A Spirituality for All

By John Sankarathil OSFS

Francis de Sales was a saintly figure, who endeared himself to millions: people by his deeply human approach and a spirituality that appealed to the ordinary people, who lived amidst the cares of the world. The articles in this book throw light on certain aspects of this rich Salesian spirituality with its call for universal holiness. John Sankarathil OSFS has done a service to all who are interested in the field of spirituality in bringing out these articles in a book form. People both scholarly and ordinary are sure to find spiritually enriching material in this work.

Most people in their passionate search for life, dream of fulfilment through the extra-ordinary: wealth, fame, honour and power. This book suggests that the way to fulfilment begins with the ordinary: self-knowledge, service, confidence, simplicity. In this way we will find the extra-ordinary: life, happiness and God himself. The various authors base themselves on the life and teaching of St. Francis de Sales. They translate his teaching in a creative way to meet the challenges of our troubling times. This book is easy to read and tremendously enriching for all those who have a taste for life s yet yearn for a fuller life.

Table of Contents

  1. To Lead is to Serve: A Spirituality of Leadership: Lewis S. Fiorelli OSFS

  2. A Spirituality of the Ordinary: Alexander Pocetto OSFS

  3. Leaven for the Loaf: Spirituality of Collaboration: Wendy M. Wright

  4. Confidence: A Christian Humanist's View: John Sankarathil OSFS

  5. Being and Becoming Who We Are: Kaylin Koch

  6. Heroic Quest: Salesian Resources: James Cryan OSFS

  7. Mary's Role in the Faith Crisis of Saint Francis de Sales: Marie Chantal Sbordone VHM

  8. Salesian Simplicity: Biblical, Socio- Economic, and Political Connections: Anthony R. Ceresko OSFS

  9. Spirituality of Marriage: A Salesian Perspective: Anna E. Berger

  10. Distinctive Characteristics of Salesian Spirituality: John Sankarathil OSFS