Feast Day Mass, on 24th January


Bishop and Doctor of the Church Titular and Patron of the Salesian Family



When celebrated with the rank of Solemnity (because the titular of a church or public oratory duly dedicated or blessed) there are three readings and the Credo is said.

Mass Option-1


The Lord filled him with the spirit of understanding; he will grow upright in purpose and in learning.



A wise heart, pleasant speech and right discernment can make a person truly safe. ‘Wise heart makes us perceptive and pleasant words guard our ways and preserve our lives’ is the message conveyed to us in today’s first reading. St Francis de Sales taught us ‘Education of the heart is the heart of education.’ ‘If our heart is wise God rejoices at it’ says the word of God (Prov. 23:15). Jesus, the power of God and the wisdom of God, can teach us if we are teachable. Jesus taught directly St.Catherine of Sienna who was a person without any formal schooling at all. And today she is considered a Doctor of the Church.

Let us therefore, humble ourselves today, as we celebrate the feast of SFS, so that we have a heart educated by God and a mouth filled with divine wisdom, speaking apt words at the opportune time. Let us be sorry for the times we despised divine wisdom and lived foolishly.



O God, who for the salvation of souls willed that the Bishop Saint Francis de Sales become all things to all, graciously grant that, following his example, we may always display the gentleness of your charity in the service of our neighbour. May this Feast Day help us to be inspired by St Francis de Sales in the path of humility and gentleness. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son, who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen!


FIRST READING - Prov. 16:16-24;32

How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. The highway of the upright avoids evil; those who guard their way preserve their lives. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. It is better to be of a lowly spirit among the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. Those who are attentive to a matter will prosper, and happy are those who trust in the Lord.

The wise of heart is called perceptive and pleasant speech increases persuasiveness. Wisdom is a fountain of life to one who has it, but folly is the punishment of fools. The mind of the wise makes their speech judicious, and adds persuasiveness to their lips. Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. One who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and one whose temper is controlled than one who captures a city.

The Word of the Lord


RESPONSORIAL PSALM : Ps 37:3-4, 5-6, 30-31

Response: The mouth of the just utters wisdom.


Trust in the Lord and do good,

That you may dwell in the land and be fed in security.

Take delight in the Lord,

And he will grant you your heart’s requests.

R. The mouth of the just utters wisdom.


Commit to the Lord your way;

Trust in him, and he will act.

He will make justice dawn for you like the light;

Bright as the noonday shall be your vindication.

R. The mouth of the just utters wisdom.


The mouth of the just tells of wisdom,

And his tongue utters what is right.

The law of his God is in his heart,

And his steps do not falter.

R. The mouth of the just utters wisdom.


SECOND READING –Ephesians 3:8-12

Brothers and sisters: To me, the very least of all the holy ones, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the inscrutable riches of Christ, and to bring to light for all, what is the plan of the mystery hidden from ages past, in God who created all things, so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the Church, to the principalities and authorities in the heavens. This was according to the eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness of speech and confidence of access through faith in him.

The Word of the Lord.


Alleluia, Alleluia.

I give you a new commandment:

Love one another as I have loved you!



GOSPEL – John 15:9-17

Jesus said to his disciples: “As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy be in you and your joy be complete. This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.

No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father. It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give you. This I command you: love one another.

The Gospel of the Lord



Through this saving sacrifice which we offer you, O Lord,kindle in our hearts that divine fire of the Holy Spiritwith which you wonderfully inflamed the most gentle soul of St Francis de Sales. Let our lives be a constant witness of Your love, so that we may become ‘all to all.’ We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen!



Cel: The Lord be with you

All: And with your spirit

Cel: Lift up your hearts

All: We lift them up to the Lord

Cel: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God

All: It is right to give him thanks and praise

It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give You thanks, Lord Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God.

In St. Francis de Sales, you gave the Church, a pastor after your own heart, to lead your people in holiness, through his writings, his preaching and his example. You filled the heart of St. Francis de Sales with such an outstanding sweetness that he called sinners to repentance and sought the unity of all believers through the bond of peace. In your mercy, you called Fr. Peter Mermier to form this Congregation of the Missionaries of St Francis de Sales to lead Your people to the renewal of heart through preaching of missions.

And so, with Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and Dominions, and with all the hosts and Powers of heaven, we sing the hymn of Your glory, as without end, we acclaim:



The Lord is good and upright. He guides the humble in the right path; He teaches His way to the poor.



Grant, we pray, Almighty God, that through the Sacrament we have received on the Feast Day of our glorious patron, we may imitate on earth the charity and meekness of St Francis de Sales and so attain like him the glory of heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen!



May God, the glory and joy of the Saints, who has caused you to be strengthened by means of their outstanding prayers, bless you with unending blessings.

R. Amen!

Freed from present ills, through the intercession of St Francis de Sales, and formed by the example of his holy way of life, may you be ever devoted to serving God and your neighbour.


Having God as the strength and summit of your life, may you be filled with enthusiasm and joy, in reaching out God’s love and mercy to all peoples.

R. Amen!

May the Blessing of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, come down on you and remain with you forever.

R. Amen!

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Mass Option-2


ENTRANCE ANTIPHON        (Cf Sir 39, 8b.10a.14)

The Lord filled him with the spirit of understanding to pour forth words of wisdom.

Nations will declare his wise judgement and the congregation will proclaim his praise.

Introduction to the Mass

Born in Savoy in 1567, Francis studied philosophy and theology at Paris and took his doctorate in civil and ecclesiastical law at Padua. After priestly ordination he offered himself to his bishop for the work of bringing back to the Catholic faith the Calvinists of the Chablais. As Bishop of Geneva, but with residence at Annecy, he preached a great deal and implemented the reforms of the Council of Trent. Of a noble and discerning spirit and learned in the humanities, he was a great spiritual director; he opened the paths of asceticism to all (Introduction to the Devout Life), and showed that the essence of the spiritual life lay in the love of God (Treatise on the Love of God). He understood the importance of the press; as a man of action he set up at Thonon an Academy which brought together the keenest intellects for the deeper study of science and the professional training of the young. With Saint Jane de Chantal he founded and directed the Order of the Visitation. He died at Lyons on 28 December 1622, but his feast is kept on this day which is the anniversary of the transferring of his remains to Annecy on 24 January 1623.

He was canonized in 1665, proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1877, and officially named patron of Catholic journalists and writers in 1923. Don Bosco drew his inspiration from the apostolate, the loving kindness and the humanism of Saint Francis de Sales; he chose him as the patron of the Salesian Society.

The liturgical text is a hymn of praise and blessing to the God of infinite goodness (I Coll.), because he has raised up in the Church St Francis de Sales to enlighten the devotion of Christian people and smooth out for all the way of sanctification (Pref.)

The texts exalt him: — as the saint of the gentle heart (Offert.) modelled on the Father's own heart and filled with the spirit of gentleness and kindness (Pref.); — as the sure master of the spiritual life who continues to instruct by his writings, word and example (Pref.); — as the man rich in wisdom that comes from on high (Ent. Ant.; I reading); — as the zealous and friendly shepherd (II Coll.) who is prudent and faithful (Sol Blessing), and who becomes everything to everyone in pastoral charity (I Coll), who leads sinners to do penance and strives to restore the unity of believers in a bond of charity and peace (Pref.).

From the assembly's participation in the holy Eucharist, the supreme confirmation of the love of the Son (Offert.), there arises the obligation to manifest God's love in their lives and in the service of their neighbour (I Coll), to work diligently in the mission to the young (II Coll), to seek in every circumstance of life to teach kindness, patience and active charity (f After Comm. and Sol. Bless.) so as to imbue with the Christian spirit the various ecclesial, social, political, economic and cultural structures, and render them more humane.  


Father, you gave Francis de Sales the spirit of compassion to befriend all men on the way to salvation. By his example, lead us to show your gentle love in the service of our fellow men.

Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.


(Alternative, for the religious community:)

Great and merciful God,

you have raised up in the Church Saint Francis de Sales

as a zealous shepherd and gracious tutor:

grant that we too may work diligently

in our mission to the young

with the same apostolic spirit.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


1st Reading: James 3,13-18 

Gospel: Jn 10,11-16




by this offering

may the divine fire of your Holy Spirit,

which burned in the gentle heart of Francis de Sales,

inspire us with compassion and love.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


PREFACE: A master of holiness

Cel: The Lord be with you

All: And with your spirit

Cel: Lift up your hearts

All: We lift them up to the Lord

Cel: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God

All: It is right to give him thanks and praise

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord. You raised up in the Church Saint Francis de Sales, a pastor after your own heart, to enlighten the devotion of Christian people by his writings, word and example, and make smooth for all the way of sanctification.

Filled with the Holy Spirit of gentleness and kindness, he led sinners to do penance and strove to restore the unity of believers in a bond of charity and peace.

Gathered in this festive assembly to celebrate the wonders of your love, we join our voices with the choirs of angels and saints to proclaim your glory:


Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosannah in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosannah in the highest.


COMMUNION ANTIPHON   (Cf. Jn  10, 14-15b)

I am the good Shepherd:

I know my sheep and my sheep know me, says the Lord: for them I lay down my life.



Merciful Father, may the sacrament we have received help us to imitate Francis de Sales in love and service; bring us to share with him the glory of heaven.

We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. 

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Mass Option-3



The Lord filled him with the spirit of understanding; he will grow upright in purpose and in learning.


St. Francis de Sales, the patron saint of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales.

Three hundred and fifty-four years before the Second Vatican Council, St. Francis de Sales triggered a spiritual revolution, by announcing that holiness is a universal call, in their own respective states and affairs of life.

He is the patron of Catholic writers, journalists, and press.  It is amazing to know that he approximately wrote 20,000 letters during his lifetime on earth and published two spiritual classics.

He devoted much of his life and writings in assisting the lay faithful to fulfil their mission in the church.

Today, the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales continues to play a vital role in assisting the lay faithful to play their rightful role in the church and society.

In a world that craves for meaningful relationships and nurtures too few, Salesian spirituality provides practical and accessible ways to address the deepest longings of the human heart.


O God, who for the salvation of souls willed that Saint Francis de Sales become all things to all, graciously grant that, as we celebrate his 450th Birth Anniversary, and follow his example, we may always display the gentleness of your charity in the service of our neighbour. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

FIRST READING (Proverbs 16:16-24;32)

How much better to get wisdom than gold!    To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. The highway of the upright avoids evil;    those who guard their way preserve their lives. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. It is better to be of a lowly spirit among the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. Those who are attentive to a matter will prosper,  and happy are those who trust in the Lord. The wise of heart is called perceptive and pleasant speech increases persuasiveness. Wisdom is a fountain of life to one who has it,  but folly is the punishment of fools. The mind of the wise makes their speech judicious, and adds persuasiveness to their lips. Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.  One who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and one whose temper is controlled than one who captures a city. 

SECOND READING (Ephesians 3:8-12)

Brothers and sisters: To me, the very least of all the holy ones, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the inscrutable riches of Christ, and to bring to light for all, what is the plan of the mystery

hidden from ages past, in God who created all things, so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the Church, to the principalities and authorities in the heavens. This was according to the eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness of speech and confidence of access through faith in him. Brothers and sisters:

To me, the very least of all the holy ones, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the inscrutable riches of Christ, and to bring to light for all what is the plan of the mystery hidden from ages past in God who created all things, so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the Church to the principalities and authorities in the heavens. This was according to the eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness of speech and confidence of access through faith in him.  

GOSPEL (John 15:9-17)

Jesus said to his disciples: “As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy be in you and your joy be complete. This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father. It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give you. This I command you: love one another.”  


As we celebrate the 450th Birth Anniversary of St. Francis de Sales, through this saving sacrifice which we offer you, O Lord, kindle in our hearts that divine fire of the Holy Spirit with which you wonderfully inflamed the most gentle soul of Saint Francis de Sales. Through Christ our Lord. 


V. The Lord be with you.

R. And also with you. 

V. Lift up your hearts.

R. We lift them up to the Lord.

V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

R. It is right to give him thanks add praise.

Father, all powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord. For in St. Francis de Sales you gave the Church a pastor after your own heart, to lead your people in holiness, by his writings, his preaching and his example and so prepare a way for the Lord. You filled the soul of St. Francis with such an outstanding sweetness that he called sinners to repentance and sought the unity of all believers through the bond of peace. In his company, with all the angels, we praise your glory as we sing with one voice.

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosannah in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosannah in the highest.


The Lord is good and upright. He guides the humble in the right path; He teaches His way to the poor.


Grant, we pray, Almighty God, that having celebrated the 450th Birth Anniversary of our heavenly patron, and through the sacrament we have received, we may imitate on earth the charity and meekness of St. Francis de Sales and so attain like him the glory of heaven. Through Christ our Lord.


May God, the glory and joy of the Saints, who has caused you to be strengthened by means of their outstanding prayers, bless you with unending blessings. R. Amen.

Freed through the intercession of St Francis de Sales from present ills and formed by the example of his holy way of life, may you be ever devoted to serving God and your neighbour.  R. Amen.

May the peace of God, which guided St Francis de Sales which surpasses all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. R. Amen.

And may the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, come down on you and remain with you forever. 

R. Amen.

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We are celebrating today, the feast of St Francis de Sales (SFS). He is a saint who lived a genuinely human life. He also taught us this important aspect of being saintly when he said, “Jesus incarnated to make us genuinely human than making us God.” Therefore, he said, real Salesian Spirituality is constituted by communion, compassion and connection. They make us genuinely human to be divine. The four domains of spirituality are clearly articulated by SFS. They are right relationship with oneself, nature, others and with the transcendent. Without right relationship in these domains, it is impossible to pray or to be genuinely spiritual. Without praying well, it is impossible also to be the children of the light. St John says, “Whoever says, I am in the light, while hating a brother or sister lies” (1 Jn. 2:9).

As God’s children every part of our body must be in the light (Lk. 11:36). Only the children of the light can love one another.

The Gospel today invites us to love one another. The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that beauty for a Christian is in the beauty of the soul. The soul receives this beauty when we sincerely love one another. “If our love is genuine, we will take pain for it, we will make any sacrifice for it, and we will be prepared to empty ourselves for it”, says St. Theresa of Calcutta. Such genuine love makes us really beautiful. St Francis de Sales again says, “Charity is the perfection of Love”.

St Peter Chrysologus says, “Two things important for Christian living are ‘living a virtuous life’ and ‘being educated.’” Both these aspects are powerfully endorsed by SFS for Salesian spirituality too. Let our faith and confidence in Jesus make us spiritually rich with Jesus the Wisdom of God (1 Cor 1:24) and with the knowledge about Jesus which will help us to fix our priority (Phil 3:8-9).


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Prayer of the Faithful (Option 1)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we are commemorating the 450th Birth Anniversary of our heavenly patron. Let us seek his powerful intercession as we pray

Response: “Hear us Lord we pray, hear us and answer us now.”

1.  For the Universal Church: That the Church may have strength to face all the trials and tribulations in spreading the gospel of the Lord in different parts of the world.

2.  For the Leaders of the Church: That the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Religious and Laity fulfil their leadership role in the church and accompany the people of God to the New Millennium.

3.  For Christian Writers and the Press: That we may have prolific writers who respond to national and important issues with a Christian and moral touch.

4.  For all the Schools, Colleges and Universities under the Patronage of SFS: That our institutions may strive hard to excel in the field of education and be exemplary in word and deed in the practice of Salesian virtues.

5.   For Religious Tolerance and Peace: That all the religious and political leaders of our country may work towards religious tolerance and guard us against all upsurges of hostility and violence. We pray to the Lord.

6.  For World Peace and Harmony: That all the world leaders make greater efforts to build peace, especially reconciliation between warring and neighbouring nations. We pray to the Lord.

7.   Let us pray for personal and local needs


God our Father, in Saint Francis de Sales you give us a living model of your kindness; grant that we who venerate him as our patron and teacher, may experience your loving providence. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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Prayer of the Faithful (Option 2)

Let us make our humble and confident prayer to God our Father, that through ,the intercession of Saint Francis de Sales the Word to which we have listened may bear abundant fruit.

Response: Lord, sanctify your people.


1. For the bishops and pastors of the Church: that being animated by the Holy Spirit they may work with zeal, patience, and pastoral charity to build up a Christian community that will be open also to those who are unbelievers and those who are indifferent or without hope, we pray to the Lord.

2. For a constructive dialogue between Christians of different denominations, that they may be enlightened by the knowledge of each other's beliefs, and be ever more infused With esteem and trust in the sincere search for unity in Christ our Saviour, we pray to the Lord.

3. For journalists, writers, and publishers: that in the practice of their profession, they may be able to view daily events in the light of the Gospel, and place their culture at the service of overall human advancement, we pray to the Lord.

4. For the Salesian Family: that it may look to Saint Francis de Sales as its particular model, so as to apply his teachings in its members' everyday lives, we pray to the Lord.

5. For all here present: that in imitation of Saint Francis de Sales we may make good use of the talents we have received and work willingly for God's kingdom, we pray to the Lord.

6. Other intentions.


God our Father, you have revealed your kindness in the lives of the saints, your friends and sertants; accept the prayers of this community, and open our hearts to receive your gifts. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


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Prayer of the Faithful (Option 3)

God has raised up perceptive and prudent persons, masters of wisdom, to guide his Church. Accepting with joy the teachings of Bishop Francis de Sales, we make our prayer to God our Father.

Response: Guide us, Father on the way to salvation.


1. That the Lord may give to his Church pastors according to his own heart, docile to the Spirit and faithful dispensers of his Word and sacraments, we pray to the Lord. 

2. That the members of the different Christian denominations may courageously seek the ways of reconciliation, so as to build up in unity the entire human family, we pray to the Lord.

3. That believers in Christ may daily live their faith in his Resurrection so as to spread throughout the world the wisdom of the Gospel, we pray to the Lord.

4. That in its service to poor and needy youth, the Salesian Family may live the teachings of Saint Francis de Sales, we pray to the Lord.

5. For all of us here present: that, animated by the gift of the Holy Spirit, we may learn to love God above all things and our neighbour as ourselves, we pray to the Lord.

6. Other intentions.


God our Father, in Saint Francis de Sales you give us a living model of your kindness; grant that we who venerate him as our patron and teacher, may experience your loving providence. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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Prayer of the Faithful (Option 4)

Cel: Dear brothers and sisters, the Feast Day of St Francis de Sales, our Heavenly Patron is an opportunity to thank the Lord for this great Saint, to be inspired by his virtues and to renew our consecration to the Lord. With deep trust in the Mercy of the Lord, let us offer all our prayers and petitions as we say:

R. Through the intercession of St Francis de Sales, give us the Grace to Live Jesus!

We pray for the shepherds of the Church - Holy Father Pope Francis, all the Bishops, the Clergy and the Consecrated - that having set their hearts on heavenly treasures, they may lead the people of God in the waysof eternal life. We pray to the Lord. R. 

We pray that the life of St Francis de Sales may be an example for all of us, to live in humility, and to be steadfast in faith, even amid crisis and difficulties of life. We pray to the Lord. R. 

We pray that the life of St Francis de Sales may be an example for all of us, to live in humility, and to be steadfast in faith, even amid crisis and difficulties of life. We pray to the Lord. R. 

We offer all our mission centres and every person associated with our apostolates, that God’s Love may fill every heart and bless their good intentions. We also pray for the benefactors and well-wishers of our Congregation that their generosity will be abundantly blessed. We pray to the Lord. R. 

We offer each one of us, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Compassion and St Francis de Sales, they we may experience God’s love through the various situations of life, and be rooted in faith, in order to Live Jesus. We pray to the Lord R. 

(Let us pray for personal and community needs)

Cel: We offer our gratitude to You, Lord, for Your loving Providence and constant protection. Being assured of your continual presence with us, may we deepen our love for the missions and be zealous missionaries, after the example of St Francis de Sales and Fr. Peter Marie Mermier. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen!

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