Spiritual Directory of SFS

Preface, Dedication, Spirituality, Advice

Articles, 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14

Advice on the Directory

The Directory does indeed propose quite a number of exercises, but it is proper and worthwhile in the beginning to keep minds regulated and occupied. When, however, sufficient time has elapsed and souls have been trained, then it is that these practices must be resolved into one of greater simplicity. Thus multiplicity may be reduced to unity.


No better commentary could be added to these words that come at the: end of The Spiritual Directory for Daily Actions than these words that St. Francis de Sales placed at the end of The Introduction to a Devout Life, V, 17.

"The world will tell you, dear lover of God, that these exercises and these counsels are so numerous that whosoever would practice them will have no time for anything else. Indeed, dear lover of God, even if we did nothing else, we should certainly be doing enough, since we would be doing what we ought to do in this world. But who does not see the fallacy? If it were necessary to do all these exercises every day, they would indeed take up the whole of our time. But there is no need to do them except in due season, each one as the occasion arises. How many civil laws there are in the digest and in the code which must be observed! But that is understood to mean that each is to be observed when the occasion arises, and not that they are all to be put into practice every day. Moreover, David, a king, whose time was much occupied with very difficult matters used to practice many more exercises than I have set down for you. St. Louis, a king admirable in war and peace and who administered justice and managed affairs with incomparable care, heard two Masses every day, said Vespers and Compline with his chaplain, made his meditation, visited the hospitals, confessed and took the discipline every Friday, often listened to sermons, often took part in spiritual conferences, and for all that he never lost any opportunity of working for the public good and attended most diligently to it, and his court was more splendid and more flourishing than it ever had been in the time of his predecessors. Therefore, practice courageously these exercises according as I have traced them out for you and God will give you sufficient leisure and strength to do all that you have to do; yes, though he should have to make the sun stand still, as he did in the time of Josue. We always do enough, when God works with us."

Be generous with God and you will accomplish more even in the natural order f of things than anyone around you. It is an absolute rule that souls united to God accomplish more on this earth than those who give themselves over completely to the things of the world. When we work with God, we get things done.

But, even for generous souls, the multiplicity of acts in the Spiritual Directory may be a stumbling block in the beginning. Let them remember the Advice of St. Francis de Sales. "Multiplicity may be reduced to unity." Jesus is the unity of the Spiritual Directory. All you have to do as you go from one action to another is to remember to unite yourself to Our Lord.