| Bk-1 | Bk-2 | Bk-3 | Bk- 4 | Bk-5 | Bk-6 | Bk-7 | Bk-8 | Bk-9 | Bk-10 | Bk-11 | Bk-12 |

BOOK 12: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09| 10 | 11 | 12 | 13

Book-XII, Chapter 12


To receive from these motives very deep and fervent warmth of love, we should:

1. After reflecting on a motive in general, we must apply the same specially to ourselves. An example: How loving is the great God who because of his infinite goodness gave his own Son for the salvation of the whole world! Yes, for everyone but very specially for me, who is the foremost ofsinners (1 Tim 1:15). Ah, he has loved me. I say, he has loved even me, myself, such as I am. He gave himself to the Passion for me (Gal 2:20).

2. We must reflect on the origin of divine blessings and their eternal source. O God, my Theotimus, what love worthy of the immense goodness of our Creator could we have? From all eternity, he thought of cre­ating us, preserving, governing, redeeming, saving and glorifying us all as a whole and each one person­ally. What was I when I was not? I, now as I exist, am nothing but a simple, puny worm of the earth. Yet, God from the abyss of his eternity thought of me thoughts of blessings (Jer 29:11). He reflected and made plans for me. Thus he determined the hour of my birth, of my baptism, of all the inspirations which he would give me. In a word, he thought of all the blessings which he would offer and give to me. Is there any loving kindness, similar to this loving kindness!

3. We must meditate on the divine blessings in their second meritorious source. For do you not know, Theotimus, that the high priest of the Old Law car­ried on his breast and suspended from his shoulders a burse containing precious stones on which the names of the leaders of Israel were engraved ( Ex 39:14). See Jesus our great high priest (Heb 4:14). Look at him from the moment of his conception. Reflect that he carried us on his shoulders. He ac­cepted the task of redeeming us by his death and death ofthe cross (Ph 2:8), O Theotimus, Theotimus, the spirit of our Saviour knew us all by name and by surname. But above all, on the day of his Passion, when he offered his tears, his prayers, his blood and his life for you all. He thought of you very specially in these thoughts of his love. O, eternal father, I take upon myself and hold myself responsible for all the sins of poor Theotimus. I suffer all the tortures and death so that he may be freed, he may not be lost but he may live. Let me die that he may live. 30 May I be crucified so that he may be glorified! O, supreme love of the heart of Jesus! Which heart can ever praise you as devoutly as it should!

Thus within his [Jesus] maternal breast, his divine heart foresaw us, arranged, merited and obtained for all the blessings that we have. He did so not only in general for all, but also specially for each one. His breasts of sweetness prepared for us the milk of his graces, of his attractions, of his inspirations, of his sweetness. By them, he attracts, leads and nourishes our hearts for eternal life. These bless­ings will not at all inflame our hearts unless we reflect on the eternal will that planned them for us and the Heart of the Saviour who merited them for us by so many sufferings, above all, by his death and Passion.