SFS and Religious Life

Studies in Salesian Spirituality

“St Francis de Sales and Religious life” is the 8th in the series of “Studies in Salesian Spirituality.” It highlights the various aspects of religious life in a Salesian perspective. Quite in consonance with the teaching of the Church and well-founded both pastorally and theologically, this book presents elements, a more holistic approach to the same life­style taking inspiration from St Francis de Sales which, is less controversial, but, at the same, more in keeping with consecrated life itself, particularly with reference to our own times and the mind of the church.

Table of Contents


  1. Key-Note Address – A. Mookenthottam MSFS

  2. Religious Life - a Pluridimensional Approach - Antony Kolencherry MSFS

  3. St Francis de Sales’ Contributions to Religious Renewal - Francis Moget MSFS

  4. St Francis de Sales and the Foundation of the Visitation : Rule and Directory - Sr. Jaya Mary

  5. The Evangelical Counsels of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience - Thomas Perumalil MSFS

  6. Celibacy and Friendship according to St Francis de Sales - Thomas Aerathedathu MSFS

  7. Authority and Obedience - Mathew Kalathungal MSFS

  8. Mysticism and Religious Life - A Salesian Perspective - Augustine Kolencherry SAC

  9. St Francis de Sales, Model for Religious and religious Formation - Agnelo Fernandes MSFS

  10. Community Life according to St Francis de Sales – Armind Nazareth MSFS

  11. Christian Maturity and Religious Life – William J. Gallagher OSFS

  12. Silence in Religious Life - From a Symposium

  13. St Francis de Sales: Prayer Life - M. Mariadas MSFS

  14. St Francis de Sales & Religious Life in the Indian Context - A. Mookenthottam MSFS