Spirituality of SFS: A Way of Life

ToC, Forward, Introduction, Universal Holiness,

Way of Life: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | Conclusion


Books of Francis de Sales abound. His “Collected Works” have been published in the 26 volumes of the Annecy Edition by the Visitation Order (Librairie E. Vitte, Lyon). In the three and a half centuries which separate him from us, many biographies, theses, specialized studies, as well as popularizations, have appeared.

Why add this book to all those already available?

The reason is simple: - to give expression to a way of journeying in the spiritual life the Salesian way.

The July, 1983 General Assembly of the Society of the Priests of St. Francis de Sales focused on the topic of spiritual animation. One of its final motions read:

Spiritual animation is not a monopoly of Our Society. However, the Salesian spirit gives such animation a unique and particular style.

That motion inaugurated a research and reflection which has been nourished by the works and the example of Francis de Sales, but even more broadly by the lived experience of many people in countries around the world. Everywhere I have encountered individuals and groups and varied languages and mentalities all trying to follow the Salesian way.

Thus, this books is the fruit of both prayer and life, of both reflection and experience.

It is simply an invitation to the reader to listen to a message and to discover a way, accompanied by a friend, Francis de Sales.