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Reflections of SFS on
Compiled by Father Andrew V. Masters. S.V.D.
Editor. Gerard J. Quinlan. Fraternity, Association of Saint Francis de Sales
This book contains daily reflections for living as Jesus lived. As St. Paul exhorts us - to put on Jesus. And be His presence to ourselves and to all who are a part of our world in the New Millennial Age!
Ove 1100 Salesian Reflections on Jesus’ living of his teachings
An extensive topical index that directs you to guidance for your daily living in the example of Jesus.
A Christian liturgical calendar that includes: (1) The saints and the virtues they lived, and a meditation from St. Francis de Sales’ reflections on our living of those virtues. (2) Seasonal daily meditations that focus on the life of Jesus among us. (3) Daily focus of our lives as that light of Jesus’ presence in our world.
Table of Contents
Part One INTRODUCTORY NOTES, pp.1-xxii
Part Two REFLECTIONS OF ST. FRANCIS DE SALES (450 pages in Alphabetical Order)
Part Three DAILY MEDITATIONS, xxvii-lxiv
Part Five ADDENDA, xxiv-xxxvi
Please note, these are the topics of paragraphic selections by Father Masters. For indexing and ease of cross-reference in the text, each paragraph is numbered. Finally, the source of each paragraph is identified.
A- p.1 Abandonment, Abjection, Abnegation, Accommodation, Accusations, Activity, Acts of A Dieu, Adversity, Advice, Affability, Affection, Affirmation, Affliction Affluence, Agenda, Almsgiving. Ambition, Amenity, Angels. Anger, Antipathy. Anxiety, Ardor, Aridity Arrogance, "Ask for pothing-Retusc nothing", Aspiration to. Attachment/detachment, Attention, Attitudes, Availability. Avarice, Aversion
B-p. 16 Bad thoughts, Balance (Good), Banter, Baptism. Beatific vision, Beatitude, Behavior Benevolence Birthday, Bishop. Blessed Blest. "Bloom here you are planted" Boasting. Body, Breviary
C-p 22 Calmness, Calumny, Cardinalate Carmelites. Celibate, Charity (Acts of), Charity (The virtue), Chastity Cheerfulness, Children, Christian, Christmas Christopher Church, Clerics, Commandment, Commandments, Community Compassion, complacence. Complaining Conceit. Concupiscence, Condolence. Confessors, Confidence, Conformity, Confraternities, Congruity, Conquest, Conscience, Conscious, Consent, Consideration, Consolation, Consolations, Constancy Constitutions Constraint, Contemplation, Contempt, Contradictions, Contrition, Conversation Conversion, Copying. Cordiality, Correction Correspondence, Corruption, Counsels (Evangelical), Courage, Courtesy, Cowardice. Creation, Creatures, Crisis, Criticism, Critics Cross (the). Crosses
D- p. x2 Dances (Partying). Darkness, Dead (the). Death, Death to sell, Deceptions, DeChantall (Jane). Dedication Despice, Desire(s), Despair Details Detachment Attachment, Detraction, Devil, Devotion. Devout life, Difficulties, Dignity of man), Dilection, Diligence, Durea indirect, Disappointments Discouragement, Displeasure, Disposition, Dissension, Distractions, Diversity, Divine Friendship, Divine Office, Divine Presence, Divine Providence, Docility, Doing the best you can Doing Doubtful Dowry, Doxology, Dryness Duties. Duties of State
E- P. 92 Eagerness, Eating, Ecstasy, Effective, Effects of Effort Emotions. Encouragement, Enduring, Enemies, Envy Episcopate, Equanimity Essence, Esteem, Eternal, Eternity, Eucharist Evil, Example Excellence
F-p. 105 Faith, Faithfulness, False, Fasting, Faults, Fear, Feelings, Fidelity, Fire, Flesh, Focus, Food, Foolishness, Forbearance, Forgiveness, Fortitude, Founding of, Frailty, Francis de Sales, Frankness, Friendliness, Friendship, Fruit.
G-p. 122 Gambling, Generosity, Gentleness, Gift, Glory, God, "God's good pleasure”, God's presence. Good, Good Intentions, Goodness, Good will, Good works, Grace, Grief, Guardian Angels
H- p. 138 Happiness, Haste Health Heart (human), Heaven, Helpfulness, Helplessness, Holy Eucharist, Holy Family Holy Shroud. Honesty Honorable, Honors, Hope Human, Humility Humor,
I- p. 160 Idleness, Illness, Imagination, imitation. Immersion, Immortality. Impatience, Imperfections, Impetuosity, Implied, Incarnation Inclination Inconstancy, Indifference, Inferior, Injustice, Inordinate, Inspirations, Intention, Intercessions, Interior, Involuntary
J- p-178 Jealousy, Jesuits, Jesus, John the Baptist, Joseph (Saint), Joy, Judgements
K-p. 190 Kindness,
L-p. 192 Labor. Lawsuits, Lent, Lewdness. Liberty of Spirit, Life, Literary works, Little things. Living, Living alone, Living Jesus, Love (applied) of one's L- Literary Love of Love of God (God's love), Love of parents, Love of (one’s) religious order, Love (the species), Love (the virtue) Love (the wounds of), Lowly, Loyalty
M- p. 214 Man, Marriage, Mary, Mass (liturgy of). Meditation, Meekness, Merit, Miracles Misery, Misfortune, Moderation, Modesty. Moral, Mortification, Mother, Murder, Mystery
N- p. 244 Nativity, Natural, Neighbor (love of). New Year, Night vigils
O-p. 0254 Obedience, Observance, Obstinance, Opinion, Optimism, Others, Outspokenness, Over-eagerness,
P- p. 268 Parents, Partying (dances), Pastors, Patience, Paul (Saint) Peace Penance, Perfection, Performance, Permission (s), Permissive will (of God), Perseverance, Persistence, (St.) Peter, Pilgrimage, Pious, Politics, Poor Possessions, Prepared Poverty, Practice, Praise, Prayer Preachers, Preaching, Predilection, Pregnancy, Presence (God's) Present moment Preserving. Presumption Pride Priesthood, Priests, Profession. Profit, Prophet Propriety, Providence, Providence (divine), Prudence, Purgatory. Purity
R-P. 329 Rash Judgement, Reading, Reason, Reasonable, Reciprocal, Recollection, Reconciliation, Recreation, Redemption, Reflection, Reform, Relation, Reliance, Religion, Religious life, Renewal, Renunciation of self, Repentance, Reprobation, Repugnance, Reputation, Resemblance, Resignation, Resistance, Resolutions Respect, Response to, Restlessness, (spiritual) Resurrection, Reverence, Reward, Riches, Ridicule, Rosary, Rule
S- p. 340 Sacraments, Sacred Heart, Sadness, Saints, Salvation, Say yes when you mean yes, Scorn, Scruples, Seeking, Self-abandonment, Self-conceit, Self-conquest Self control, Self-discipline, Self-esteem, Self-examination Selfless, Self-love, Self praise, Self-renunciation, Senses, Sensuality, Serving God, Sick, Signified will (of God), Simplicity. Sin Sinless, Sin (original). Sin (venial) Sincerity, Single-mindedness, Sinners, Slander, Small, Societies pious Society, Solitude, Song of Songs, Soul, Speaking. Species, Spirit, Spirit (Holy). Spiritual, Spiritual direction, Spiritual exercises, Spiritual life, Spiritual poverty, Spiritual progress, Spiritual reading. Spiritual renewal, Spouse, State of life, Strength, Struggle, Submission, Success, Suffering, Superior, Superiors (religious). Supernatural. Surrender. Sweetness (of disposition). Sympathy
T-p. 379 Temporal, Temptations, Testing. Theology, Thirst. Thoughts, Time. Total, Tranquility, Treatise on the Love of God, Trials, Tribulations, Trinity, Triune, Troubles, True, Trust in God.
U- p. 397 Unaffected, Uncharitable, Unchaste, Uncontrived. Union, Unity. Unrepentant. Unseemly
V- p. 401 Valiance, Value, Vanity, Variety, Veneration, Vices, Vigilance Vigils, Violation, Virginity Virtue (s). Virtues, (little) Virtue (Theological). Vision, Visitation Order, Vocal Vocation. Vocation: (Religious), Voluntary
W- p. 420 Walking, Widow/Widower, Wiles, Will. Will Of God, Will of others, Wisdom, Witness, Women/Men, Word of God, Work, World, Worldly affairs, Worldly things. Wrath, Writer Writings
Z-p. 449 Zeal
The index is structured to provide the most comprehensive relational survey possible. Each topic and reference has a numerical paragraph key Therefore, text page number in the index is not necessary. The main topics are printed in bold type. The sub-headings that follow the op provide additional related information.
ABANDONMENT to divine providence-0235, self-0894, in simplicity 0927, to the will of God-0001
ABJECTION – 0414, 0415, 0387, acknowledgment of-0006, Christ's death on the Cross-0416, humility in practice-0414, love of-0002, motives for-0387, nature of-003, wretchedness of-0004
ABNEGATION of self in love of neighbor-0619
ACCOMMODATION (to sin) 0936 attachment to sin-0931 banter in speech-0957 boasting-0909 immersion in-0128 imperfections 0939 self-love-0907 tempations-1021 to sin-0936 uncharitable acts against the will of God-1155 (repugnance to) the will of God 1146 SEE also CONVERSATION
ACCUSATIONS False, true-0005
ACTIVITY gentleness of-0007, tranquility 1028
ACTS OF trust in God 1039
A DIEU - 0008
ADVERSITY doing the will of God. 1129
ADVICE to preachers-0803 to elected superiors-0985
AFFABILITY – 0319 friendliness-0308
AFFECTION pious consolations-0009, 0132 rash judgements-0483 supernaturalized-0010 for venial sin-0936
AFFIRMATION (through forgiveness) detachment/attachment-0202 example of the saints-0891 forgiveness-0625 love of all-0613 love the will of God-1142
AFFLUENCE God and man's indigence-0011
AGENDA prayer without-0794
ALMSGIVING helping the poor 0013 relating to the poor as equals-0012
AMBITION spiritual dangers of-0015 (leads to) vanity-0014
AMENITY availability of Francis-0041 courtesy 0165
ANGELS-0361, devotion to 0016, 0017, guardian, (Francis’) devotion to his-0362, guardian, one's devotion to-0018, veneration of-1058
ANGER avoiding it-0019, banishing it-0020, deal with at once-0021, meekness in-0022, opposite of-0023, remedies against-0024
ANTIDOTE of virtue to vice-1063
ANTIPATHY dealing with it-0026 feelings of-0025 irrational-0027 remedy against-0028
ANXIETY in prayer-0029 remedies-0030 trust in God-1040 (without), doing the will of God-1157
ARDOR cooled by anxiety-0029, 0030
ARIDITY 0031 dryness-0032 faithfulness in-0033 in prayer-0731 remedy for-0732
ARROGANCE attachment to sin-0931 equanimity weakened-0963 repugnance to the will of God- 1146 self-love-0907 self-praise-0909 spirit vs. flesh-0964
ASK FOR NOTHING, REFUSE NOTHING 0449 accept in God's name-0034 attachment/detachment-0035 God's desires-0036 indifference- 0443, 1044 in the presence of God-0037 in sickness- 0038, 0419, 0420, 0421 trust-0039
ASPIRATIONS TO -0040 love of God-0527 religious vocation-1093
ATTACHMENT/DETACHMENT 0035,0452 to affluence.0011 beatitudes-004 (in) illness 419 impatience- 0422, 0423, 0424 imperfections- 0426, 0624, 0626, living in peace-0698, love neighbor 0621, 0622 moderation- 0604, 0695 possessions-0725 (in) recreation- 0852, 0853 to sin-0931 to venial sin-0937 for worldly things-1175
ATTENTION in prayer-0733 lack of with sacraments-0878 to the word of God-1161
ATTITUDES in prayer-0734 Toward worldly affairs: 1172
ATTRACTION for worldly things-1175
AVAILABILITY of Francis-0041
AVARICE and God's love-0526, material; acquiring avidly-0042, possessions not end in self -0043
BAD THOUGHTS with love of neighbhor-0621 from temptations-0990 (balanced response) to temptation 0991 (in) worldly affars-1173
BALANCE, GOOD 0161, 0621, 0969 counsels-0160 joking 0957 social activities-08 2.0 Spiritual renewal-0970
BANTER in speech – 0957
BAPTISM appreciation of – 0045 (and) original sin - 0932
BEATIFIC VISION -1078, the Eucharist-0275, of God-0046, 0350, happiness-0366 of heaven 0365, of the Holy Trinity-0367
BEATITUDE associations-0047 company of saints-0049 happiness-0050 we heart of Jesus-0052 heavenly focus-0051 presence of Jesus-0053
BEHAVIOR illness- 0419, 0916 moderation in exterior-0605
BENEVOLENCE love of-0055 Love is friendship 0507 (true) love of God-0541 in God's presence-0054
BISHOP duties of-0057
BLESSED/BLEST those whose way is blessed-0058
BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED 0691 perceive will of God-1128 religious vocation-1094 state of life-0973 vocation-1056 work, how performed-1167 SEE also STATE OF LIFE, WORK
BOASTING and self-praise-0909
BODY donation of Francis' to medical science-0059 resurrection of-0868 subdiscipline of 0902 suffering of the 0977
CAFETERIA SPIRITUALITY illness, behavior in-0419 illness-0421 impatience, causes of 0422
CALMNESS in performance of duties-00161 in temptations-0992 and tranquility-1028
CALUMNY dealing with slander-0062 patience in the time of slander-0063
CARDINALATE his attitude toward-0067
CARMELITES Francis devotion to the-0068
CELIBATE St Peter-1107 St. Peter and priests-0069
CHARITY (THE VIRTUE) 1022, 0397, 0398 beyond compare 0086 dominant virtue-0498 Happiness and dying in-0075 in friendship 0078 in divine friendship-0079 gift of the Holy Spirit-0073 the greatest-0074 and humility-0076 increases itself-0077 liberty of spirit 0494 los 0081 love of neighbor-0080 luster of-0082 Mary- 05700571 perseverance in-0083 reciprocal-0084 standard of al-0085 virtues-0082
CHARITY, ACTS OF-0070 and the counsels-0072 and devotion-0218 in fasting-0294, 0295 speaking of others' faults-0300 (should be) increased.0071 kindness 0484 Mary's-0570, 0571
CHASTITY avoiding allurements-0087 humility preserves-0392 love of one's own body-0518 in marriage-0088 modesty, its custodian-0606 preservation of-0089 purity of man-0090 weakened by venial sin-1059
CHEERFULNESS-0091 affability-0308 in doing good-0352 spirit of-0092 Virtue of-0093
CHILDREN care for-0095 rearing of-0550 respect for-0559 their simplicity-0925
CHRISTIAN humility-0387 the true-0094
CHRISTMAS – 0438, 0439 wish for-0100
CHRISTOPHER Christ-bearer.0099
CHURCH dissension within-0233 love for the pastor-0673 loyalty to-0546
CLERICS obedience of and love for the Church-0673
COMMANDMENT the now, the supreme-0627 to love God-0529 command us to love neighbor 0627, 0630
COMMANDMENTS keep Gods 0102 and cons on love for the-0105 love of.0104 the will of God -1133
COMMUNITY prayers of-0732
COMPASSION - 010S and complacence-0106 toward critics-0108
COMPLACENCE benevolence- 01130114 compassion-0106 and desire-0109 in God-0110 and love-0111 love of-0112, 0114, 0507 08 our transformation by-0540 and union with God-0115
CONCEIT self-pride-0825
CONCUPISCENCE expectations from love-0507. and the will.0117
CONDOLENCE on death of a child 0118, on death of other loved ones-0119
CONFESSORS Francis' advice to-0124
CONFIDENCE in Faith-0282 in God-0125 and humility-0399 For prayer – 0738, in the will of God - 1132
CONFORMITY to the will of God-1114 the word of God 1162
CONFRATERNITIES pious societies-0126
CONGRUITY between soul and God 0127
CONQUEST of self-0900
CONSCIENCE – 0128 examination of- 0676, 0679, 0681
CONSCIENCE examination of- 0676, 0679, 0681
CONSCIOUS of God's presence-0821
CONSENT in temptations-0993 to the will of God-1115
CONSIDERATION to the will of God-1116
CONSOLATIONS-0131 generosity in-0321 prayer without-0793 pious affections-0132 spiritual-0133
CONSTANCY Joseph's-0470 (evenness of) mind-0134 exemplified by the Holy Family-0135 guided by reason-0136
CONSTITUTIONS chance of-0138 isolation 60137
CONSTRAINT trying through love, not constraint 0662
CONTEMPLATION delightul-0139 in different ways 0141 God's love-0343 means to 0142 and meditation-0598 (vis-a-vis) meditation-0140 nature of 0143 prayer-0144 in prayer-0740 prayer of quiet-0799 recollection 0850 types of-0141
CONTEMPT of the world-0145
CONTRADICTIONS and divine providence-0831 of tranquility-1029
CONTRITION act of-0146 generosity in- 03220147 and hatred of sin-0148 and love of repentance-0149
CONVERSATION – 0150 contradicting others-0151 of God without ostentation-0153 moderation in-0603 with simplicity-0924 when speaking of God-0152
CONVERSION desire for: of others-0154
COPYING from other authors-0155
CORDIALITY friendliness-0156 in love of neighbor 0622
CORRECTION attitude toward-0137 gently-0324 of others-0158
CORRUPTION of perfection-0708 avoiding in permissive Signified will 1118 love of the spiritual norms-0512
COUNSELS, EVANGELICAL balanced observance – 0160, 0161 charity and the-0072 Francis love for the-0278 love and the-0512 for religious perfection-0161 (love on the spiritual norms-0512
COURAGE – 0162 and humility-0400 moral-0163 in temptation-0164 temptations-0994
COURTESY - 01650368 availability of Francis-0041 Francis' own-0166 helpfulness-0368
COWARDICE vis-a-vis courage-0162
CREATION pregnancy, the ongoing of-0817 providence of God over-0341, 0832
CREATURES friendship and love for-0167
CRISIS attentive in Faith-0282
CRITICISM reaction to-0168
CRITICS compassion toward-0108
CROSS (THE) folly of the-0170 love of the, in suffering-0981 wisdom of the 0171 your own-0172
CROSSES bearing-0169 choosing one's-1117 in doing the will of God-1117
DANCES (PARTYING) considerations after-0173 recreation-0853
DARKNESS fear and love of-0174
DAY AT A TIME – 0841
DEAD, THE compassion for 0107 mourning for-0175 remembrance of the-0176
DEATH acceptance of 0177 certainty and uncertainty-0179 of Christ 01940195 for a Christian-0186 desirability and joy of 0181 desire for and God's will-0182 (St. Paul's desire for 0191 faith when dying-0283 fear of-0183 (a tranquil) fear of-0184 Francis own-0187 friendship, separation of-0318 a good-0178 humility of Christ-0416 indifference to-0447 letting go-0188 love is strong as-0509 our death-0466 preparedness for- 01890190 of spouse-0196 sympathy: of a loved one-0192 thought of-0193 trusting in God's providence-0185
DEATH TO SELF in loving our neighbor-0623 debonnairete-0602
DECEPTIONS in self-love-0907
deChantal, JANE (selected letters of Francis de Sales to)-0458 abjection, acknowledgment of-0006 abjection, love of-0002 affection, Francis' for-0458 aridity-0031 Christ, her love of-0519 Christian, the true- 00940162 crosses, courage in bearing 0169 detachment; ask nothing-0203 detachment; and vocation-0204 disappointments, dealing with-0230 dryness-0245 dryness; spiritual-0243 Holy Spirit, devotion to the-0372 humility and charity-0397 humility, exterior-0382 humility and self-love-0412 Jesus-0062 love of self vs. of God-0505, 0506, patience when slandered-0063 0162 relation to (Jane)- 0458, 0459 relationship of Francis to-0450 spirit; liberty of- 0489, 0490, 0491, 0492
DEDICATION ours to God-0347
DESPAIR in anxiety.1040 your own) cross-0172 in discouragement-0141 hope, theological virtue-1022 helplessness-0369 Francis temptation to-0201 misery-0601 SEE also TRUST IN GOD
DESPISE of temptations-0996
DESTRE(S)-0353 cheeful-0352 and complacence-0109 Gods for salvation of all-0333 and love-0197 for God's love-0532 of love-0507 for mortification-0609 non-essential-0199 ours for God-0345 for our perfection-0709 for perfection in others-0710 reasonableness of-0198 in state of life-0971 for union with God-1046 useless-0200 for venial sin-0938
DETACHMENT/ATTACHMENT – 0202, 0725, 0727 avarice-0042, 0043 ask nothing, refuse nothing 0034, 0035, 0036, 0037, 0038, 0039, 0203 faithful in vocation-0204, Francis in friendships.014 for worldly thing l179 from the world- 02061169 from sell in love of God-0205, indifference 0207 in Vocation 1067 liberty of spirit-0489, 0490 049204930494 possessions-0725 poverty 0727 resignation to imperfections 0432 vocation 1087
DETAILS God's will in all-1112
DETRACTION reaction against-0208 in speech-0958
DEVIL and original sin-0934 source of sadness o and temptations-1000
DEVOTION - 0209 basis of-0210 (relation to charity-0215 excellence of-0214 generosity of-0216 to guardian angels-0316 to Mary 0572 nature of 0217 at prayer-0743 to the Sacred Heart-0220, 0881 trie-0219 (to doing the will of God-0211 0212 (with tempered) cal-0231
DEVOUT LIFE 0222 Francis evaluation of his-0223 requisites for 0224
DIFFICULTIES of praying 0744 in tale of life-0972
DIGNITY (OF MAN) of man in charity 0080, Francis' love of the image of Christ in man 0611, religious life-0856
DILECTION the ultimate of love-OSOS
DILIGENCE in one's affairs-0225
DIRECT/INDIRECT types of prayer 0745
DISAPPOINTMENTS dealing with 0230
DISCOURAGEMENT patience in-0231 permitted by God-0232 trusting in God-1041
DISPLEASURE with temptations-0997
DISPOSITION affected by sadness-0887
DISSENSION within the Church-0233
DISTRACTIONS at prayer-0746 avoiding at prayer-0747 beyond, at prayer-0748 blameless at prayer-0749 circumstances at prayer-0750 at prayer, the Divine Office-0234 pleasing-0751
DIVERSITY source of union with God-1049
DIVINE FRIENDSHIP in chanty-0079
DIVINE OFFICE distractions during-0234 Francis' love of 0060
DIVINE PRESENCE of the Eucharist-0264
DIVINE PROVIDENCE – 0337 abandonment to-0235 in self-abandonment-0895 degrees of 0236 submission to-0237 trust in-0238
DOCILITY - 0239 in prayer-0240
DOING THE BEST YOU CAN in one's vocation-1088 DOING the will of God-1119 the will of others-1158
DOUBTFUL temptations-0998
DOWRY Religious-0241
DOXOLOGY God's own-0242
DRYNESS in prayer-0754 in self-abandonment-0896 spiritual-0243 spiritual aridity-0244 resignation in-0245
DUTIES faithfulness to-0246 sharing of-0247
DUTIES OF STATE Francis' faithfulness to-0664 holy indifference to occupation 0448 and the love of God-0248 (first duty) in marriage-0549 Francis' preaching-0806
EAGERNESS imperfect-0249 too much of-0363 tranquility in-0250
EATING - 0611 dietary, Francis'-0251 fasting-0294 food, indifference to-0304 mortification in-0611 self-control-0410 self-denial of Francis-0252 self-discipline-0902 spiritual guide-0253 SEE also FASTING, FOOD
ECSTASY prayer-0752 prayer of quiet-0800
EFFECTIVE preaching-0805
EFFECTS OF Doing the will of God - 1120
EFFORT perfection result of -0717
ENCOURAGEMENT of religious vocation-1096
ENDURING patience-0674 temptations-0999
ENEMIES Francis' of 0256, 0522 in love of neighbor - 0626
ENVY spiritual-0257 subtle-0258
EPISCOPATE acceptance of -0259 SEE also PRIESTS
EQUANIMITY spirit of-0963
ESSENCE prayer-0755 virtues-1069 of the Visitation Order-1081
ESTEEM Francis of self-0261 the people Dijon-0260 for God's providence- 0339, 0833 ESTEEM of SELF see SELF-ESTEEM
ETERNAL reward 0869 union with God-1047
ETERNITY thought 0262
EUCHARIST (pledge of) Beatific Vision-0275 benefits of-0263 Francis celebration of-0265 fruit of-0269 holy-0270, and the Incarnation-0272 intentions for others-0273 Francis love of-0266 and our love of neighbor 0274 neglect of 0271 preparation for-0276 Divine presence-0264 (frequent) reception of-0268 Francis' view of-0267 union with God-1048 and the Visitandi-0277 SEE also HOLY EUCHARIST
EVIL evil for evil (returning of)-0279 inclinations-0441 in speech-0959
EXAMPLE of the saints-0891
EXCELLENCE of virtues-1064
FAITH attentive- 028102820535 and confident-0282 confident when dying-0283 light of-0284 object of-0285 temptations, against- 02861002 temptations, remedies for-0287 the theological virtues-1022 vigilant-0288
FAITHFULNESS duties of-0246 to God-0290 in little things-0289 in state of life-0973
FALSE patience-0675 vocation-1089 zeal-1182
FASTING - 0291 conditions for 0292 controlling mind and senses-0296 fruits of-0297 (for God alone-0293 in humility, charity-0294 in moderation-0298 self-imposed-0299 virtue in-0294 wholeheartedly-0295, SEE also EATING, FOOD
FAULTS speaking of others-0300
FEAR of darkness-0174 of death-0183 of ghosts, etc. 0301
FEELINGS (related to) God's permissive will-1121
FIDELITY in marriage-0553
FIRE symbol of divinity-0302
FLESH mortification of 0611 vs. Spirit-0303, 0964
FOCUS in handling temptations 1004
FOOD indifference to-0304, SEE also EATING, FASTING
FOOLISHNESS of vanity 1055
FORBEARANCE mutual in marriage-0556
FORGIVENESS in love of neighbor-0625
FORTITUDE defect and excess-0305
FOUNDING OF the Visitation-1079 at Lyons-1080
FRAILTY in temptation 1005
FRANCIS DE SALES.0967 availability of 0041 his love for his brothers 0614, cardinalate, his attitude toward 0067 Carmelites his devotion to 0068 charity, in the fullness of 0615 confessor, his advice to 0124 consecration, Francis God- to God-0130 courtesy, his 0166 despair, his temptation to-0201 Divine Office, his love for-0060 death, his own-0187 devout life, his evaluation of 0223 (his faithfulness to his duties of state 0664 (his love of his enemies 0522 Eucharist, his celebration of-0265 Eucharist, his love of 0266 Eucharist, his view of-0267 Eucharist, frequent reception 0268 (his) exhortation to his priests 0828 frankness-0307 friendship, bonds of-0309 friendships, his detachment-0314 his gentleness-0325 God, his consecration to-0130 God, his love of- 03430534 (his) guardian angels-0362 Holy Spirit, his devotion to-0372 honors, indifference to-0375, 06140617 humility, his-0385 Jane de Chantal his affection for 0458 his letters to-0458 his relationship with-0459 Mary, his priestly devotion to-0574 his youthful devotion to-0575 medical science, giving his body to-0059 This mother, devotion to-0362 his mother, grief upon her death-0360 neighbor, his love for as brothers 0614 neighbor, his love of without distinction 0613 neighbor, his love of as image of Christ-0617 others, his love for-0306 patience.0677 perfection, his-0326 perfection, his spirit of-0327 politics, his attitude toward-0723 prayer experiences, his-0758 prayer his dryness of-0808 preaching, his focus-0807 preaching, as inspirations from God-O809 preaching, as instrument of God-0810 preaching, his instruments-0812 preaching, his protestations-0811 priesthood, his appreciation of 0826 priesthood, his regard for-0827 prudence, his-0843 resignation, his patient-0678 rosary, his devotion to-0871 sanctity, his protestations-0889 Holy Shroud, his devotion to 0370 simplicity, his-0922 Song-of-Songs, his thoughts on-0065 Song-of-Songs, his interpretation of-0066 (a glimpse into his spiritual life 0967 (his spiritual life as a) student in Paris-0966 suffering, his love of-0979 sweetness, his Christ-like-0987 sweetness, his simplicity of-0988 temptations, his protestations in 1006 Treatise, his comments on-1031 Visitandine vignettes-1084 virtue, his communication of 0311 world affairs, as a writer-1176 writings, criticism of his own 1177 writing plans, his-1178 writer, thoughts of self as a-1179
FRANKNESS Francis' own-0307
FRIENDLINESS affable and cheerful 030
FRIENDSHIP aversion-0044 bonds of-0309 charity in-0078 in correction of sin 0312 and creatures 0167 Francis' detachment in-0314 true friendship.0319 and God-0310 imitation, imperfections-0315 Jesus love of His friends-0519 Jealousy-0316 qualities of a holy 0317 separation at death-0318 with sinful bond-0313 the-0319 virtue, in communication of-0311
FRUIT of the Eucharist-0269
GAMBLING evil of-0320
GENEROSITY in devotion-0216 of spirit-0402 of spirit in self-esteem-0903 of spirit in suffering-0980 in consolation and affliction-0321 toward God and contrition-0322 and humility-0401
GENTLENESS -0323 in correction-0324 Francis .0325 Francis perfection of-0326 Francis spirit of-0327
GIFT natural. 0389 of perfection 0711 of zeal as given by God-1181
GIFTEDNESS-0402 our-0849
GLORY God's gift of-0328 action or 0329 vain-1055
GOD Beatific Vision of-0350 our all-0344, our complacence in 0110 concept of His name 0330 Francis consecration 16.0110 congruity with-0331 congruent (between) and soul 0113 contemplating His love-0343 contrition, generosity in 0322 our dedication 10-0347 Ha desire for salvation of all 0333, 0892 our desire for-0345 faithfulness to-0290 friendship with 0310 Francis love of 0332 glory, God's gift of 03280351 the supreme Good-0249 honor due Him-0342 and human comprehension-0337 0338 in our imperfections-0429 His jealousy-0460 Mary, mother of-0582 our mind in relation to-0346 our neighbor, His image in-0618 overall creation-0341 perfection of-0348 praise of-0730 praise due to-0729 His presence-0335 His own prudence 0843 His love for sinners-0942 speaking of 0956 our union with- 03441044 union with, in eternity 1047 our vision of through His glory 0351 our will in relation to God's-0346 inscrutable wisdom. His-1159
GOD'S GOOD PLEASURE -0447 consideration of 11151116 (choosing one's cross-1117 (our) indifference 0442 patience 0679 in His permissive will 082
GOD'S PRESENCE-0819 absent to-0820 conscious of-082) in His good pleasure 0822 walking in-0823
GOOD done cheerfully 0352, resolutions 0866, in speech 0959, pleasure (divine)0406
GOOD INTENTIONS daily, for the love of God-0531, Hell is full of 0353
GOOD WILL-0355 in serving God-0356
GOOD WORKS value of-0357
GRACE and free will 0358 of perseverance-0721 and the sinner 0359 in temptations-1008
GRIEF condolence-0119 Francis own on the death of his mother-0360
GUARDIAN ANGELS devotion to-0361 Francis' devotion to his-0362
HAPPINESS beatitude-0050 of the Beatific Vision-0366
HASTE balance 0161 too much eagerness-0363
HEALTH care for-0364
HEART, HUMAN satisfied only by God-0378
HEAVEN eternal joy-0365
HELPFULNESS graciously and courteously-0368 in temptation-1009
HELPLESSNESS spiritual 0369
HOLY EUCHARIST - 0270 neglect of 0271 SEE also EUCHARIST, HOLY
HOLY FAMILY their example of constancy-1035
HOLY SHROUD Francis' devotion to-0370
HONESTY and simplicity-0373
HONORABLE virtues-1072
HONORS perspective of them-0374 Francis' indifference to-0375 receiving them-0376
HOPE theological virtue-0377, 1022
HOSPITALITY 0612, 0613, 0615
HUMAN comprehension and God's providence-0337 congruity (with God)-0331 heart, satisfied only by God-0378 humility.0387 mind-0338, 0340 our mind over all creation-0336 mind and divine providence-0835 mind's limits and divine providence-0836 prudence 0844
HUMILITY in abjections- 0003, 0004, 0006 accusations-0005 asses and horses-0380 and charity-0392 in charity-0397 Charity, same as-0398 help with chastity-0392 cherished by Christ-0096 chosen by Christ-0097 of Christ- 0098, 0416 and confidence-0399 and courage-0400 defined-0379 excellence of 0381 exterior-0382 false-0383 false vs true-0384 in fasting-0294 Francis own-0385 and generosity 0401 generosity of spirit-0402 (natural) gift of-0389 and holiness-0403 human/Christian-0387 St. Joseph's-0471 in judging others-0386 and love of God-0404 of Mary- 0570, 0578 and meekness-0600 motives for-0388 necessity of-0390 and neighbor-0405 in obedience- 0406, 0643 in preparation for sacraments 0886 of Office Designee (in religious community)-0417 with patience of Christ-0407 and peace-0408 for religious perfection-0161 perseverance m-0391 practice of-0414 practice of in religious community-0415 and reputation-0411 and self-control-0410 and self-esteem-0411 self-love-0412 the simplicity of 0923 and sincerity 0413 soul's peace-0409 in suffering and affliction-0396 in tribulations-1037 true 03930418 visible-0394 virtue of virtues-0395 of widows 1108
HUMOR asses and horses-0380 familiar love of neighbor-0615 joking-0957 tranquility-1030
IDLENESS and temptation-1010
ILLNESS behavior when ill- 0419, 0916 generosity in 0321 humility in-0396 lengthy 0420 meditation in time of-0594 obedience to doctor in-0917 with patience-0680, 0692 of remedies in 0919 sickness: 0038 submission to-0421 submissiveness in-0918 the will of God in- 1130, 1136
IMAGINATION unseemly in temptation-1021
IMITATION of Inends-0315
IMMERSION in doing the will of God-1127
IMMORTALITY names in stone-0608
IMPATIENCE causes of-0422 with self-0423, 0424 in striving for-0712
IMPERFECTIONS – 0425 dealing with-0426 excusing one's own- 04270428 0431 of friends-0315 in illness-0693 involuntary-0429 and love of God-0430 and meekness-0599 one's misery-0601 of neighbor-0427 patience with one's own-041, 0696 in perfection-0713 resignation to-0432 self-0425 self-examination- 04330905 in venial sin-0939
IMPLIED the permissive will of God-1128
INCARNATION the divine revealed-0439, Eucharist and the 0272 lesson of-0435 mystery of 04360517 reflection on 0438 and the Trinity-0440
INDIFFERENCE about death-0447 holy-0444 life-0447, “ask for nothing...” 0443 about occupation-0448 pliable plans-0450 of Religious-0449 in suffering-0446 in all things-0445 as a virtue-0451
INFERIOR part of the soul-0955
INJUSTICE enduring-0452
INORDINATE love-0501
INSPIRATIONS – 0453 acceptance of-0454 indicators of true-0455 obedience to- 04560644 value of 0457 in the will of God-1137
INTENTION Eucharist for others-0273 purity of with sacraments-0880
INTERCESSIONS of St. Joseph- 0472, 0473 of communion-of-saints-0890
INTERIOR trials 1035
INVOLUNTARY imperfections-0429 penance-0701
JEALOUSY in friendships-0316 God's-0460 in marriage-0554
JESUITS Francis' esteem for 0461
JESUS-0462 charity. His prayer of-0795 forgiveness, His prayer of 0797 His Father, prayer of reverence for-0978 His humility-0098 holy name of-0464 humility, His cherishing of-0096 humility. His choosing of 0097 humility. His patience in-0407 imitating of by the saints-0463 in religious vocation, surrender to-I100 led by John the Baptist to-0469 LIVING JESUS, her carrying of 0465 our love-0467 Mary after death of-0566 Mary, honoring her is honoring Him-0577 Mary, one with-0584 Mary, union with-0587 neighbor, is prayer of-0796 obedience of-0637 our death and our life-0466 (our) LIVING of-0466 our love of-0467 reason. His use of before His birth-0849 our) suffering for-0978 thirst of-1024 the will of God-1111
JOHN THE BAPTIST and Jesus-0468 leads us to Christ-0469 use of reason before birth-0849
JOSEPH, SAINT the constancy of-0470 his humility-0471 his humility in death-0416 influence with God-0472, 0473 intercessor-0473 the just man- 04750477 his obedience-0474 his union with Mary-0477 the valiant one-0476 the virtues of 0478 the wisdom of-0476
JOY-0394 kindness, acts or 0484 cordial love-0622 ecstatic love of God-0533 liberty of spirit-0489 prayer without an agenda-0794 recreation-0853 simplicity.0920 (Francis') sweetness of disposition-0987
JUDGEMENTS humility with neighbors-0405 making of-0479 private, submission of 0480, 0663, 0669
KINDNESS acts of-0484
LAWSUITS avoidance of-0486
LENT fasting-0294 perseverence-0487
LEWDNESS unchaste-0488
LIBERTY OF SPIRIT -0489 effects of-0490 everything through love-0662 fundamental-0491 love of-0492 opposite vices-0493 rules of 0494 tranquility-1029
LIFE a pilgrimage-0495
LITTLE THINGS faithfulness in-0289 vanities-1054
LIVING ALONE as God's will allows-1141
LIVING in peace-0698 of perfection 0715
LIVING JESUS the carrying of-0465 our death and our life-0466 our love in-0467 in self-renunciation-0911 through virtues-1070
LOQUACITY 0603, 0607
LOVE (APPLIED) amour-0545 in antipathy- 0025, 0026, 0027, 0028 and the commandments-0511 and complacence-0111 and the Counsels-0512 (as strong as) death-0509 and desire-0197 to die for-0509 dominant virtue-0498 excessive-0499 of God, in humility-0404 the hurts-0544 imitation of-0500 inordinate-0501 in marriage-0554 for others-0306 pain of-0502 perfect and imperfect-0503 the poor- 0012, 0724 of repentance-0149 and salvation-0513 self- 0504, 0507, 0508 und serving God-0514 for sinners-0942 union (between) lovers-0515 virtue-0516 virtue, dominant-0498 writing of-0510
LOVE OF all-0613 body, one's own-0518 Christ's image-0617 complacence 0520 complacence, our transformation by 0521 darkness-0174 our enemies 0521 Eucharist and tighbor-0174 Francis neighbor-0615 Francis all (without) formalities 0614, 0616 God and self-0506 Jesus', for his friends 0519 liberty of Sprint-0492 lovers.0513 obedience- 0646, 0652 parents-0842 one's) religious order-0543 (the) Sacred Heart for God and man-0882 serving God-0514 (supernatural) love of spouse 0360 widowhood-1106 (the) will of God-1142
LOVE OF GOD, God's love 0523 above all things-0524 acquired-0525 with aspirations-0527 (an) avarice for-0526 commandment to- 05290530 desire for-0532 due our Creator 0536 ecstatic-0533 our esteem for-0339 (as taught by) Faith-0535 (comes from) God-0528 (through daily) intentions-0531 by Francis' love-0543 by Mary's love-0576 by the love of our parents-0542 in suffering-0538 when being tested-0539 transformation by-0540 true-0541 (by the perfection of the universe-0537
LOVE, THE SPECIES elements of- 0507, 0508
LOVE, THE VIRTUE - 0516, 1071
LOWLY virtues-1072
LOYALTY of the Church-0546
MAN glorification of-0547 mystery of-0548
MARRIAGE anniversaries-0562 attention to the home-0549 chastity in-0088 children-0550 children, respect for-0559 crosses, bearing of-0169 devotion-0210 esteemed-0552 fidelity in-0553 forbearance, mutually-0556 the home, care of-0549 jealousy in-0554 love in-0555 obedience in-0647 perfection in-0564 preparation for a holy-0558 Sacred Heart, consecration to the-0564
MARY (her) age at death-0567 aimer (translates to) Mary, Marie, to love-0565 her Assumption-0568 blessed above all women-0569, her charity S70, 0571, 0578 after death of Jesus-0566 her life after Jesus's death-0566 her dedication to God 0573 (our) devotion to-0572 Francis devotion to-0574 Francis' devotion to as youth 0575 her honoring Jesus-0577 honoring her, like honoring Jesus-0577 her humility-0578 Immaculate Conception-0579 Jesus, her union with- 05840587 Joseph's union with-0477 her love of God and neighbor 0576 mediatrix of grace-0580 mediatrix of miracles-0581 mother of God-0582 mother of sorrows-0583 (her use of reason from her birth-0588 her renunciation of self-0912 her renunciation of world-0586 her use of reason before her birth-0849 her virtues-0589 Visitandi, Patroness to-0585
MASS (LITURGY OF) attendance, counsel for-0590
MEDITATION vis-a-vis contemplation-0140, 0598 discursive prayer of 0591 first degree of prayer-0592 means of 05970598 method of-0593 nature of 0595 perseverance in-0596 In time of sickness-0594 of theology-1023
MEEKNESS in anger-0022 and humility-0600 with ourselves-0599 with patience-0681
MERIT of obedience 0645
MIRACLES Mary, mediatrix of 0581
MISERY reflection upon one's 0601
MISFORTUNE cause of sadness-0884
MODERATION 0602 in external behavior 0605 in conversation 0603 in fasting 0298 modesty's norm-0607 mortification 0610 penance 0702 in exterior propriety-0604 prudence 08-13 in speech-0960
MODESTY behavior 0604, 0605 custodian of chastity-0606 a form of moderation-0607 in speech-0961
MORAL courage 0163 humility-0387
MORTIFICATION desire for 0609 of the flesh-0611 in moderation 0610 of the flesh-0611 through involuntary penance 0701
MOTHER Mary, of God 0382 of sorrows-0583
MURDER by slander-0948
MYSTERY of man-0548
NATIVITY mystery of-0612
NATURAL prudence 0846
NEIGHBOR, (LOVE OF)-0080, 0132, 0427 (new) commandment-0627 (supreme) commandment 0630 forgiveness of-0025 Francis’ familiar love 0616 Francis’ love of all as brothers 0614 Francis’ love of all as family 0614 Francis’ love of all as neighbors 0614 Francis' love of in charity-0615 Francis’ love in Christ's image 0617 Francis’ love of all ranks-0613 (in) friendship-0319 (seeing) God in-0618 and humility-0405 love of, ardently-0620 love of in balance-0621 love, cordial-0622 love of enemies-0626 love, equally as sel-0624 love, Mary's of neighbor) 0576 love. Mary's (without) distinction-0632 love of one another in Religious community-0529 love, our obligation to 0628 love of union with-0631 love without distinction-0632 patience with-0695 self, abnegation of 0619 self, with death to-0623
NEW YEAR greeting 0633 thought for the 0634
NIGHT VIGILS in religious communities-0635, 1060
NOTHING - 0443
OBEDIENCE blind-0636 Christ's-0637 cleric's-0638 complain (religious)-0639 conditons-0640 (without) constraint 0662 denial of will-0641 distorted-0656 excellence-0642 humble- 0406, 0643 inspired- 0644, 0456 Saint Joseph's-0474 kinds of-0645 loving-0646 married-0647 merit of-0648 necessity of 0649 penance, works of-0663 perfect-0650 perseverance-0651 distorted) pleasing-0656 qualities of-0652 ready-0653 religious-0654 religious, fruit of-0655 serving self-love-0657 (in) sickness, obedience to doctor-0917 subject to-0658 total-0659 true-0660 will of God-0661
OBSERVANCE OF constitution-0138
OBSTINANCE in opinions-0666
OPINION harboring of remedies against 0668 obstinance in-0066 private- 0665, 0667 self-esteem-0069
OPTIMISM (opposite of) anger-0023 antipathy, dealing with-0026 baptism, appreciation of-0045 charity-0078 Christ-bearer-0099 complacence-0113 friendliness-0308 gentleness of Francis- 03250326 hope-1022 humility-0414 liberty of spirit-0492 living (in peace)-0698, prudence-043 self-control-0410 simplicity of-0923 spirit of 6092 tranquility-1028
OTHERS Francis' solicitude for 0951 in the company of 0670 patience with 0696 solicitude for-0951
OUTSPOKENNESS frankness-0307
OVER EAGERNESS and lack of resignation 0671 and spiritual restlessness 0672
PARENTS love of 0542
PARTYING (DANCES) considerations after 0173
PASTORS their love for the Church-0673
PATIENCE in affliction-O692 in aridity 00310032 in discouragement-0231 endurance-0674 false 0675 forgiveness with 0676 Francis own-0677 in God's good pleasure-0679 and humility of Christ in-0407 in illness- 0466, 0680 with imperfections 0431, 0693 with meekness-0681 with neighbors-O694 with one's self- 0505, 0693 with others-0696 perfect-0682 perfection striving for-0687 practice of 0683 (France), with resignation-0678 in spiritual direction-0684 in spiritual progress-0655 suffering-0086 with sell- 0683, 0685 with tranquility-O688 in trials-0690, true-0690 with the will of God-0091
PAUL, SAINT desire for death-0101
PEACE 0108 in humility-0409 living in-0697 preserving 0700 in self-abandonment-0892 of soul-0408, 0409, 0699 in trials 0697
PENANCE, WORKS OF indordinate-0663 involuntary-0701 with moderation-0702 through mortification-0704 necessity of-0702 in obedience - 0705 voluntary-0705
PERFECTION achieving-0706 corruptions of 0708 desire for 0709 deciding for others-0210 effort, result of 0712 gift of-0711 impatience in achieving -0712 imperfections 0213 living of 0715 in married state-0564 of obedience-0650 reasonable 0716 self, caring for 0907 simplicity of 0718 striving for 0719 driving for in others-0710 vis-a-vis virtues-1076 in the will of God-1143 (in the) world-0714
PERFORMANCE our work-1167 SEE also WORK
PERMISSION (S) by religious superiors-0858
PERMISSIVE WILL (of GOD) 0101, 1118, 1128 in God's good pleasure-1126
PERSEVERANCE – 0720 in charity-0083 grace of-0721 in humility-0291 in Lent-0487 in obedience-0651 prayer of 0722 in vocation-1090 in religious vocation-1097
PERSISTENCE in vocation-1091
(ST) PETER widower, celibate-1107
PILGRIMAGE of life-0495
PIOUS affections-0009
POLITICS Francis' attitude of-0723
POOR love for the-0724 see CHARITY, ACTS OF
POSSESSIONS avarice-0042 not ends in themselves-0043 not our own-0726 care for temporal-0725
POVERTY almsgiving-0012, 0013 of St Joseph-0476 voluntary.0728
PRACTICE of humility.0414 of patience-0683 of virtues-1073
PRAISE due to God-0729 of God-0730
PRAYER agenda without personal 0794 anxiety in-0029 aridity.0701 aridity remedy-0732 attentive 0733 attitudes in-0734 beginning 0735 charity of Christ-0795 (through) Christ-0786 through) Christ to God-0787 comfortable-0736 community-0737 conditions-0738 confidence-0739 consolation, without-0793 contemplation-0740 contemplation, quiet-0799 daily-0741 definitions-0742 devotion-0743 difficulty.0744 direct indirect-0745 distractions-0746 distractions, avoiding-0747 distractions, beyond-0748 distractions, blameless-0749 distractions, circumstances-0750 distractions, pleasing-0751 docility in-0240 ecstatic-0752 ecstasy, quit-0800 cffective-0753 empty-0754 essence of-0755 Father, reverence for-0798 focusing one's self-0756 of forgiveness-0979 Frances-0758 Francis gift, communion with God 0760 gift of God-0760 in God's good pleasure-0261 for goods, temporal-0770 of Gospel-0762 habitual 0763 for humility 0764 images in-0765 images, effective-0766 inspired-0768 matter of 0770 meditation-0771 meditation, discursive-0591 meditation, first degree of-0592 mental-0772 mystical-0773 of mystical theology-0774, (of Christ) for neighbor 0796 patience in-0776 of perseverance- 0722, 0777 petition-0778 of presence of God-0799 prayer-0144 private-0780 private with interruptions-0780 public-0781 purpose of-0775 reciting of the rosary.0872 reciting the rosary with purpose 0873 religious-0801 resolutions-0782 reverence at-0783 in sickness-0767 simplicity-0784 simplicity of heart-0786 Spiritual Exercises (the)-0280 in suffering-0769 of theology-1023 tranquility-0788 of union-0802 union with Christ crucified-0789 untroubled-0790 value of-0791 vocal-0792
PREACHERS advice to-0803 Sincerity of-0804
PREACHING effective-0805 first duty-0806 Francis own dryness 0808 Francis focus-0807 Francis Inspiration from God-0809 Francis instrument of God-0810 Francis protestations-0811 instruments of God 0812 zeal for-0813
PREDILECTION - 0814 love of-0815
PREGNANCY fruit of your womb-0816 ongoing creation-0817
PREPAREDNESS for the Eucharist-0276 in temptation-1011
PRESENCE (God’s)-0335, 0819, Absent to – 0820, conscious of 0821 in His good pleasure-OR22 walking in d823
PRESENT MOMENT God, our All: 0344 simplicity of 0936
PRESERVING chastity of-0049 peace-0700
PRIDE self-conceit-0825
PRIESTHOOD Francis appreciation for his own 0826 Francis regard for-0827
PRIESTS acceptance of-0259 celibate-0069 Francis exhorting of his-0828 qualities-0829 ministers of reconciliation-0828
PROFESSION, RELIGIOUS in religious life-1098 unprofessed-1099
PROFIT of suffering-0982
PROPRIETY exterior moderation 0604
PROVIDENCE God's comprehension-0037 Gods, in death-0185 our esteem for- 03390833 over all creation-0341. 0832 0837
PROVIDENCE, DIVINE contradictions 0831 free will-0834 God's will:0337 the human mind-0338, 0835 the mind's limits- 03400836 redemption-0838, redemption through Jesus-083 reliance on-0840 trustin-0840 unquestioned 0842
PRUDENCE balance in 0697 discretion-0845 Francis own 0843 human 0844 moderation-0845 natural-0846
PURGATORY souls in-0847
PURITY of man-0090
QUALITIES OF obedience-0652 priests-0829
RASH JUDGEMENT - 0481 evils of-0482 of literary works-0497 remedies against-0483
READING good and bad-0848 spiritual-0968 spiritual with balance 0969
REASON (use of) before birth guided by constancy 0136 John and Jesus-0849 and Mary-0588
REASONABLE perfection-0716
RECIPROCAL nature of charity-0084
RECOLLECTION contemplative-0850 spiritual 0851
RECONCILIATION frequent participation m-0120 general, benefits of-0121 matter for-0122 repenting of sin-0935 the sacrament of 0123
RECREATION dances-0173 social activities- 08520853
REDEMPTION and divine providence-0838 and divine providence through Jesus-0839
REFLECTION on one misery.0601
REFORM religious-0854
RELATION Francis' with his brothers-0855 of Religious Superiors to one another-0986
RELIANCE on divine providence-0840
RELIGION unity-1053
RELIGIOUS - 06190705
RELIGIOUS LIFE (in community) abnegation of self-0169 detachment from world-1 169 dignity of 0856 holy indifference 0449 humility in-0415 humility re: offices-0417 irregularities 0857 love of one's 0543 neighbor in community-0629 obedience 0654 obedience compliant in-0639 obedience, fruit of 0655 permissions by superiors-0838 re prayer of 080T reform of 0854 rule, attention to-0874 rule, observance of-0675 self-renunciation of-0913 sick of the community care for 0915 vigils, night-0635 Visitation, founding of 1079 SEE also VISITATION will, denial of-0641 vocation, cultivation of 1095
RENEWAL spiritual, on least 0970
RENUNCIATION OF SELF total-0860 (to the) will of God-1145 of the world, flesh and good things 0910
REPENTANCE sadness from 0886 of sins-0944
REPROBATION grace-0861
REPUGNANCE to the will of God-1146
REPUTATION care for-0863 defending-0862 humility-0411
RESEMBLANCE man's divine-0864
RESIGNATION to imperfections-0432 indifference to-0865 lack of, in over-eagerness-0671 spirit of-0671 to suffering 0983 to the will of God-1147, 0712
RESISTANCE to temptation-1012
RESPECT for the word of God-1164
RESPONSE TO Vocation 1102
RESTLESSNESS, SPIRITUAL 0867 due to over-eagemess-0672
RESURRECTION of the body-0868
REVERENCE for the word of God-1165
REWARD eternal-0869
RIDICULE of others in speech 0962
ROSARY Francis devotion to-0871 reciting of 0872 reciting with purpose 0873
RULE attention to-0874 constancy- 01340136 observance of 0875 violation of-0137 of the Visitandi-1082
SACRAMENTS – 0876 attention to 0877 humility preparing for-0879 intention, purity of-0880 lack of preparation-0878 of reconciliation-0123
SACRED HEART devotion to-0220 love of God and man-0882 Visitatandines devotion to-0881 and the Visitation sisters-0883
SADNESS from the devil,0885 caused by misfortune-0884 natural-0887 from fervent repentance-0886 spiritual-0888 due to temptation-1018
SAINTS example of the-0891 Francis’ plea, "Don't make me a" 0889 imitating Jesus 0463 intercession of the communion of 0890 veneration of 1058
SALVATION God's desire for everyone's-0333, 0892 God's love for us 0513
SCORN in speech-0962
SCRUPLES 08930906 remedies for-0904 spiritual 1037 tranquility-1028 trials of 1036
SEEKING the will of God-1148 patient with- 04230425 love of 0504 patience with-0695 and perfection 0707 in prayer-0756
SELF CONTROL 0410 humility-0410 in speech-0901
SELF-ABANDONMENT – 0894 Divine providence in-0895 dryness in-0896 at peace in-0897 virtue of virtues-0899 to the will of God-0898
SELF-CONCEIT pride-0825
SELF-ESTEEM a generosity of spirit-0903 in humility- 04110418 in opinions-0668
SELF-EXAMINATION – 0904 of imperfections- 04330905 scrupulous 0906
SELFLESS in the will of God-1149
SELF-LOVE - 04220504 in antipathy-0028 balance-0621 cordiality-0622 deceptions 0907 (distorted) esteem of self-0908 humbly-0412 impatience 0423, 0424, 0426 impediments of 0587 and the love of God-0506 meekness-0681 of self-0504 and the will of God-0505 renunciation of 0859 and the will of God-0505
SELF-PRAISE boasting-0909
SELF-RENUNCIATION in good things-0910 in living Jesus-0911 of Mary-0912 of Religious-0913 SEE also SELF ABANDONMENT
SENSES will's supremacy over-1110
SENSUALITY and concupiscence-0117 controlled by the will 0914
SERVING GOD in illness-0919 with simplicity-0920 doing His will-1150
SICK, THE care for in Religion-0915 SICKNESS see ILLNESS
SIGNIFIED WILL (of God) 0101, 0102, 0761. 1118, 1133, 1151
SIMPLICITY - 0920 charity of-0921 of children 0925 in conversation-0924 Francis own-0922 and honesty-0373 humility of 04170923 of perfection-0718 of the present moment-0926 prudence of Francis-0843 in self-abandonment-0927 spiritual-0928 unaffected 0929 uncontrived-0930
SIN attachment to-0931 repented and reconciled-0935 and temptation-1013
SIN, MORTAL aquisitive-0503
SIN, ORIGINAL baptism-0932 occasioned Lucifer-0934 providence-0336
SIN, VENIAL affection for 0936, attachment-0937 charity weakened-1059 desire for 0938, and imperfection-0939 uncharitable-0940
SINCERITY Francis-0922 humility-0413 preachers-0804
SINLESS and temptation-1014
SINNERS God’s love for-0942 our love for-0943 repentant-0944 unrepentant-0945 wisdom to change-0946
SLANDER murderous-0948 and rash judgement-0482 witness to-0947 types of 0949, 0958 SEE also CALUMNY
SMALL temptation 1015
SOCIETIES, PIOUS Confraternities-0126
SOCIETY solitude-0950
SOLITUDE for others 0951, spiritual-0952
SONG OF SONGS 0064, 0953, 0344 comment on the-0065 Francis’ view of the 0066 On our All 0344
SOUL care of 0954 congruity between the, and God-0127 inferior parts of-0955 peace of- 0698, 0699 in purgatory 0847 superior parts of 0955 and the Trinity 103
SPEAKING with banter-0957 with contempt.0962 with detraction-0958 good and evil 0959 of God-0956 joking-0957 in moderation-0960 with modesty-0961 with ridicule 0962 scorn-0962 slander 0958 with self-control-0901
SPECIES affective and effective elements of love of God 0507, 0508 beatific vision of God-0046
SPIRIT of cheerfulness-0092 of equanimity-0963 (versus) the flesh- 03030964 humble generosity-0402 the Visitandi-1083 (commending of the will to God-1113 and the world-1170
SPIRIT, HOLY charity, a gift of the-007 (our) deeds are our witness 0371 Francis devotion to-0372 good works-0371
SPIRITUAL aridity. 024302440245 communion 0818 consolations 013 dryness- 024302440245 glimpses into Francis own-0967 Francia' life in Paris-0966 presence of Christ in us-0851 reading with balance 0968 renewal of self on feasts. 1970 restlessness-867 sadness 0888, simplicity 0928 solicitude 0952 trusting in God-1042
SPIRITUAL DIRECTION 0226, 0965 with approval-0227 distortable by self-love-028 and obedience-0229 with patience-0684
SPIRITUAL EXERCISES prayer-0280 virtue-0280
SPIRITUAL LIFE Francis own as a student-0966 (glimpse into) Francis’ own-0967
SPIRITUAL POVERTY affect/effect-0727
SPIRITUAL PROGRESS in patience-0685
SPIRITUAL RENEWAL on feast-days-0970
SPOUSE mutual love of-0557 supernatural love of 0560 thoughts on death of-0196 union, effect of supernatural love-0561
STATE OF LIFE desire-0971 difficulties of-0972 faithfulness in-0973 repugnance to the will of God-1146 Virtue in-0974 the will of God in-1134
STRENGTH in temptation 1016
STRUGGLE against vanity.1057
SUBMISSION to divine providence 0237 in illness-0421, 0918 to obedience-0658 to the will of God-1153 to the word of God-1166
SUCCESS personal-0485
SUFFERING - 0975 acceptance of-0976 bodily-0977 for Christ-0978 Francis gentleness-0325 Francis' love of-0979 and generosity of spirit-0980 and humility-0396 indifference to-0446 love of the cross in-0981 with a loving God-0538 with patience-0686 profit in-0982 resignation to-0983 value of-0984 in the will of God-1138, 1154
SUPERIOR part of the soul-0955
SUPERIORS (religious) advice to those elected-0985 relation to one another 0986
SUPERNATURAL life-0496 love of spouse-0560
SURRENDER (prayer for) God-1144
SWEETNESS (of disposition) Francis’ Christ-like-0987 Francis’ simplicity of-0988
SYMPATHY on death of a loved one-0192
TEMPORAL possessions, care for-0725 prayers for-0757
TEMPTATION – 0989 bad thoughts-0990 calmness during 0992 consent to-0993 courage in- 09941064 dealing with-0995 despising of-0996 displeasure in-0997 doubtful-0998 enduring-0999 exhausting-1001 against Faith- 02861002 without fear-1003 balanced focus-1004 and our frailty-1005 Francis' protestations-1006 and free will-1007 and God's grace-1008 help in-1009 and idleness-1010 imagination, unseemly-1021 preparedness for-1011 remedies-0287 resistance to-1012 (balanced) response-0991 to sadness-1018 from Satan-1000 sinful-1013 sinless-1014 small-1015 strength in-1016 sufferings caused by-1017 to vanity-1019 trusting in God-1020 (against) will of God-1155
TESTING of a vocation-1103 by the will of God-1156
THEOLOGY meditations-1023 prayers-1023
THIRST of Christ-1024
THOUGHTS unseemly-1025
TIME good use of-1026
TRANQUILITY – 1027 in activity-1030 calmness-1028 contradictions-1029 from patience-0688 in eagemess-0250
TREATISE ON THE LOVE OF GOD Francis' comments on-1031 general content of-1032 style of the 1033
TRIALS 1034 interior-1035 patience in 0689 peace in-0697 Providence, trusting in 1043 spuntual seruples-1037
TRIBULATIONS remedies in humility-1037 will of God in-1139
TRINITY – 1051 beatific vision of 0367 and the incarnation-0440 and the human soul-1038 union of God in Trinity 1051
TROUBLES God's will in-1140
TRUE Christian-0094 friendship.0319 inspirations-0455 patience-0690 zeal-1182
TRUST IN GOD-0038 acts of-1039 in anxiety-1040 in discouragement-1041 in Divine providence-0238, 0841 spiritual-1042 in temptations 1020 in trials-1043 through union with-1050
UNAFFECTED simplicity 0929
UNCHARITABLE in venial sin-0940
UNCHASTE lewdness-0488
UNCONTRIVED simplicity.0930
UNION complacent with God-0115 desire for with God-1046 internity-1047 in the Eucharist-104 with the Father and Son-1051 with God-1045 with God, font of diversity 1040 und love-1044 in love of neighbor-0631 ours with God 0344 prayer or 0802 St Joseph's with Mary 0477
UNITY in God-1052 in religion-1053
UNREPENTANT sinners-0945
UNSEEMLY thoughts-1025
VALIANCE St Joseph's-0476
VALUE of prayer-0791 of suffering-0984
VANITY ambition- 00140015 foolishness of-0155 the little ones-1054 monuments, earthly-0608 struggle against-1057 Temptation to-1019 of women-1086
VARIETY of religious vocations 1101
VENERATION of angels and saints-1058
VICES against Liberty of Spirit 0492 against virtue-1077
VIGILANCE in Faith-0288
VIGILS night-1060
VIOLATION of constitution rule-0137
VIRTUE (S) – 1062 of cheerfulness-0093 excellence of-1064 in fasting-0294 and friendship.0311 humility, the virtue of-0395 of Joseph-0478 of LIVING JESUS-1070 love-1071 lowly and honorable-1072 Mary-0589 Vis-a-vis perfection-1076 practice of-1073 in self-abandonment-0899 in the Spiritual Exercises-0280 in state of life-0974 and vice-1077 vice, antidote to-1063 of widows-1109
VIRTUE, THEOLOGICAL 1074 faith, hope, charity-1022 hope-0377 relation to each other-1075
VIRTUES, THE LITTLE - 1065 described-1067 essence of-1068 at hand-1066 the littleness of-1069
VISION - 1078 beatific of God-0350 of God through His glory.0351
VISITATION ORDER essence of the-1081 and the Eucharist-0277 founding of the-1079 founding of at Lyons-1080 and Francis-1084 Mary patroness of-0585 (called to) perfection-1085 rules of-1082 and the Sacred Heart-0883 spirit of-1083 vignettes about-1084
VOCAL prayer-0791
VOCATION "Bloom where you are planted” 1086 detachment-0187 doing the best you can-1088 faithfulness to-1089 perseverance in one's-1090 persist-1091 Virtue of widow's-1109 the will of God in-1135
VOCATION, RELIGIOUS 1092 aspire to-1093 call to-1094 cultivation of-1095 encouraging-1096 perseverance in-1097 profession-1098 not realized-1099 response to-1102 surrender to Jesus-1100 testing of-1103 variety of-1101 the will of God in-1135
VOLUNTARY penance-0705 poverty-0728
WALKING in God's presence-0335
WHY WE SHOULD BECOME RELIGIOUS - 1092, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103
WIDOW/WIDOWER – 1104 a holy state-0015 and humility-1108 love for-1106 Peter, the celibate widower-1107 virtues of the vocation-1109
WILES of the world-1171
WILL OF GOD accepting in all details-1112 in adversity 1129 m affliotions-1130 without anxiety 1157 in the commandments-1133 in human comprehensions-0337 in confidence 1132 conforming selflessly 1149 conformity in all things-1114 in comprehension 0337 in consent 10-1115 consideration of 1116 Counsels of-1118 in crisis-0282 n crosses-1117 defined-1118 devotion to- 021103120213 0215 doing the-1119 effects of-1120 in everythm-1131 feeling-1121 Francis conformity to-1122 Francis immersion in the-1123, 1127 Francis indifference to his own-1124 Francis resignation to-1125 immersed in the-1127 implied-1128 as inspirations-1137 Jesus guide-1111 in living alone for the-1141 love of-1142 and love of self 0505 Math-1148 obedience-0661 patience-0691 perfectly-1143 permissive (His good pleasure) 1118 1126 in relation to self-0346 our resignation to-1147 renunciation of one's own-1145 SEE also PERMISSIVE WILL OF GOD repunance-1146 in self-abandonment 0898 selfless 1149 seeking the-1148 in serving Him 1150 in sickness-1136 signified 1118, 1151 (our) spirit commending or 1113 in our state of life-1134 subjection to the 1152 submission to the 1133 in suffering 1138, 1154 praying for) surrender of 1144 temptations against 1155 tested by 1156 in tribulations-1139 in troubles-1140 in one's vocation-1135
WILL OF OTHERS doing the-1158
WILL, THE and concupiscence-0117 and grace-0358 and divine providence-0834 and sensuality: 0914 supremacy over the senses 1110 in temptation 1007
WISDOM God's inscrutable-1159 and repentance of sins-0946
WITNESS to slander-0947
WOMEN/MEN and vanity-1056
WORD OF GOD attention to-1160 by example-1161 conformity to-1162 respect for 1 164 reverence of-1165 submission to-1166 our worthiness-1163
WORK how it should be performed-1167 state of life-0973 SEE also, DUTIES OF STATE and VOCATION
WORLD. 1168 detachment from-1169 Mary's renunciation of-0586 spirit of the-1170 Wiles of-1171
WORLDLY AFFAIRS attitude towards-1172 balance in-1173 Francis relation to-1174
WORLDLY THINGS attraction for 1172
WRATH – 0019, 0020, 0021, 0022, 0023, 0024
WRITER Francis' as a-1176 Francis criticism of his-1179 Francis' thoughts of self as-1179
WRITINGS Francis' plans-1178
ZEAL - 1180 in devotion-0221 false and true-1182 as God gives us-1181 for preaching-0813
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