The Sacrament of Reconciliation

According to SFS

Fr. P. Paul Samy

In the First chapter, I am trying to discover the general and Biblical understanding of sin. In doing this, we shall examine the real meaning of sin. In the second chapter, I am bringing out the short life history of St. Francis de Sales and his insights on sin and its consequences in human life. The historical development of the sacrament of reconciliation will be dealt in short, the teachings of the Church and the effects of the sacrament of reconciliation will be discussed in the third chapter. We, need models to be followed or imitated in our life, so in the fourth chapter I am displaying the main teachings of St.Francis de Sales on Reconciliation and it’s relevance for today’s people and ministers of the powerful sacrament of reconciliation. Thus, a link is brought out throughout the thesis, starting from general and Biblical understanding of sin, St.Francis de Sales’s insights on sin: the causes of sin, the consequences of sin, the historical development of the Sacrament of Reconciliation: the teachings of the Church, the effects of the reconciliation and the relevance of the teachings of De Sales for today’s situation. At last. I bring my own evaluation, suggestions and conclusion. I believe in the powerful name of Jesus that the humble work of mine will be of some help to all who eagerly read through.

Table of Contents

General Introduction

Ch-1: General And Biblical Understanding Of Sin

Ch-2: St. Francis De Sales And His Teachings On Sin

Ch-3: The Sacrament Of Reconciliation And It's Historical


Ch-4: Reconciliation In The Life And Teachings Of St.Francis De Sales