| Part-I | Part-II | Part-III | Part-IV | Part-V |

PART I: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24

PART I, Chapter 14: Sixth Meditation: The Final Judgement


  1. Place yourself before God.

  2. Ask him earnestly to inspire you.


  1. At last, at the end of the time that God has assigned for the duration of this world – and after many signs and terrifying portents which will make men wither away with fear (Lk. 21:26) and dread – a deluge of fire will burn and reduce to ashes the whole face of the earth, not sparing a single one of the things we see upon it.

  2. After this deluge of flames and lightning, everyone will rise from the earth. At the voice of the Archangel (1 Thess. 4:16), they will gather in the valley of Josaphat. (Joel 3:2). But, alas, with what a different! Some will have beautiful and radiant bodies, and others very ugly and frightful ones.

  3. See the majesty with which the supreme Judge will appear, surrounded by all the angels and Saints. Before him will be his Cross, more brilliant than the sun, a sign of mercy for the good and of justice for the wicked.

  4. This sovereign Judge, by his awe-inspiring command which will be instantly carried out, will separate the good from the wicked. He will place the good on his right and the wicked on his left. They will be separated forever. After this, the two groups will never be together again.

  5. After this separation, and the opening of the book of each conscience, the malice of the wicked and their disregard for God will be clearly seen. So also, the repentance of the good and the fruits of the grace they received from God. Nothing will be hidden. The wicked will be filled with shame and the good find great comfort.

  6. Consider the final sentence of the wicked: Go, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his companions (Mt. 25:41). Try to understand the meaning of these terrible word. Go, he says: it is a word of never ending rejection that God speaks to those wretched ones, casting them out forever from his presence. He calls them cursed. What a terrible curse it is a general curse which includes every evil. It is a curse that cannot be changed, including all times and eternity. He adds: into the everlasting fire. See this endless eternity. How horrible is this eternal eternity of sorrows.

  7. Think of the opposite sentence of the good. Come, says the Judge. It is the delightful word of salvation by which God draws us to himself and welcomes us into the bosom of his goodness. Blessed of my Father : a loving blessing including all blessings. Possess the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world (Mt. 25:34): a great gift, for this kingdom will never end.

Give vent to Good Movements of the Will and make Deliberate Decisions[1]

  1. Be filled with fear at these memories. My God, who can save me on that day when the pillars of heaven will tremble (Job 26:11) with fear?

  2. Detest your sins which alone can lead to your ruin on that terrible day.

  3. I will judge myself now, so that I may not be judged (1 Cor. 11:31). I will examine my conscience and condemn myself, accuse myself and correct myself so that the Judge may not condemn me on that dreadful day. Hence I will God confession, and take necessary advice, and so on.


  1. Thank God for giving you the means to prepare yourself for that day, and the time to do penance.

  2. Offer him your heart for this

  3. Ask him for the grace to do this well.

Our Father. Hail Mary

Prepare a bouquet.


[1] As in Second Part Chapter 6.