Our imperfection must accompany us to our coffin; we cannot move without touching earth.
Amongst all loves, God’s is so to be preferred that we must always stand prepared in mind to forsake them all for that alone.
If God had not created man he would still indeed have been perfect in goodness, but he would not have been actually merciful, since mercy can only be exercised toward the miserable.
One ounce of sanctifying grace is worth more than a hundred pounds of those graces which theologians call “gratuitous", of which the gift of miracles is one.
Borrow empty vessels, said Elisha to a poor widow, and pour oil into them (2 Kings 4 :3-4). To receive the grace of God into our hearts, we ought to empty them of our own glory.
We must fear God through love, not love him through fear.
A heart full of love loves the commandments and the more difficult it seems, the more sweet and pleasing they become because it pleases the Beloved and gives Him more honour.
The most perfect degree of humility is to take pleasure in contempt and humiliations. It is worth more before God to suffer patiently contempt for love of Him than a thousand fastings and disciplines.
The true and solid devotion consists in the constant will, resolve, promptness and activeness to execute what is pleasing to God.
Let us not lower our eyes without humiliating at the same time the heart; let not others think we want the last place without truly desiring it.
Honours, ranks and dignities are like saffron which grows better and flourishes when trampled underfoot.
Humility perfects us in what concerns God, and meekness in what concerns our neighbour.
Know that the virtue of patience is what assures us the most perfection.
Prayer, united with the Divine Sacrifice of the Holy Mass, has an indescribable force; therefore by this means celestial favours united to the Beloved abound in the soul.
If your eye is simple all of your body will be too.
The saints feel that Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament is diffused and communicated totally in their souls and bodies. He repairs all, modifies and vivifies; loves in the heart, hears in the mind, sees in the eyes, speaks in the tongue; does all in all, and then it is not we who live, but Jesus Christ who lives in us.
Within the practices of religion, the Blessed Sacrament is what the Sun is to the stars; it is truly the soul of the Christian religion. It is the ineffable mystery that comprehends divine charity, by which God, truly uniting to us, communicates to us his magnificence, graces and favours.
We have to do everything for love, not out of force.
We have to allow our minds to be pierced by the thorns of difficulties and allow our hearts to be pierced by the lance of contradiction; to drink of the bitterness and swallow the vinegar, if this is God’s will.
To go to God there are many ways perhaps more excellent than the one we follow; let us recognize its excellence but let us put forth all our efforts to progress in the way God has given us, because it is there where He wants us to be.
Holiness is found in a path opened to us in our daily lives, the duties of our daily lives are offered to us with unequal attractiveness.
It is love that gives value to all our works; it is not by the greatness or multiplicity of our works that we please God, but by the love with which we do them.
All the good we do, we do for love of God, and the evil we avoid, we avoid for love of God.
From the heart, kiss frequently the crosses that our Lord Jesus himself puts on your shoulders; don't look to see if it is of precious wood or perfumed; they are more of a cross when they are made of the most despicable wood, the most rejected and dirty.
What makes us holy and pleasing to God is what our vocation demand of us, and not what our own will chooses.
We should perform all our actions by the obligation we owe them or by the simple acceptance of God’s will, and this is to be in calm or in storm.
Not only do we have to accept that God wounds us, but we have to accept to be wounded where He desires; we have to let God choose, because it is His right.
Nothing else purifies the intellect of ignorance and the will of depraved affections better than prayer.
Love is the perfection of the spirit and charity is the perfection of love.
The perfection of life is the perfection of love. Love is the life of the soul.
Some are tormented searching for the way to love God. These poor souls do not know there is no method to love Him apart from doing what pleases Him.
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