Introduction to the Devout Life 

Complete and Unabridged

Translated and Edited by





This book is indeed a masterpiece of spiritual life. Originally written in French 1607-08 and first published in 1609, this book was an overnight classic. Additional authorized editions were printed in 1609, 1610, 1612, 1613, 1618, etc. and numerous unauthorized editions (many being protestant plagiarisms with heretical additions and deletions) appeared in 1610, 1611, 1613, 1615, 1616, etc. The book was translated into over 17 different languages by the year 1656 and has had countless editions printed since. 

Pope Pius XI issued the Encyclical "Rerum Omnium" on Jan. 26th, 1923 (the 300th anniversary of St. Francis de Sales death) designating him the Patron Saint of Catholic Writers and Journalists. Quote from the Encyclical: "Would that this book, the most perfect of its kind in the judgment of his contemporaries, as it was at one time in the hands of all, were now read by all, so that true piety might everywhere flourish again, and the Church of God might rejoice in seeing sanctity common among her sons."

Click the links below to read the 2005 edition of IDL

Preface by the Translators,   Biographical NotePreface by SFS,    Introduction to IDL

Part I:  Containing Counsels And Exercises Necessary For The Guidance Of A Person From The First Desire For The Devout Life Up To A Total Commitment To Live It 

Part IIISeveral Counsels For The  Practice Of Virtues 

Chapter 1: We Must Select The Virtues To Be Practised

Chapter 2: Further Advice On Selecting Virtues

Chapter 3: Patience

Chapter 4: External Humility

Chapter 5: Interior Humility

Chapter 6: Humility Makes Us Love Our Own Abjection

Chapter 7: How To Preserve Our Good Name While Practising Humility

Chapter 8: Gentleness Towards Our Neighbour And Remedies For Anger

Chapter 9: Gentleness Towards Ourselves

Chapter 10: Managing Our Affairs With Great Care But Without Eagerness Or Anxiety

Chapter 11: Obedience

Chapter 12: The Necessity Of Chastity

Chapter 13: Counsels For Preserving Chastity

Chapter 14: The Poverty Of Spirit To Be Practised Amidst Riches

Chapter 15: How To Practise Real Poverty While Remaining Rich

Chapter 16: How To Practise Richness Of Spirit In Real Poverty

Chapter 17: Friendship: First That Which Is Evil And Frivolous

Chapter 18: Flirtations Or Fickle Love

Chapter 19: Genuine Friendships

Chapter 20: The Difference Between True And Vain Friendships

Chapter 21: Counsels And Remedies Against Evil Friendships

Chapter 22: Some Further Counsels On Friendship

Chapter 23: The Practice Of Exterior Mortification

Chapter 24: Society And Solitude

Chapter 25: Propriety In Dress

Chapter 26: Speaking: First How We Must Speak Of God

Chapter 27: Sincerity In Words And Respect Due To Others

Chapter 28: Rash Judgments

Chapter 29: Slander

Chapter 30: Further Advice On Conversation

Chapter 31: Lawful And Praiseworthy Pastimes And Recreation

Chapter 32: Forbidden Games

Chapter 33: Dances Are Permissible But Dangerous Pastimes

Chapter 34: When We May Play Or Dance

Chapter 35: We Must Be Faithful Both In Great

Chapter 36: We Must Have A Just And Reasonable Mind

Chapter 37: Desires

Chapter 38: Advice To The Married

Chapter 39: Chastity In Married Life1

Chapter 40: Advice For Widows

Chapter 41: A Word To Virgins

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