On the day you made this renewal and on the days that follow, you must often repeat with your heart and your lips these ardent words of St. Paul, of St. Augustine, of St. Catherine of Genoa and others: No, I am no longer my own, whether I live or whether I die, I belong to my Saviour; I have no more my self nor anything mine, my self is Jesus, my mine is to be to his. World, you are always yourself, and I have always been myself, but from now on I will be myself no longer. No, we will no longer be ourselves, for our hearts will be changed; and the world which has so much deceived us, will be deceived in us. Not noticing our change except little by little, it will think that we are always Esaus when in reality we have become Jacobs.
Let these exercises remain quietly in your heart. After completing your reflection and meditation, go gently to your daily duties and occupations, so that the precious liquid of your resolutions is not spilt by a sudden change. Your resolutions must soak into and penetrate every part of your being. However, you must do this without strain of the mind or of the body.