Salesian Insights

William C. Marceau CSB

PREFFACE: These papers were delivered between 1990 and 1992. They made up a part of the "Patristic. Medieval arid Renaissance Conferences" sponsored by the Augustinian Historical Institute. The talks 'were held at Villanova University in Philadelphia, Pa. Fr. Joseph Schnaubelt O.S.A. and Professor Thomas Losoncy, PhD organized the sessions. The conferences in the order in which they were delivered are presented.

The form of the speakers’ talks and their notes has been preserved to remind the reader that themes have been presented at conferences. This volume is dedicated to Fr. William Gallagher. O.S.F.S. and Fr. Andre Ravier SJ. Both these men ‘were keen Salesian scholars devoted to learning St. Francis de Sales’ teachings and disseminating them to the world.

(This book is available at SFS Publications Banglaore, 1999)

ISBN: 81-85376-59-X

Table of Contents


  1. Paradisal Imagery and Patristic Typology in St. Francis De Sales’ "Introduction to the Devout Life" – by JOSEPH F. CHORPENNJNG. OSFS, St. Francis De Sales College

  2. Jane De Chantal and the "Martyrdom of Love": an Exploration of a Theme – by WENDY WRIGHT. University of Nebraska / Omaha

  3. Eucharistic Doctrine in the XVIIth Century: Theodore Beza and St. Francis De Sales – by WILLIAM C. MARCEAU. CSB, St. John Fisher College

  4. The Role of Love in Critical Thinking: A Salesian Perspective – by ALEXANDER POCETTO, OSFS, St. Francis DE Sales College


  1. Francis de Sales and the "Canticle of Canticles" – by THOMAS DAILEY, Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales

  2. Salesian Images of Divine Immanence – by ROBERTA STRINGHAM BROWN, Pacific Lutheran University

  3. Fenelon: "epigone of Francis de Sales? – by WILLIAM C. MARCEAU, CSB, St. John Fisher College

  4. George Herbert and St. Francis de Sales – by BRIAN CONNOLLY, Xavier University

  5. The Sermons of St Francis de Sales - by HELEN BORDES, University de Limoges

  6. The Incarnation and St Francis de Sales – by WILLIAM C. MARCEAU, CSB, St. John Fisher College

  7. Francis de Sales and Women’s Congregations – by JEAN-NLARIE LEMAIRE, Institut catholique de paris