Philothea, God allows these great trials and temptations only to those whom he wishes to raise to His pure and excellent love. All the same, it does not follow that they are sure of attaining it thereafter. For it has often happened that those who remained loyal in very violent attacks, afterwards succumbed to very small temptations because they did not respond faithfully to God’s grace. I tell you this so that if you ever experience such great temptations, you may recognize that God is granting you an extraordinary favour, manifesting his desire to exalt you in his sight. Nevertheless, you must always be humble and diffident. Do not be too sure of your ability to overcome small temptations because you have overcome great ones. Trust only in a constant fidelity to God.
Whatever temptations may assail you, and whatever pleasure may follow from them, as long as your will refuses its consent not only to the temptation but also to the pleasure, do not be least disturbed for God is offended by them.
If a man is in a swoon and does not give any sign of life we place our hand on his heart. If we feel the least movement we judge him to be still alive. Hence by means of some medicine or restorative we may be able to make him regain consciousness and strength. Similarly it sometimes happens that, owing to the violence of temptations, we seem to have lost all use of our strength, and as though in a swoon to be without spiritual life or movement. But if we wish to know whether this be so, let us lay our hand on our heart. Let us consider if the heart and will still have their spiritual movement, that is, if they do their duty in refusing to consent and yield to temptation and pleasure. As long as the movement of refusal is within our hearts we are assured that charity, the life of our spirit, is in us. Indeed Jesus Christ our Saviour is present in us, though hidden and concealed. Thus by means of continual prayer, the Sacraments and confidence in God, we shall regain our strength to lead a whole and happy life.