| Part-I | Part-II | Part-III | Part-IV | Part-V |

PART II: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21

PART II, Chapter 5: The Second Part Of Meditation:Reflections Leading To God

Having made use of the imagination, next make use of the understanding. This is what we call meditation. It consists in making one or many reflections in order to arouse good movements of the will[1] towards God and the things of God. In this, meditation differs from study or other thoughts and reflections which are made, not to acquire virtue or the love of God, but for some other purposes and intentions, such as, to become learned, to write or to take part in a discussion.

Hence, after confining your spirit, as I have said, within the limits of the subject on which you wish to meditate, either by using the imagination if it is something perceptible to the senses, or by a simple presentation if it is not, begin to reflect on it. Of this, you have fully developed examples in the meditations I have given you (Part One, Chapters 9 to 18).

As long as you find sufficient attraction, light and fruit in one of these reflections, stop there without moving on to another. Be like the bees who do not leaver a flower as long as they find honey to gather there. But if a reflection is not to your liking, after attending to it and trying it for a while, pass on to another. But go on very gently and simply in this matter, without any hurry.


[1] “Good movements of the will” is literally “affections”.