Spiritual Directory of SFS

Preface, Dedication, Spirituality, Advice

Articles, 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14

Article 5: Holy Mass

While the priest is getting ready, they should place themselves in the presence of God. When he says the Confiteor, they should prostrate themselves in spirit before God, acknowledge their sins, detest them and ask pardon for them. After this they may say the beads or any other prayers which they like best until the Gospel, at which they should rise promptly to testify that they are pre­pared to walk in the way of the commandments of the Gospel and say, "Jesus Christ was obedient unto death even the death on the Cross." Making the sign of the Cross on their forehead, lips and heart, they should say, "My God be in my mind, on my lips and in my heart that I may receive His Holy Gospel." If the Nicene Creed is said, they should say the Apostles' Creed, protesting mentally that they will live and die in the faith of Holy Church.

After the Sanctus, they should in great humility and reverence think of the Passion and Death of the Savior, beseeching Him to apply it to the salvation of man kind and particularly to their own, to the salvation of the children of His Church to the glory and happiness of all the saints and to the relief of the souls in Purgatory.

At the Elevation of the Most Blessed Sacrament, they should adore Our Lord with great contrition of heart; then, to­gether with the priest, offer Him to God the Father for the remission of their sins and those of the whole world, offering themselves also at the same time with Him and with the Whole Church.

After the Elevation, they should thank Jesus Christ for His Passion and for the institution of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

When the priest says the Pater, they should say it with him, vocally or mentally, with great humility and devo­tion, just as if they heard Our Lord say­ing it and were repeating it word by word after Him.

After this, those who are not going to receive Holy Communion sacramentally should receive it spiritually, drawing near to Our Lord by a holy desire to be united to Him and to receive Him into their hearts.

At the Blessing, they should imagine that Jesus Christ at the same time gives them His.


Speaking of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, St. Francis de Sales calls it "the sun of spiritual exercises, the center of the Christian religion, the heart of devotion and the soul of piety."[1] And so it is for all true lovers of Jesus Christ.

The Sacrifice of the Mass is the renewal of the Sacrifice of the Cross. What took place on Calvary in a bloody manner takes place on our altars in an unbloody manner. Despite this difference in manner, the Sacrifice of the Mass is the same Sacrifice as the Sacrifice of the Cross, because both Sacrifices have the same Priest, Jesus Christ, the same Victim, Jesus Christ, and the same purposes, namely, Adoration, Expiation Thanksgiving and Petition. We should often stop to consider this great truth. Every time a priest of the Holy Roman Catholic Church mounts the steps of our altars, he goes up to Calvary to renew the Sacrifice of the Cross. The entire mystery of Calvary is renewed in our presence. To think of this great faith and love is the very best preparation for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

How should we assist at Mass? The answer is in the manner most fruitful for our soul. You may use the Missal. You may say other prayers that are very helpful to you. You may meditate in the manner which St. Francis de Sales proposes in Article V.

The all important thing is that we must be identified with Jesus Christ, the Priest and Victim, during the Holy Sacrifice of the Muss. This truth is so great and so im­portant that we must consider it very carefully.

1. Identification with Jesus Christ, the Priest.

First of all, this is a truth of the Mystical Body of Christ. By Baptism, we have been incorporated into the Mystical Body of Christ. By virtue of this incorporation, we share in Christ's life, in all His states and in all His qualities. Since Christ is a King, we share His royalty. Since Christ is a Priest, we share His Priesthood. That is why St. Peter calls Christians "a kingly priesthood."

Secondly, this is a truth which the Church strongly desires to be known and practised by the laity. In his Encyclical Letter, Mediator Dei, Pope Pius XII explains and urges the participation of the laity in the Priesthood of Christ. Here, in brief, is the teaching of the Church. 1. Christ alone is the Priest of the New Testament. 2. Priests, as we ordinarily take the term, share in a very special way the Priesthood of Christ by virtue of their priestly ordination. 3. The laity share in the Priesthood of Christ by virtue of their incorporation into Christ, the Priest, at Baptism. Only ordained priests may consecrate but all Christians should offer the Immaculate Victim to the Eternal Father.

Thirdly, the prayers and rites of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass take for granted the participation of the laity in offering the Holy Sacrifice. At the Orate Fratres, the priest turns to you and says, "Pray, brethren, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the Father Almighty." In the prayers preceding the Consecration, the priest beseeches God to be mindful of the faithful who are present, "for whom we offer, or who offer up to Thee this sacrifice of praise for themselves and those belonging to them." Then extending his hands over the oblation, he asks God to accept it as the oblation of His whole spiritual family gath­ered around the altar.

Therefore, make use of your place in the priesthood of Jesus Christ and offer this Holy Sacrifice to the Eternal Father to adore Him, to expiate your sins, to thank Him for all His benefits and to ask Him for nil you need.

II. Identification with Jesus Christ, the Victim.

First of all, this is a teaching of the Sacred Scriptures. St. Peter tells all Chris­tians that they must be spiritual victims. (1 Pet. 2:5). St. Paul reminds the Christian that he must be a living victim, holy, pleasing unto God (Rom. 12:1).

Secondly, this is the teaching of the Church. In his Mediator Dei, Pius XII says. "In order that the oblation by which the faithful offer the Divine Victim in this Sacrifice to the Heavenly Father may have its full effect, it is necessary that the people add something else, namely, the offering of themselves as a victim."

To be a victim with Christ means to be willing to do and suffer all to accomplish the Holy Will of God in our regard.

Therefore, in obedience to the Will of God and the desire of Christ and His Church, offer yourself in every Mass as a victim with Christ to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity.

Now, here are these great considerations reduced to short prayers which you should try to say every day.

Before Holy Mass:

Most Holy Trinity, in union with Jesus Christ, our High Priest, I offer You this Sacrifice to adore, to expiate, to thank and to petition.

Most Holy Trinity, in union with Jesus Christ, our Victim, I offer myself as a victim to do and suffer all to accomplish Your most holy Will in my regard

After Mass:

My Jesus, give me the grace to be a victim at the same time living and dead, dead to all that is not Thee, living only in Thee and for Thee.

For all times:

My Jesus, I unite myself to all the Holy Masses which will be offered throughout the world today to adore, to expiate, to thank and to petition.

All these considerations and prayers are given here to enable you to put into prac­tice the great sentence of St. Francis de Sales in Article V, "Together with the priest, offer Jesus Christ to God the Father for the remission of your sins and those of the whole world, offering yourself also at the same time with Him and with the whole Church."

Prayer for Fidelity to the Article on Holy Mass

My Jesus, make Your Sacrifice the sun of my spiritual exercises, the center of my Christian life, the heart of my devotion and the soul of my piety. In the Mass, You are my Priest and my Victim. In the Mass, I will be Your Priest and Your Victim. Dear Jesus, like Yourself, I want to be a victim always. When Mass is over, I shall continue as Your victim throughout the day.