| Part-I | Part-II | Part-III | Part-IV | Part-V |

PART IV: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15

PART IV, Chapter 7: Remedies Against Great Temptations

As soon as you feel yourself tempted, follow what little children do when they see a wolf or a bear in the field. They run at once to their father’s or mother’s arms or at least call out to them for help and assistance. In the same way, have recourse to God, imploring his mercy and help. This is the remedy which our Lord teaches: Pray that you may not enter into temptation (Mt. 26:41).

If you find, however, that the temptation persists or even grows stronger hasten in spirit to embrace the holy Cross as if you see Jesus Christ crucified before you. Affirm that you will never yield to the temptation and ask him for help against it. As long as the temptation lasts continue to assert that you do not wish to consent to it. While you thus disapprove strongly and refuse to consent, never look at the temptation itself, but look at our Lord. If you look at the temptation, especially when it is strong, it may shake your courage.

Diver your mind from it by means of good and praiseworthy occupations. These occupations entering into your heart and taking possession of it, will drive out the evil temptations and suggestions.

The best remedy against temptations whether great or small, is to open our hearts and make known our suggestions, feelings and affections to our spiritual director. Remember that silence is the first condition the devil makes with a person whom he wishes to seduce like those who wish to lead astray women or young girls. First of all, they forbid them to communicate the evil proposals to their fathers or husbands. On the contrary, God through his inspiration requires above all that we should make them known to our superiors and spiritual directors.

But, after all this, if the temptation still obstinately persists troubling and harassing us we have nothing to do but be stubborn ourselves in our refusal to consent. Just as girls cannot be married so long as they say ‘no’, so also anyone who is harassed can never be harmed as long as she says ‘no’.

Do not argue with your enemy. Never give him any answer save that of the Lord with which he overcame him: Away with you Satan, you shall adore the Lord your God, and you shall serve him alone. (Mt. 4:10). A chaste wife should not answer a word to one who makes an impure proposal nor even look at the scoundrel, but leave him at once; she should instantly turn her heart towards her husband, renewing the promise of fidelity which she made to him, without wasting any time in arguments. In the same way, a devout person, assailed by some temptation should waste no time in arguing or replying. Instead, he should turn quite simply, towards Jesus Christ, the Beloved, renewing his faithfulness and his desire to belong entirely to him.