| Part-I | Part-II | Part-III | Part-IV | Part-V |

PART V: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18

PART V, Chapter 15: General Good Movements Of The Will Resulting From The Preceding Reflections And Conclusion Of The Exercise

Dear deliberate decisions you are the beautiful tree of life planted by God with his own hand in the centre of my heart. My Saviour desires to water it with his blood, to make it bear fruit. I would rather undergo a thousand deaths than allow any storm to uproot it. No, neither vanity, nor riches, nor difficulties will turn me away from my purpose. Lord, you have planted this beautiful tree, protected it in your fatherly heart, from all eternity, for my garden. How many persons there are who have not been so favoured! How shall I ever humble myself enough before your mercy? Beautiful and sacred resolutions, if I keep you, you will keep me; if you live in my heart, my heart will live in you. Resolutions, you are eternal in the mercy of my God. Remain and live eternally in me.

After these good movements of the will you must specify the means necessary to keep your precious decisions. Affirm that you are determined to make faithful use of these means: frequency of prayer, of the Sacraments, of good works; the correction of the faults you have discovered at the examination of the second point[1]; the avoidance of the occasions of sin; the practice of the advice given to you in this regard. After doing this, as if taking fresh breath and renewing your strength, make a thousand affirmations that you will be faithful to your resolutions. As though you were holding your heart, your soul and your will in your hands dedicate, consecrate, sacrifice and immolate yourself to God. Promise that you will never take them back. Rather, you will leave them in the hands of his divine Majesty, to follow his precepts in everything and everywhere. Ask God to renew you wholly and bless and strengthen the renewal of your Firm Resolution. Pray to our Lady, your Guardian Angel, St. Louis and other saints.

Go in this disposition of heart to your spiritual father. Confess your principal faults, committed since your general confession. Receive the absolution in the same manner as you did the first time. Read and sign your Firm Resolution in his presence. Finally, go and unite your renewed heart to its source and Saviour in the most holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.


[1] Chapters 3-7, Part V