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Spoonful of Honey
Inspirational thoughts from the writings of SFS
Compiled by
Fr. Baviri Suresh Babu, M.S.F.S
(Published in 2014, by MSFS Dhyanashtram Visakhapatnam)
These precious pearls are truly priceless pearls. These wisdom capsules are gathered over the years while reading extensively the writings of St. Francis de Sales and arranged in alphabetical order. They are: Introduction to the Devout Life, Treatise on the Love of God, Spiritual Conferences, Sermons of St. Francis de Sales etc. These sayings of St. Francis de Sales are useful for our prayer and reflection and they can inspire and educate all those who read them.
Table of Contents
Abandonment 1
Ability 1
Abjection 1
Account 1
Acknowledgement 1
Action and Contemplation 2
Affection 2
Afflictions 2
Almsgiving 2
Anger 3
Anxiety 4
Arrogance 4
Aspirations 4
Attachment to the World 5
Attachment 4
Attachments 5
Attention 5
Attitudes 5
Attraction of God 6
Attraction 5
Austerity 6
Avarice 6
Beauty and Goodness 9
Beauty and gracefulness 9
Beauty 9
Behaviour 9
Belonging to God 10
Benevolence 10
Birthday Events 10
Boasting 10
Calumny 11
Care of Souls 11
Cause of Evil 12
Charism 12
Charity and devotion 21
Charity and obedience 21
Charity 12
Chastity 22
Christian Life 24
Christian 24
Church’s teaching 25
Commandment and Counsels 25
Commandments 25
Communion 28
Complaints 28
Confession 28
Confessors 29
Confidence and Grace 31
Confidence in God 29
Confidence 29
Consolation 32
Contemplation 32
Contempt 33
Contentment 33
Contrition and confession 34
Contrition 34
Cordiality 34
Correction 35
Counsel of Charity 36
Counsel of Obedience 36
Counsels and Virtues 35
Courage 36
Creation of God 36
Criticism 41
Cross and Sign of the Cross 40
Cross 37
Death and Eternal Life 43
Death 43
Decision 43
Deliberate Decisions 44
Delight 44
Desire for cross 45
Desire for God 45
Desire for good 46
Desires 45
Desires-perfect & imperfect 46
Despair 46
Destination 46
Detachment 47
Devil 47
Devotion 48
Discipline 53
Discouragement 53
Dislike 54
Disorder 54
Dissatisfaction 54
Disturbance 54
Disunity 55
Divine Joy 55
Dutifulness 55
Eating 56
Ecstasy 56
Emotions and Passions 57
Eternal Life 57
Eucharist 59
Evil Spirit 60
Evil 59
Excuses 61
Experience 61
Faith - Hope - Charity 65
Faith – Repentance 65
Faith 62
Faithfulness 66
False Friendship 66
Fasting 66
Fear of Death 67
Fear of God 67
Fear 67
Fidelity 69
Firmness 69
Following Jesus 69
Francis de Sales about his determination 69
Francis de Sales about his Detractors 70
Francis de Sales on Fruits of the Cross 70
Francis de Sales on Himself 71
Francis de Sales on his desire to die for Christ 72
Francis de Sales on the Mercy of God 72
Francis de Sales on the spirit of detachment of Saint John the Baptist 72
Francis de Sales on the Will of God 73
Francis de Salesa about his mission at Chablais 69
Francis de Saleson about Calvinism in Geneva 7 0
Fraternal Correction 73
Freedom and Love 74
Freedom 73
Friend 75
Friendship 75
Generosity 77
Gentleness 77
God and Creation 81
God and World 81
God is Love 86
God 78
God’ Grace 85
God’s Choice 81
God’s Goodness 81
God’s Holiness 85
God’s Judgments 85
God’s Justice and Mercy 86
God’s Justice 85
God’s Mercy 87
God’s Power 87
God’s Presence 87
God’s Providence 88
God’s ways are different 89
God’s will 89
God’s Work 89
Good and Bad 91
Good and Beautiful 91
Good and Evil 91
Good Choice 92
Good Persons 93
Good 90
Goodness 92
Gossips 93
Grace of God 93
Grace 93
Gratifying Love 94
Greed 94
Growth in Virtues & Devotion 94
Guardian Angels
Happiness 95
Heart 95
Holiness of the Saints 9 7
Holiness 97
Holy Cross 97
Holy Indifference 98
Holy Spirit 99
Honour - Love 102
Honour and Pleasure 102
Honour to God 102
Honour 100
Hope 102
Human Being 103
Human Body 105
Human life 105
Humility and Charity 110
Humility and Generosity 110
Humility and Gentleness 111
Humility and Patience 112
Humility 105
Idolatry 113
Imperfections 113
Indifference 114
Innocent 114
Insincerity and Subtlety 114
Inspiration of Saints
Inspiration 115
Jealousy 118
Jesus Christ And Cross 119
Jesus Christ 118
Joseph and Mary 122
Joseph 119
Joys and Sorrows 123
Judgment 123
Justice 124
Justification 124
Kingdom of God 125
Knowledge and Devotion 126
Knowledge and Love 126
Knowledge and Piety
Knowledge 125
Lamentations 128
Laxity 128
Learning 128
Life for Christ 129
Life 128
Light and Darkness 129
Love - Effective & Affective 145
Love - Fear 143
Love and Contemplation 143
Love and Death 143
Love and Friendship 143
Love and Knowledge 144
Love and Law 144
Love and Obedience 144
Love and Penance 144
Love and the Innocent 144
Love Benevolent 142
Love for Congregation 145
Love Gratifying 142
Love of Enemies 146
Love of God 146
Love of God & Mortification158
Love of God & Neighbour 158
Love of God&Love of things158
Love of neighbor 159
Love of the Poor 161
Love 130
Mary 162
Meditation 163
Meditation&Contemplation 166
Mercy of God and Misery of man 168
Mercy of God 167
Messengers of God 168
Misery 170
Mission 170
Mockery 170
Modesty 171
Mortal Sin 172
Mortification & Obedience 173
Mortification 172
Motive 173
New Life 174
New Self 174
Obedience– Surrender 183
Obedience 175
Opportunities 183
Optimism 183
Paradise 184
Passion 184
Patience 184
Peace and Serenity 186
Peace and Tranquillity 187
Peace 186
Penance and Love 187
Penance 187
Perfection of God 193
Perfection of Christian Life 192
Perfection 187
Perseverance in Vocation 193
Perseverance 193
Piety 193
Pleasing God 194
Pleasures 194
Point of View 195
Politeness 195
Poor 195
Positions of Honour 196
Possessions 196
Poverty and affluence 198
Poverty 196
Power of God 198
Praise God 199
Prayer - Devotion 203
Prayer and Meditation 203
Prayer 199
Preacher 204
Preaching 205
Preparation 205
Presence of God 205
Pride 206
Problems of life 207
Providence of God 209
Providence 207
Prudence and Simplicity 209
Prudence 209
Purity and simplicity 210
Purity of Heart
Rash Judgement 211
Readers 211
Reason and Passion 212
Reason and Reasoning 212
Reason 211
Recollection 212
Recreation 212
Redemption 213
Relaxation 213
Religious Congregation 213
Religious Life 214
Religious Persons 216
Religious Vocation 216
Religious 213
Renunciation & Surrender 219
Renunciation 218
Repentance 219
Reputation 221
Reward 223
Rich and Poor 224
Rich 223
Riches 224
Rude and unsociable 225
Rule of Life
Sacrament of Reconciliation 227
Sacraments 226
Sadness 227
Saint Francis of Assisi 228
Saints 227
Salvation 229
Satisfaction 230
Self 230
Self-Control 230
Selfishness 231
Self-love 231
Self-pity 233
Self-purification 233
Self-righteousness 233
Self-will, Sensitivity-Extreme & Sentimental 234
Serenity of the Heart 234
Sermons 234
Servant of God 235
Service 235
Serving God 235
Sharing 236
Sick Spiritually 236
Sickness 236
Silence 236
Simplicity and Humility 238
Simplicity and Prudence 238
Simplicity 236
Sin and Imperfection 242
Sin and Repentance 243
Sin 239
Sinner 243
Slander 243
Sobriety 244
Speech Modest 245
Speech 245
Spiritual and Bodily Things 246
Spiritual Conferences 246
Spiritual Exercises 246
Spiritual Guide 246
Spiritual Life 247
Spiritual Renewal 247
Stoicism 248
Suffering 248
Sufferings and Happiness 249
Surrender to the Will of God 249
Surrender 249
Temptations 250
Tension 252
Tolerance 252
Toleration 252
Tranquillity 253
Transformation 253
Treasure 253
Tribulations 254
True Humility 254
Trust in God 254
Understanding 256
Union with God 256
Union 256
Unique Persons 258
Unity and Order 258
Unity in Diversity 259
Uprightness 259
Vainglory 260
Vanity 260
Variety 260
Venial sins 261
Vices 262
Virginity 263
Virtue and Devotion 273
Virtue and Hypocrisy 273
Virtues and Vices 273
Virtues and Vows 276
Virtues 263
Virtuous Life 276
Virtuous Persons
Vow 277
Vows 277
War 278
Weaknesses 278
Widows 278
Will of God 279
Will 279
Wisdom 284
Woman of Virtues 284
Word of God 284
World affairs
World 284
Zeal for Souls 287
Zeal to Serve God 287
Zeal 286
Books | Quotes | 27 Volumes | Pictures | Videos | Audio Books | Articles | Prayers