to enjoy the better part which she had already chosen in this world (Lk 10:39,42).

St. Basil had cherished a close friendship with a great doctor of the Jewish race and religion. He was hoping to win him over to the faith in our Lord. But he was not able to do it till broken by fasts, vigils and labours, he was reaching the end of his life. He inquired from his doctor what was his opinion about his health. He implored him to say it frankly. The doctor felt his pulse and said:

“There is no more any remedy. Before sunset you will pass away."

“But what would you say." replied the sick man, “If I am still alive tomorrow?"

“I would become a Christian. I promise it", said the doctor.

The saint then prayed God and besought him for the prolongation of his physical life in favour of the spiritual life of the doctor who, seeing this miracle, became a convert. St Basil, rising from his bed, courageously went to the church and baptized him with his whole family. Then he came to his room and laid down again. He spent a long time conversing with and praying to our Lord. He exhorted those who were near him to serve God with their whole heart. Finally, see­ing the Angels coming to him, he uttered these words with utmost sweetness: My God, I commend my spirit to you and entrust it into your hands (Ps 31:5;[5] Lk 23:46) and breathed his last. The poor doctor, the converted Jew, seeing him die thus, embraced him, shedding tears, said: “O great Basil, servant of God, in fact had you wished so, you would have died no more today than yesterday." Who does not see that his death was completely of love. The Blessed [St] Teresa of Jesus [Avila] revealed after her death that she died of an onslaught and vehmence of love. It was so powerful that her physical body could not withstand it. The soul went off to the beloved object of its affections.


[1]NRSV In the original Ps 115:5 does not correspond.

[2] NRSV. In the original Ps 141:1

[3] NRSV. In the original Ps 141:8

[4] TLG Bk V, Ch.10

[5] In the original Ps 30:6