Spiritual Directory of SFS

Preface, Dedication, Spirituality, Advice

Articles, 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14

Article 8: Recreation

Before joining any general recreation, the true lovers of Jesus Christ shall ask God's grace neither to say nor do any­thing but what is for His glory.

They should not bring to recreation a sad and morose countenance, but their faces should show cheerfulness and af­fability. And their conversations should be such as befits a true lover of Jesus Christ.

Should anyone be prone to speak too much of self, to laugh immoderately, to talk too loudly, or to be otherwise impolite, let him cast a glance upon this defect before entering the society of men and resolve to guard against it, invoking for this purpose the grace of the Holy Spirit and the help of his Guardian Angel.

Let them not think that there is little virtue in passing the time of recreation properly. Therefore, let them not take their recreations as a matter of course but they should undertake them with preparation and devotion.


The best commentary on the words of the Spiritual Directory are the words of St. Francis

de Sales himself given elsewhere in his writings. The following extracts from The Introduction to a Devout Life, III, 31 are very fitting here.

"It is necessary sometimes to refresh our spirit and our body also by some kind of recreation. Cassian relates that one day a hunter found St. John the Evangelist hold­ing a partridge in his hand which he was stroking by way of recreation. The hunter asked him how he, being so great a man, could waste his time upon a thing so mean and trivial, and St. John said to him, 'Why dost thou not always carry thy bow stretched?' 'For fear,' replied the hunter, "lest being always stretched it should lose its power of resilience, which is essential to its usefulness.' 'Do not be astonished then,' replied the Apostle, 'if I sometimes relax the application and attention of my spirit to take a little recreation in order to apply my­self afterwards more earnestly to contempla­tion.' There can be no doubt that it is a defect to be so rigorous, boorish and un­sociable as not to be willing to take any recreation oneself, or permit others to do so."

"The only thing that we must guard against is excess, for if we spend too much time in a game, it is no longer recreation, but occupation. We refresh neither our minds nor our bodies, but on the contrary we depress and weary them."

A Direction of Intention before Recreation

The voice of our heavenly Father: My child, why have you come here?

Our response:

Eternal Father, I have come here to con­tinue the delight which Your Divine Son took in the company of men. Give me the grace to continue the life of Your Divine Son even in the time of recreation and relaxation.

Prayer for Fidelity to the Article on Recreation

My Jesus, there is no part of my life that must not be a continuation of Your life here on earth. I am likely to forget this at recreation and while having fun. Please remind me that You want my fun, my laughter, my gaiety. When I am in the company of others, give me the grace to radiate Your joy.